SUM with Week general value.
We're using "Week General" as Time Setting. Week General has day and week value, but does not have Month Value. So I made Month List(Jun21-Dec21), and I want to aggregate the value from day to month. I used "Timesum" function, and could aggregate it week to month. Formula:Timesum(Lineitem, Startweek, Endweek) But I could…
Lengthb / LENB function
I would like to request a function to get the length of multibyte string in Anaplan. In some countries such as Japan and China, users can use multi-byte characters to enter number and alphabets. Our user wants to avoid entering the list name (i.g. Customer Name) in multi-bytes by mistake. Currently, end users can set same…
Multiple Items Identified as First Occurrence
We have a module dimensioned by Time and Item ID. One of the Line-Items in the module is Item Category. We need to identify the unique categories. ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE seemed to be the answer but it is identifying each category as being the first occurrence multiple times, once for each period. How can we identify the unique…
Level 3 Model Building Sprint 3 User Story 1.2
Hello, I am sure, this is very basic doubt, but i am not able to solve it. In 3.2 section, where we have already imported Baseline Financial Forecast from Excel sheet, now we are supposed to enter Stretch Goal/ Percentage increase for country's. My problem is, i am not sure how to enter time in one go. When i am going on…
Time summary setting for a line item with "Formula" summary setting.
Hi All, I am currently working on a requirement to cumulate the value of a line item. For this line item I have opted for the Summary method - "Formula" but I dont want the overall total sum for this column; I tried to change the "Time summary" for this line item , but it is throwing me error - Invalid combination of…
L2 Sprint 1: Create Filter and Saved View for DAT01 Module - Issues with Filters
Hi, Im having some issues with activity 1.5.31 creating the filter for DAT01 Module, when I set the filter in place to show only values different than 0, i cant find the button to confirm the transaction and apply the filter. Can anybody help? Below snapshot. Thanks
Help Replicating Excel Formula
Hi, We are trying to replicate the following set up and formulas from the below Excel snap shot into a Module. Currently the Module is set up where there are two list in the rows. In the Excel the formula for the Rollup is based on a calculation and we want to replicate that in Anaplan, but in Anaplan the Parent item…
Help with Profile formula adding up few line items
Hi all, I keep having the same error, when I tried to add up few line items with PROFILE calculation in it. I have created a module to calculate items of the balance sheet and multiplying them but % over a period of time. When I try to add all the items to get the total, I have an formula error as per the picture attached.…
Length of Service and Tenure
Hi, I'm currently having trouble figuring out the Length of Service List and Tenure columns in the SYS08 Sales Reps Details module. There is a Length of service module already built, but it is blank. So I am unsure what to base the population of this column on. Also, I built a Reps tenure range module to calculate the the…
MODELLING TIP! How To Convert Infinity, -Infinity, NaN to Zero Value
Loving this tip! It is so annoying when by default your data display Infinity or NaN! Check out this community article to see how to avoid it!
Need formula help to offset time period
Hi all, I am having some trouble determining how to combine certain time functions. I am trying to forecast sales with an associated start date and end date. The attached shows what I'm trying to accomplish. I've tried offset but I can't use that with a time period. Is there another way to offset a time period? Thanks!
