Christmas Brain Freeze or Summing from a module when you don't have time as a dimension
Hi, I have a module (SER) with simple data for a PO, value and a year period by customer In an invoice module (that does not have time as a dimension) i want to see the total value for that customer for the year. The invoice items has a Year based on its posting date. SER.Value[SUM: SER.Customer] This gives me the total,…
Product Summary Method
It would be useful to have the option of Product as a summary method. For example, if you have a list of % discounts that all apply to one sales order then they need to be multiplied together in order to give the total discount.
How to get last day of the month
Hi everyone. I would like to get last date of the month when certain data is entered. Image: I would like to get only the last day of each month that meets the conditions. Item is List format. Please tell me good solutions. Best regards.
Confirmed PO Delivery - OFFSET
Hello, Create Inventory Ordering Module I'm having the hardest time understanding which line item to use in the Confirmed PO Delivery formula. The threads I've read keep referring me to the POST function, but I'm not at that point in the training yet. The following set of instructions are confusing me: * Set the…
8.6.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Margin Calculation Module.
Hi Community, For this activity in my model I don't have the dropdown selectors. What am I missing? This is my model: This is the lesson page: I don't have the drompdown for city or product. Please help. Thanks.
Need help with Add Formula to SYS13 Line Item
Hi All, I am struck at this point. I have followed the notes carefully Add the formula for the Has Data? line item in the SYS13 Account SKU Filter module. Considerations for the formula: * How could you sum the data over all time periods? * All Periods is not an aggregation method at the model-level timescale. * The…
level 1, 11.3.4
Hi, In model building level 1, while doing activity 11.3.4, I a not being able to correctly put the formula. I checked spellings and everything, and all looked good, but still it says invalid, or line item not found. Kindly look at the screenshots attached and let me know.
Employees in 2 Departments
Hi everyone, I am trying to solve an issue we currently have. We have multiple departments within our company, and we are implementing a new department, Department X. There are multiple employees who are in departments other than Department X but will be helping, and we wanted to allocate part of their salary to that…
Need help in creating correct Formula to get Employee expenses by Roles and Department
I assumed, I have created a formula using LOOKUP to get correct value in Employee expenses module however the outcome is incorrect when I am answering the questions related to it. Hence I believe my formula is incorrect. Not sure if someone having expertise on this can guide me to build a correct module here. Thank You…
Evenly Spread Amounts
Hello- We have two modules one for planning miscellaneous revenue and other for planning for OTPS. When a user enters an amount in the FY21 column the amount is not spreading evening for the forecast period. The forecast period is 6 months. Please see the attachment. I am not sure what I need to do to fix this.
L1MB Activity 5
Hi Team, Looking for some guidance on L1MB Activity 5. I built the following code: IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMPO3 Employee Drivers By Role'.Bonus %[LOOKUP: 'SYSO8 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYSO8 Employee Details'.Role] ELSE 0 But get the following error message: "Automatic sum of 'EMPO3 Employee Drivers By…
How to get the first year from a Boolean
hi! I want to get a year. If there is a Boolean value at the beginning throughout the year, we get the year How do i do? Please help me!
max date
Hi Anaplan expert, The module below has a numbered list and some line items. The formula on the Max Date field is Date[MAX: Date]. I didn't get any results. Could you please tell me how the formula to get the max date from the Date field is? Regards,
Logics can be used for repetitive Users
Hi I am having a module with Products list as dimension and Users(Default Users formatted), Status and Boolean(Target Line item) as line items. I need Boolean to be checked for the Products wherever Users are same and Status is Inactive. UsersStatusBooleanproduct1User AActive Product2User AInactiveTRUEproduct3User…
Level 1 Model Building Exam Model Building Activity 6
I need a little help figuring out why I’m getting the the message pictured when entering my formulas.
