3.3.6 Activity: Test the Shipping Cost Formulas
Hi, I am trying to update the confirm purchase order receipt formula with a POST function. I believe I am again, not understanding the intuition behind this. can you please guide me in the right direction? IF Confirmed PO Delivery > 0 THEN POST(Final Shipment Amount, 1) ELSE 0
Data format change from List to Text
Hi We have two columns in a General list ,i.e SKU Config Group and Config Group. The SKU Config Group is having format type of List and the Config Group is in text format. Our requirment is to copy the value from SKU Config Group column into Config Group. The reason being there are formulas already buit in the modules…
SUM by Quarter
I want to sum the milestone values by each quarter in a different module(Line item). NOTE: Quarter period(Line item format)in Quarter line item is from time scale and not model calendar. Source Module has three dimensions: Target module where sum of milestone values need to be calculated has two dimensions: NOTE: Neither…
- Create AD01 P3 by Account by Week Module
Is this correct? I followed the directions and wrote the formula into the AD01 P3 module as indicated (screenshot below). However, I am not getting the square check boxes in the DEM03 Demand Forecast module. I did a select the correct item under the write access driver column within the DEM03 Demand Forecast module
Convert Text to Date Time format
Hi All, I have a simple one to ask. Source system is sending a date value which contains both date and time and it is storing in Anaplan Text line item in a module. Need to convert this text to date format and post this need to convert it again into IST or other time zone format. Kindly help here. Example: Source date…
Level 2 - Activity
I used the following formula to return the monthly value to weeks; MONTHVALUE('DEM01 Volume Growth Rates'.Growth %). I would have assumed that the monthly figure would be divided by 4 for each of the weeks. However, it is reflecting the same monthly value across all of the weeks. Maybe i'm missing the intuition behind…
- Update DEM03 Demand Forecast Module
Hi, for level 2 ( I know the formula for the baseline forecast is the following. However, would someone be able to go through the intuition behind this with me? My original formula was much more simple and it made more sense, but it was way off. IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN 'DAT03…
Time Function
How can I pull quarter values (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) from Expected Invoice Date ? The module has no time scale applicable. NOTE: Time Settings doesn't have quarter totals enabled .
Conditional Formatting on LISS
Hello, I created a module that has a lot of line items and corresponding values in 3 Versions (FCST, Budget, Variance). I need to mark the Variance column in red when the Variance has minus value for a subsequent line items. PS. Variance is part of LISS from source module Can you please suggest me what I should do in this…
Copy dates between List items
Hi, I have three line items: Actual , R1, R2. Actual has data from Jan to Dec. I want to copy Actual data into R1 from Jan to March and April to Dec empty for input data. I want to copy Actual data into R2 from Jan to Sep and Oct to Dec emtpty for input data. This action starts my budget. It would be great to start this…
Users List-Workspace Admin
Hey guys, Got a query, i have a module with Users and Business Line and boolean line item which enables each user to a business unit. I published the same on a page but users without workspace admin are unable to view the users list, is there a way to make it enabled for them ? Or a workaround for this issue ? Thanks
Level 2, Sprint 3, Product Replenishment UX Page
Hi, On my UX page with the first 2 checkboxes selected (Jan 20, Feb 20) and FY20 in the page selector, i expected to see only those two time periods. However, i am seeing FY21 data. I'm thinking I've goofed something up in my SYS00 or SYS01 filters - could anyone offer some guidance on how i can troubleshoot this? Thanks…
Count Duplicates Based on Text Field
Hello! I'm running into a problem that I'm struggling to solve and was hoping that I could get some help here. I have a numbered list that represents employees. Sometimes, employees are converted from part-time to full-time and when this happens, they are assigned a new employee ID. I need to be able to identify cases…
Level 2 Sprint 3 - Safety Stock Flag Count
Season's greetings all. I don't know why I am wrestling with this formula as it seems straight forward but it does not appear to be working correctly. My line item formula is as follows; 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock Exception Count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Country Made In] Is there a logic context error here…
How to apply filter on line items? There are 4 line items Baseline Forecast,Growth Rate %,Default Forecast,Initial Demand Forecast. I want just 2 line items Baseline Forecast, initial demand forecast. The chart should show the monthly Baseline Forecast and Initial Demand Forecast for two years. so I want to filter time on…
how to write if column (a list) contains x then 1 else 0
Hi there - am new to anaplan have only used excel extensively. I need to add a conditional colum (col 2)n based on another column (col1) which is a list type. That is if col1 contains "x1" or "x2" then 1 else 0. Thank you
Interesting Build request: other methods?
