Not a Parent function?
I have a line item with a list format where the items contains some parents. Eg. List contains Parent: Sector A with Child Material A, Material B and Material C Parent: Sector B with Child Material D, Material E I want to either 1) allow the selection to excludes any parent items, (Select Only Material A, Material B,…
Refer to Parent list
Hi, I'm new here and I'm not that experienced yet with Anaplan. My problem: I've created 2 lists. Prof_level5 tells me if it's a mortgage loans, consumer loan, professional loan or defaulted loan. Prof_level6 is a drill down of level 5, it contains for example more detail on the professional loans saying if it's an immo…
Format Line Item as Versions
I am trying to use a lookup based on month to return versions. We have 12 versions one for each month in the current year. I was thinking I would create a mapping table with months as a dimension and format a line item as version to use a lookup. Is it possible to format a line item as versions. If not, any other…
Weekly Auto-Number Updating
hi, I'm trying to find out the function that updates numbers on row automatically week by week. What I expect is that, from attached capture, if I put numbers on "customer request" on week1, then the numbers will move to "prev. customer request" automatically a week after. If anyone knows about this kind of function,…
Populating Actuals with Forecasted Data
Good afternoon- I have a question for a customer asking that instead of overwriting forecast with actuals they would like to have forecast values populate Actuals when the switchover happens. Long story short is they do all of their adustments in forecast and would like to have the forecasted values populate actuals when…
Formula in list or module
Hi, Background I’ve a CSV file, 300K to 400K lines, with 3 fields, “Salesperson”, “OrderID” and “OrderAmt”. This file is loaded into a list, “List_Orders”, which in turn drives a module “Module_Orders”. “Module_Orders” is 2-dimensional, with “List_Orders” in the columns field and line items in the rows field. It’s used to…
ITEM(Versions) : Versions is not recognized as a hierarchy in the model
Good afternoon, I recently worked with the IF ITEM(Hierarchy) = Hierachy.HierachyItem THEN ... ELSE ... to aggregate calculation modules. Currently I want to do the same for the different calculations I made regarding actuals, forecasts, budgets on bases of input files. However, when using the formula: IF ITEM(Versions) =…
User selected version comparison
Hi, I have a module in which variance calculations are executed on 2 static versions. However, I'd like to set up a variance module in which the user can select two versions from a list of versions to be used in the calculation. I've set up a 'Budget Selector' module with 2 line items (Budget #1 & Budget #2) and have tried…
Circular reference: SELECT function
Hello, I'm currently working on a module, where one of the Rate list items is a difference of the other two, indicated in bold. The problem that occurs here is that I receive a circular reference error, because I'm changing the line item 'Prepay (Partial)'. However it would never circular refer to itself, because of the IF…
How to detect with 1st date with condition
Hello, I'm tring to detect 1st date by per item(ex parts) with some condition. ex) Parts Inventory module (appling parts list, time) PartsLineitem1-Aug2-Aug3-Aug4-AugAInventory1010-1020BInventory-20-20-200CInventory102030-10 I want detect 1st negative date by each item, desireble result is as follows 1st shortage date…
How to use collect function on a particular version?
Hi, I am trying to use Collect() function to collect a value on a particular version by using Line Item Subset ,but it is only collecting a value from only one version to other versions. Please suggest . Thanks in advance ....
SUM Rows and not the Summary
Hello Everyone, I am new to Anaplan and I was wondering if there is a way to sum rows but not the Summary of them. For example in the module, in the rows I have the Employees List and in the Columns I have the Line Items and under these the Business Units Abbreviation List. In the Business Units Allocation Line Item it…
Ratio to all & Ratio to parent within a list
Hi all, I have a module with a single multi-level list (category, subcategory, product). The 'all' level is called 'All Products' I need 'weight to parent' and a 'weight to all' line item formulas to use in my calculations. It's coming unstuck when i try to look up the 'denominator' for the weight calc. eg the value of the…
Querying a Transaction log
I am using a numbered list as the dimension for a transaction log which stores changes to a people count line item applying to 7 dimensions (list items). The numbered list has each of the 7 list items as a property (format type list attached to the appropriate list item). I want to populate a line item that has been…
How to multiple access control for 1 item
Is there any method of multiple access control for 1 item? ex. Supplier List (with selective access) Supplier A Supplier B Plant List (with selective access) Plant X Plant Y Item List Plant(Property)Supplier(Property) Item1Plant XSupplier A Item2Plant XSupplier B Item3Plant YSupplier A Item4Plant YSupplier B User Settings…
Display Properties from a Numbered List
Is there a way to display across in a module, the "Properties" field names from a numbered list? In the list below there are four property fields I'd like to display across in a module in the "rows" section where currently there is just one column - first row is "Virus Protect."