Get Last data in all time
Hi, I use week General as Time setting. I want to get Last day in all time. Module A Time2021/1/12021/1/22021/1/32021/1/42021/1/52021/1/62021/1/7Num1111111Offset(Num,1,0)1111110Last day 2021/1/7 I can get last day in Module A. But I couldn't get in Module B( has no time, has Product List) Module B ProductLast…
SUM Function and List ALL
I want to aggregate the order From Table A to B. Table A RegionProductamountax100 y10bx200 y20 Table B Regionaggregatex300y30 I input the formula as below. Aggregate = Amount [SUM:Region] But I could not calculate it. If I have RegionALL as Region's top level of item, I could calculate it. We should use Top level of item…
Which aggregate function is good at performance
Hi, I want to use aggregate function. I want to aggregate "Date" Lineitem from Order A&B to Aggregation Module. Date Lineitem has Date format. I use " OrderA.Date[Max:Product]" as Formula. And I can also use "Fristnonblank" and so on because Date Lineitem is common in module. Which Formula is good at performance? Each…
comparing list items and changing value
Hi, In a module I had a list (A1,A2,A3,A4) and a line items Value,type(list formated line item),change value if two list items has same type and status as inactive then change value for inactive list item should get active list item value EX: valueTypeStatusChange…
Many to Many Sum in a single step?
I am in the middle of a model build and am running into a situation where I feel like there should be an efficient option to do a calculation, but I can't figure out a way to do it without a 'staging' line item that bloats the model. As the title says, I have a 'Many to Many' relationship - a single Deal can be tagged to…
Isolating Top Level Parent in a Boolean
I am having an issue that I'm not sure is able to be solved, but wanted to ask the community to see. I have a hierarchy as follows: Top Level = Total Company BU L1 parent = Total Company BU L2 parent = BU L1 In a boolean line item dimensioned by BU L2, I've tried a million ways to try and get the "Total Company" box to…
FINDITEM formula gives blanks whereas I expect values
Hi Anaplan Community, I have a strange behaviour in Anaplan. I use finditem in 4 different line items (Site 1, Site 2, Site 3 and Site 4) . The finditem formula is similar for each line item, it just refers to another text-formatted line item to perform the finditem. The result of the Site 1 formula looks good. However,…
Holiday Time Filter
Hi, Trying to create a Line Item in my SYS Time Setting Module that filters out all of the Business Holidays that we are not operating. This is a Daily Model and not sure how to approach writing the Formula for this. I need to Eliminate the following Holidays (New Years Day, MLK Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving,…
Anaplan Roll up for Text Fields
Hello, Requirement :- The parent should have the average color of its children. I have an Indicator(Red , Yellow, Green) coming as a Text input from the Source. The requirement is to roll up to its immediate parent and its final parent subsequently based on the average color as per the children hierarchy. Kindly let me…
I keep getting this same error message every time I enter a formula. I'm not sure if I'm entering the formula wrong, but can someone help me?
Previous on Custom Date
Hi Team, Assuming the Model's requirement is a monthly time dimension. However, the Cashflow Forecast requires input for every 7 days, or weekly set up. Is there a way for the previous date ending cash to be roll forwarded to the next date's beginning balance like this illustration below since I cannot use my previous, lag…
Lesson 8.2.1 Adding dropbox for the products
I've followed the instructions as stated in the lesson and this is my result. How do I allow the forecast to show the different products? Anyone who can help would be greatly appreciated. My model is the one without the dropdown showing nutzo bar
2.3.9 Level 2 - Sprint 2 Import into DAT03 Historic Volumes using actions
For nothing is populating whenever I run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub. I didn't even get an error as most did, it's just zeros. My data hub numbers are there but nothing happens.
What if versions
Hello We have multiple versions in our model (ie Global 1, Global 2 etc). We created the module where user can pick the versions from the list that was created (please see the image below) and the list was named as "Model Versions" . The idea is to pick two versions and to compare it. In order to pull the data for example…
9.2.5 Activity: 5.0% not carried forward
Hi, Need help for 9.2.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module It was said to enter 5.00% for the FY19 Unit Cost % in REV04 Price Growth Rates module, but it hasn't carried forward to the Unit Cost% for FY19 in REV05 Price Growth Rates Staging module. Please refer the screenshot for reference. - Gourav