I had a scenario posed to me and took a stab at building it. I would love to get any feedback or alternate methods of tackling this. Scenario: * Your user will be entering two number inputs * These inputs will be in a module that has Months * The user wants to see the numbers that they would need, month by month, to move…
Run-off activities and innovation
Hi! I'm currently working on a KTLO project within Anaplan and we are looking for new ways to drive more impact to our client and innovate in our run-off activities. For example, we have come up with a model size tracking dashboard in order to do quality checks on how data gets uploaded every day. If we detect a huge…
immport error
Import ErrorI will get the below error 9.1 Import Historic VolumesModel object "'DAT03 Historic Volumes'.Export" could not be located* 9.2 Import Opening Stock * 9.3 Import Shipping Metrics
Add a formula to the Growth % line item to convert the DEM01 Volume Growth Rates.Growth % (monthly) value to weeks. WEEKVALUE() is used, but didn't understood.
Model Versions Lookup
Hi, I have a source model in which the model versions(default versions) product list and time as a dimensions. There is an version selection module where the user can select the base and target version for dynamic variance calculation. The target module has Product and time dimension. I need the value of the External Base…
I am facing problem with mapping. In sheet 20 jan month name, in grid view jan 20, so facing problem with time mappaing.
Finditem Fails to Detect Valid List Member
Hi Anaplan, I've come across something strange and wanted to ask if anyone has any ideas what is going on or if this is a bug. I am creating a List using a Saved View that contains a list of codes (text) to be added to a list. The import action is set to use code only, and the source codes are imported into both Name and…
Formula for a Module
Hello everyone! I'm having a problem, I need to populate this Boolean line item (circled with green) on this module with the data on the list subset. But I can't select the list subset in the formula bar. Thank you!
How to do month to date(MTD) calculation in a module
How to do month to date(MTD) calculation in a module
Conditional Formatting issue
Hi, Can I ask for help on the conditional formatting part. I have an input template where once the user inputted more than a hundred percent the cells should turn red stating that this is the maximum percentage they can enter. I created a rule (see below) but it seems to be not working.See below Both row and column are…
Limitation on Input Values
Hi, I have a question which might be fairly simple to some of you. So I have this Input template where Users need to input values in terms of percentage. But the Users preferred to limit the amount to only 100%. See below so as you can see on the screen shot provided. under the column Percentage % I was able to input both…
Logic to Solve different companies mapping to SKU as input
Hello All, I'm trying to solve the below logic but unable to; need your help on the same; The below module applies to the list SKU. and maps to the company which is applicable based on the boolean. I have input data sales price by SKU and by month and by all the company Now, I would like to get the sales price by SKU by…
NPV and Amortisation
Hi Guys I am running into a problem using the NPV calculation and a subsequent amortization calculation. Please see attached: I used the NPV formula to calculate the NPV of a 12 month variable cash flows. This is equal to the opening balance of a liability. 213,473) When i develop an amortization schedule including…
Percent Growth Formula Logic
Hello, everyone, I'm trying to put together the formula to display the appropriate Unit Increase by & Total Unit Value outputs in the table above. The logic should go thus: The 2% growth for FY23 should use the 100 unit value from FY22 as its base. The formula would go thus: (2% of 100) The 5% growth for FY24 should use…