Referencing Line Items from Other Modules/Lists (Performance Questions)
Is anyone able to describe the performance impact (if any) of referencing line items from other modules or lists which have the same relevant dimensionality? Particularly using SUM and LOOKUP operators. For example, a model may have a Register A and a Schedule B (over time), both of which have the same dimensionality…
Date Conversion
I have a line item that contains the date in a Text Format(examples below). Is there a formula that can convert these numbers to a Month Format? 2018001 2018002 2018003 2018004 2018005 2018006 2018007 2018008 2018009 2018010 2018011 2018012
Actual vs Last Year
I would like to store last year actual value in version. So my version willl have Actual, Last Year and Act vs LY Variance. Can I achive it using formula in Version setting? Thanks and regards, Maung Maung
How to use the SUM function
Summary: When building Anaplan models, the SUM function is used to add up values that meet one or more specific criteria. Find out how to construct a formula using the SUM function in this short lesson. Course Objectives: By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to: * Identify source and mapping cross reference data to…
How to get next item in list of Numbers?
Hello. There is a list of numbers (not number list) - 1,2,3 etc. There are no other dimensions except this list of numbers. No Time dimension. There are 2 line item: Lead Column and Cost Centres Could I put Cost centers to every row, like in a picture below? Thanks for Help.
How to display concat eliment of a list in different order
I have a list with values in the format "<description>-<code>" (seperated by -). I am displaying that list in one column of a module as a drop down from where user can select. I need to change this format of each value in the list like this "<code>-<description>". Can I do this using some formula over this perticular…
How to delete an list item that is specified via REST API?
We are trying to figure out how to delete a item in a list that is specified via the REST API. I have figured out how to create a control module that selects items in a list via a line item formula, create a Delete action that uses this control module, then invoke the Delete action from a REST client. (Each line item is…
Is there any function in Anaplan to calculate Standard deviation. In excel there is a function "STDEV". Need to get the standard deviation for a product across 36months of data.
How to set a boolean property for one (and only one) list item ... be like a radio button selection
I would like to allow a model user to flag ONE member of a list as the "base item". If the user changes a leaf-level list item's "base item" flag to TRUE, then all other leaf-level list items that were previously marked TRUE should be marked FALSE. One and only one item must be "base item" = TRUE at any given time. (Use…
How to aggregate the "same" month data from different years (Seasonality Calculation)
Dear all, We have a scenario which is to calculate the seasonality % based on the past 3 years' actual, and the seasonality is applied for the planing of the next four years equally. For example: FY18, January (Seasonality %) = FY19, January (Seasonality %) = FY20, january (Seasonality %) = ( FY14, January + FY 15, January…
Formula clarification required
Hi, Can anyone help me out on understanding below formula what exactly it drives ? Import Rebate Actuals.Gross Sales Amount[SUM: Import Rebate Actuals Map.Reporting GroupProductCustomer List, SUM: Import Rebate Actuals.Contract Name, LOOKUP: Reporting Contract Stage One.Contract Map] Thanks, Satish.
Conditional formatting on variance versions
Hi, I would like to apply conditional formatting on a dashboard. I have a module based on 3 versions. -Actual -Annual Plan (AP) -Variance Variance = Actual - AP Now the conditional formatting should be green if the Variance >0 and red when <0. However when I apply conditional formatting all versions will be formatted. I…
Circular Refference - using prior month value
Hi everyone, I'm having troubles creating a module that recalculates a regression each month. My regression is based on values of the last 12 months. When there are no 12 months of histicorical data available, I want the line item to use the previously predicted values with the regression as input for future values. This…
Long date format
Hi everyone, Apologies if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything in my searches. Is there no way to have a 'long date' format for days, eg: dddd dd,mm,yyy Thanks in advance! KT
Using RIGHT function with a list
Hi, I have a field that is a list format (itemcode), and it has a 3 letter code at the end of each item (e.g product1-abc123-regular-CNC). In another field i want to check this code before carrying out a calculation. IF RIGHT(itemcode,3) = "CNC" THEN 1 ELSE 0 I cannot use RIGHT(itemcode,3) as it is not TEXT, how can i use…
How can I use Rank if I have more than 10000 group in a list?