Formula for entering value
Is there a way to use a formula to calculate the value your are inputting into the cell? For example, if I'm loading a forecast and am inputting the forecast value for a specific month, I'm looking for the ability to say that value should be =2+3 instead of having to key in 5 as a simplistic example. Otherwise if I have…
Top Level of Numbered List
I have a module which applied to a Numbered list. I have applied Top Level and Parent Hierachy to thist list. However in the module, Top Level total doesn't sum up the amount in the list, in fact it doesn't show anything. is this a bug?
YEAR() function not working
My Fin Year item is set to Time Period format: "Year". Our financial year setting is April to March. Attached is the Anaplan example and my working model that seems to return different result. I would expect that in calendar month/year, May 2016, that the Financial Year time period would say FY17 (appears that is the…
User-based security access at the node level
I have the below requirement on user-based security access at the node level. I have 3 nodes (L1, L2, and L3) For example If L1= Americas L2 = Canada and US_Disti L1 and L2 will be my composite lists and we will have various attributes (KPIs) attached to them like Bookings or Sale proceeds etc. Now, If I am looking for…
If THEN ELSE syntax
Hello, I am having an issue with IF THEN ELSE forumla syntax. I have the following fuctioning forumla, in the context of converting weeks to months. IF Start Difference <= -23 AND Start Difference >= -28 AND End Difference >= 7 THEN ITEM(Week) ELSE BLANK I am trying to add a condition that says if the week start date is a…
Thousand format
I have the issue to change the line item format from 1,000,000 to 1,000 k. It's clear how to add "k", but how decrease the value to 1,000 without dividing? I mean it will be great to find the way how to change format, but not change the value. Thanks!
Referencing a property of a parent list in a list item
Need to reference the property of a Parent list in a list item of a module Example Module: Deals List Item: SKU Tax Lists: SKU (Child), Product (Parent) Desired outcome: function: Deals.SKU Tax = Parent(SKU).Tax Property Please provide an example on how to accomplish.
Using OFFSET to retrieve prior period data from another module
Hello, I am attempting to retrieve prior period data from module 1 to module 2 and cannot seem to get the OFFSET function to work. However, when I use OFFSET to retrieve data from module 2 (same source and same target), the function works. What am I doing wrong? This Works in Module 2, Line Item Calc OFFSET(Entry,-12,0)…
Start Period less Date Now?
Hi! How can I get the difference between two time periods that will result in an absolute number? For example, 10/21/2013 less (the current date) 04/26/2016 = 30? Thank you!
Avoiding circular reference in Custom Time Dimension List
Hi Guys, I am using a custom time dimension list in a module as shown below. I am getting circular reference error when I try to fetch the "Ending Backlog of previous Period" into the "Begining Backlog of Current period". Is there a way to solve this problem without using the Native Time Dimension / formulas ? "PS- I have…
Last work day of month
Dear all, is there a function enabling to show the last work day (ending on Friday) of each month (date formatted), e.g. last work day of July 2016 would be 29/07/2016? Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback. Best regards Timo
Numbered Lists and filtering
Hi, I have created a numbered list with list formatted properties. When using such a list in a module or dashboard, is it possible to filter based on these properties? Thanks Roger
Select and Lookup by Display name
Is there a way to use lookup by display name? I have a numbered list List B which has parent hierarchy is set to List A I have set the display name instead of the code. Module 1 : Pivot has: Pages : Line Items Columns: Country list, Sales list Rows: Storename List LineItem: Salesinfo Country Total Sales- toys Total sales-…
User full name in formulas
How do I get the full name of the user in formulas? I have a module with owner data and i want to check if the logged in user is the owner of the data eg: I have a property called "Primary Owner" I want to check if the logged in user is the primary owner of opportunity data. Instead of hardcoding the owner name I want to…