Formula Help
Hi Everyone, I’m trying to do something really simple but failing. I’ve got a list of loans and each loan has a starting date. Interest is payable every x months from the starting date. I want to create a Boolean every x months from the starting date. How do I do this? I can put a boolean in the first repayment date but…
Using Excel function in Anaplan
Hi, My question is There is a Function in Excel and there is no similar kind for function in Anaplan, so how to in cooperate that function in Anaplan Regards Surya
SYS08 Region and Role
Hi - I am trying to bring in Region and Role. I added them as a line item in my module: Here are all the modules: And here are my lists: Can anyone help me with how to write a formula to bring in Region and Role?
L2 Conclusion - Create Shipping Export Module -
Hi everyone, I am on L2 Conclusion chapter. I have created the formula to populate Shipping cost. Please see below formula . As long as I understand the formula is correct but the aggregation i am getting is not correct. 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Final Shipping Costs[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Distribution Center] Plesase…
REP05 Local Currency P&L
Hi Can someone help me where do we find LIS REP03 P&L:Items while creating a REP05 module. I couldn't find it in lists and roll ups columns even though I have created line item subset.
How To Convert Infinity, -Infinity, NaN to Zero Value
Sometimes in the numeric formatted cells, as a result of various calculations, it is possible to have returned as a result the Anaplan special numbers: Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN (Not a Number). If the numeric line item with this issue is also an input for other formulas, the final result could be altered. To solve this…
Date Conversion
I need to convert the text formatted data below to the date format 03/08/2022. I have a formula to do that, but the time stamp on the right interferes with my formula. How would I remove that part of the cell? Or how would I add it to my formula: DATE(VALUE(RIGHT(As Of Date, 4)), VALUE(CODE(FINDITEM(Time Conversion, MID(As…
Use formula « NAME » for a Number list
The NAME function always returns the #ID and not the display name. I need another function that could returns the display name. If this function doesn’t exist, I’m looking for a solution to switch from a list format to a text format. So I’ll be able to concatenate. The difficulty is: the format list used is different from…
How to cascade a year boolean into months?
I have a boolean that allows users to select if they would like to add a price adjustment by years. If a user selects that they would like a price adjustment then it should apply to all months within that year. I have another module by month where if a user selected to add the price adj boolean for the year from the…
Creating a Module Report but need to bring detail
Hi Team, I hope you can help me with a step I am struggling with. I have Module that have 4 years "Raw Data - Module: Data 00 - All T&E" for Transaction detail (using an Index as a list) and it has many items such as Vendor, Periods, BU, Functions, Account #. And as I need it for reporting purposes, I have bring the Lists…
Filter Issue
Hi All, I have 2 modules, Module 1- Dimensions - Entity, Custom Version, Time Period, Department Line Item - A,B,C Module 2- Dimensions - Custom Version Line Items as Follows: When i apply this filter in source module (module 1) , It still shows me the estimate and budget. which i wanted to hide. (Jan 22, Feb 22 for…
Circular Reference Error While Calculating Opening Base with Custom version
Hi All. I'm facing an issue in solving the Opening Base Calculation. Please help to resolve it!!! Custom Versions - Actual, Estimate,Budget Time Period (in Months) Country List Department List GL Accounts In the below screenshot, closing base is the sum of Opening Base,Gross Activation and Churn Rate. When i try to…
When to use Lookup & Sum function
Hi all, Could you please explain when to use Lookup or SUM function, I remember there was a lesson in MB Level 1 course but I am unable to find it. I will really appreciate if someone can provide a link to the lesson or explain the difference in term of when to use them. JH
Very Confused on Level 3 TAR01 Module
Hi, I'm having alot of trouble with the LOOKUP formulas for this module. I'm trying to bring in my DAT01 Actuals into the TAR01 Module by Country and it is not working. My dimensionalities are correct and all, but I think it has something to do with my G2 List. I have been trying to figure this out for 2 days now and…
Formula for First week of Timescale.
Hi Everyone, Could someone please explain this formula in layman's language. OFFSET(1, -1, 0) = 0 Thanks JH
Grouping line item data?