Hi, I have a long list that has around 30000 line. soem of lines are duplicate and I need to deperate them. I wanted to use Rank function and group lines base on a property but I have 17000 actual group and Rank limit for group is 10000. How can I solve this?
Comparing the sales line item of a similar kind of product
I have a list of products and few of those products are new to the hierarchy with no history. In this case i need to compare and refer from SALES line item' of a different product from same list. * I have only 1 product hierarchy list to use and it has associated sales, cost, profits,etc with it. * Few Product has similar…
Alternative Hierarches
I have a P&L 1 that has being data input into it using a list Organisation 1 as its hierarchy. I require the same data to be pulled into a similar P&L which is using a different list Organisation 2 as its hierarchy. Both Organization lists have the same Codes against each reporting entity, but they are grouped undrer…
Any Excel equivalent for Match function with Match type 1 or -1?
we have Excel Match formulas which looks thru a lookup_array 1) which finds the largest value that is less than or equal to lookup value (match type 1) and 2) which finds the smallest value that is greater than or equal to the lookup value (match type -1) Eg. of Usage : Supposing we have tank table for liquid A as below.…
Alternative week List - How do i retreive
Hi, We have a customer who have an alternative week description, their year runs from March to March, so their week 1 is ANAPLAN's week 9 for example. I have created a list 'Weeks' and this has the 'Reak week' and also the alternative week (currently in text) Then in my module i want the Alt Week to show... but i do not…
Display Native YTD and YTG with a filter
Hello Anaplaners, I have an issue about displaying YTD and YTG in columns. In a dashboard, i display a module with native time in columns. On this module, we set up a boolean dynamic filter linked to a time filter module. This filter displays the current year (2017 in this case). But the client needs YTD and YTG in the…
Time Dimension - Rolling 18-Months
Hi Everyone, Is there any way to set up a rolling 18-Months in Anaplan, as time dimension? Right now we are able to set up 2 full fiscal years, to get 18-Months for forecasting. But at the 7th month of the current fiscal year, we need to have 1 more fiscal year, which will lead us to have total 3 full fiscal years in…
formula for getting value from another module
hi all, Can we get an item value from one module to another module for a particular item . Ex: Module1 | Sales | Rebate A | 10 | 2 B | 20 | 4 C | 30 | 6 In Module2 for the "C2" attribute for the item "AA" needs to get the value form Module1 of "Rebate" column for the item "B". How can achieve it using the formula ? Module2…
Any equivalent to the Excel TODAY() function in Anaplan??
Need to establish the number of days between a given future date and today's date. It's currently a pre-requisite for a set of business rules to kick in. Haven't had any luck in finding a DATE function that I can use.
Formula getting "Current" Fiscal Year as NUMBER
Hi, Anplan friends, May I have pointers how to get current fiscal year as NUMBER ? For example, In case where "Fiscal Year Start Month" is April and "Current Period" is March 2019, I would like to have "2018" in a line item. Do you know of any such a formula ? Initially I thought "YEAR(CURRENTPERIODSTART())" would work,…
Ranking on a date prior to switchover
Hi All, I have a number of versions in my model with different switchover date. I also have ranking function on the last date prior to Switchover. For instance, I set the swithcover to Aug 17 then I need ranking to be ran in July; If swithover = Sep17 then ranking on Aug17 etc. For specific period it is easily done by…
Formula for cell value
In attached image i'm trying to get the highlighted GREEN of second column cell value into highlighted BLUE of first column cell. What formula needs to write to achieve this ? Thanks, Satish.
To Get value of previous fiscal year where fiscal year is not time dimension
Hi, Anaplan Friends, I have been faced with a difficulty in getting a value from previous FY where FY is not time dimention, but a list member. Please refer to the attached file for reference. Here I have Fiscal Year FY50, FY51 etc as list members, and estimated sales is expected to be calculated based on the previous…
Seeding Line items
I am working on seeding a line item from one module into another module. The action only seems to work when the Versions setting is set to Not Applicable. However, then our module (under the Not Applicable setting) is missing most of the data that was originally in there. How can I seed the line item having the setting…
Formula returning the date \ month of first data in line item
Hey Anaplaners, so my need is to create a formula that will go through the line item, that has a monthly timescale (that line item is filled in as numbers by the user) and return first month \ date (date better), when the data is met in the line. So it kinda scans and whenever meets "non-zero value" - gives me the time of…