Priority distribution
Hi All - Was hoping I could get some ideas/help on this problem that I'm trying to solve. I am trying to automate the output of the "allocation" line item shown below. I have a set amount that I need to distribute into various list items based on the priority shown. The max amount allocated is shown in the first column.…
Lookup considering the Month
Hello, I have a Price List named "Raw Materials Price", and I need to pull from "Component Cost Increase" module the % increase by Component, Plant and Period (Jan 2021), hoy can I consider the period in the lookup formula? Raw Material Price List: Formula: Component Cost Increase Module: Thanks, regards
Storing Forecasted date
Hi my model has 5 versions Rofc, Forecast. Budget, Simulator1, Simulator2.(list) Rofc contains data of actual month and future month (similar to native switchover). I am creating forecast between jun-sep every year using Rofc data of the current year and locking the forecast data of that year. Forecast can be created…
Multi Dimension Ranking
Hi, I have 2 modules, 1 has dimensions of TenantGroup, ReportPeriod and UserRole namely AgingperGroup. And the other module has TenantGroup and UserRole namely AgingGroupRanking. The latest module will take the data from the previous and lookup the CurrentPeriod parameter to get the exact data(of which data period) to be…
Dear All, I have one use case in which I am confused to get the output. Below is the use case: I have almost 10 lists (A,B,C,D etc.) and each list have almost 4-5 list items (A1,A2,A3,etc.). Now the end user will have the access that he can select the list items from each list (single/multiple). Once user has selected few…
can someone elaborate when to use sum , lookup and select in easy to understand way. i have read it from anapedia but still struggling
Search Text in a String
Hello Community, I am looking for a function to find a character(s) within a string, similar to CONTAINS function. For example, I need to find the word Ananplan in the string "I love Anaplan". Is there a function for this? If yes it will be really helpful if you can share. Thank you, Yogesh
Allow semi colon as a delimiter for emails as this is the default in outlook
As a user I should not have to configure Outlook to use commas as a delimiter for sending to multiple recipients as this option is not checked by default. The MAILTO function in Anaplan only accepts commas as separators for multiple email addresses. It would be useful if it also accepted semicolons.
Cumulative SUM for Top Ten Items
Hi There, I was wondering if you can point me in the right direction on finding how to do the below 😃 I am trying to build a report that can show me just the Vendor that make the 70% of the Total Expense. I have 3 dimensions (VEndor LIST, Cost Center and Product). As a Line items I have the "Expense" and "% of Expense".…
sum values
Hi guys, please help. attached a pic. Is it possible to sum up "values" this way, to have the result in "values months" column? - january : values from january - february : values from january and february - March : values from january and february and March .... - December : values from the past 11 months + december. I…
Get the Month from a Switchover W/e Date
Hello all, How can I get the month where the switchover week-end falls under? I've tried several things, not getting the desired output, yet. Thanks!
How to link parsed list back to List codes
Hi, I've created a module that contains a list with data that has 3 components of a list concatenated (to limit the number of rows). The list data looks like this: CCCC_AAAAAA_DDD - with the C's being company code, A's being account code, and the D's being department code. I now want to have another module that references…
Statistical Forecasting algorithms into a user specific model
Hi - I am new to Anaplan and I have a quick question: Let's presume we are to develop a supply chain demand planning module for a client. Since we exactly know what all lists/line items are needed along with the hierarchy and the calculation formulae for different line items, I prefer to have that developed everything from…
Summary Methods Based On Line Items - Product as an example or Weighted totals
Hi All, I feel that the summary methods in Anaplan could be improved further by including more flexible options to use other line items (same dimensionality) to influence summary method. For example on a model I have been building recently, many of the summaries require the product of 2 line items divided by the total of…
Circular Reference help
Hi, The following formula below is giving me a Circular Reference when it should not be. Please advise on how to avoid this error. The LI that this Formula is in is Acutal and Projected 30 + $ Curve. Pic Formula IF 'Actual 30+ Dollars from Tableau' = 0 AND 'Actual 30+ Dollars from Tableau'[LOOKUP: 's54 MonthonBook…
Get Native version name to a lineitem
Hi, Is there a way i can get native version to a lineitem in text format ? Similar to using name(item(List)). Regards, Tom
Inventory/Cost From Prior Periods Question
Current business model: Have monthly beginning Inventory + beginning inventory $ value (+ production/-usage) calculating ending inventory lbs. & $. Ex: July beginning Inventory 100K lbs. & $100K value. (-usage of 50K lbs/$) leaves ending inventory for July and Beginning Inventory for August at $50K/ 50K lbs. Business…
Referencing same line item of prev row
Hi, I am facing issue in trying to reference the same item of prev row. For example, This is the Excel formula for a line item ‘Calendar Month’ : IF Calendar month of prev row = 12 THEN 1 ELSE Calendar month of prev row + 1 Has anyone faced similar issue? The Else part of the formula gives circular reference.
Lineitem Format : Timeperiod show Quarter and Year
Hi, Is there a way I can show in my line item formatted as Time range to show both quarter and year ? The reason is to have a full year view of my data. Regards, Tom