Hi All, I'm new to AP and I have a question..... I have a module that has Employee, Product Line and time as the dimension. My question is how do I tell Anaplan to group by certain products only? ie. Product Line: Apple, Pears, Oranges, Fig, Lemon, Tangerines. I want to group : Apple and Pears into "Fruits" , Oranges and…
Sprint 2 Target Item Level 3
Could anyone please advise, why no data is showing here? If I remove the lookup function, still no luck.
Boolean Formula in List item
I have 3 level hierarchy Namely --- Country > State > District State and District has line items as properties namely Active in Boolean format i want to connect the two by using formula like if parent(district) = true then true else else is there any way to achieve it without using module?
How to avoid duplicate item with time (ISFirstOccurence)
Hi I want to make concatinate List. I have this table. Customer is determined by Product. Supplier is determined by Product and Time(week). Now I want to Customer-Supplier List. But in this case, I cannot identify unique key(Customer-Supplier Lineitem). So When I import to Customer-Supplier List, duplicate error has…
Tar 02 - PY Account Revenue
Hi - Not sure why data is not populating in PY Account revenue. Formula I am using is "'TAR01 Detailed Sales Targets'.PY Account Revenue[SUM: 'SYS03 Account>Product Details'.'A1 Account']" As the Dimensions for Tar01 and Tar 02 are different and I am mapping it through Sys03.
Level 3 - Read only cell error
Hi - I am not sure why below error is popping up.
Level 1 Model Building Exam Activity 5 - Stuck!
I have been stuck on this activity for the past 2 days and do not know what I am doing wrong: This is the formula I tried for Bonus: For bonus: IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role’.Bonus % [LOOKUP: 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role’.Department, LOOKUP: 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role’.Role] ELSE 0 And…
P2 Product and Product Platform Level 3
P2 Product and Product Platform is not populating any data, even though I tried to create Display name and using that in Formula FINDITEM(Product Flat, Display Name) and the message I am getting is " Display Name is not a recognized line item or list member Please advise. I am stuck here 😞
Rank function with Time
Hi, I want to use Rank Function. I want to rank "Num" with Location-Product. I input formula into RANK Lineitem. But the Rank function doesn't run. What is the problem?
When do I use SUM vs LOOKUP?
Determining whether to use SUM or LOOKUP depends on how the mapping table is set up between the Source List (where the original data resides) and the Target List (where the formula pulling the data resides). A mapping table between the Source List and Target List can be set up in one of two places: (1) in a Module, using a…
INV01 Inventory Ordering module - Shipping Method formula issue
Getting error when i am using below formal for Shipping Method in "INV01 Inventory Ordering" module , Tried so many ways but no luck can some one help me some thing is i am missed 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Shipping Time (Weeks)' [LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product, LOOKUP: 'SYS07 Distribution Center…
Convert Line Items to Time Periods
Our Finance team requested we try to recreate this view in Anaplan for them to make their plans. We are struggling with how to show both the detailed info (vendor, department, country) and the time periods (Jan 22, Feb 22 etc) as single rows in the same table. Our best workaround so far is to include the time periods as…
Chrome default setting for Google G Suite Gmail to use with email link or MailTo
If you click on an email link or MailTo link and your Gmail doesn't open up in another tab, make sure that the protocol handlers in the Chrome browser is set correctly. This is what your setting should look like: If your email is not set to default to Gmail, make sure the "Sites can ask to handle protocols" boolean is…
Formula to YEARVALUE with Actual months
Hi Guys!! Could you please help me with a topic? I have a module, where I need to calculate the average of my NET SALES for 2022, and that every month has the same value. I applied the YEARVALUE/12 formula and it works for Forecast months. However, for the current month, Anaplan brings me the Actual value and divides it by…
not a recognized line item
We are repeatedly getting the not recognized line item error when building out simple formulas sing line items all contained within the same module. In the screenshot below A-3 references A-1 + A-2 and all are clearly line items, this is happening when selecting the lines items with the formula editor and typing out the…