Maximum across time
Hello, perhaps I'm stupid, but i can't figure out how to calculate a maximum for a period. I found an aggregation function x[MAX: y], but i couldn't figure out how to put time scale as a dimension in maximization function. The only thread I found on the forum was this:…
Formula to convert a Date to the Week number of the year or quarter
I am trying to find a way to take a date and convert the date to a number that would represent the week number in a calender year or the week number in a calendar quarter. The value could either bring back the week based on a the calendar week or the actual number of days divided by 7 (for example January 5, 2015 is a…
Date Functions
Hi all I need to create a line item in a module which has a formula that, based on various conditions returns a 0 or a 1. One of the conditions is a date range and I am having a problem getting it right. The range that I need to use is: DATE >= today’s date – 30 days AND DATE <= today’s date + 120 days I have found out…
Versions - Edit
Hi! I am working with versions that have different edition dates set. Working with Forecast Jun Version, which edit date is set from July 15, I have 2 line items. I have two questions: 1 - Why is it that if I set a formula (like a number 1) it is shown in the hole timescale, even though the time editable is from July 15? 2…
Line Item Reference Syntax by Dimension
Hi, I feel like this is something super easy but have not been able to find anything in the tutorial or forum board. Let's say I have 3 teams A, B, and C uploading to the GL line Sales. So Sales is a total of individual uploads from each team. How do I write a formula so that I can reference each team's contribution and…
Prior Year on Weekly Module
Hi All, Thought I would post this question... I'm working on a model with a weekly timescale. (13 4Week periods) Normally there is 52 weeks in a year, but every few years there will be a 53rd week. I was planning to use a LAG() function to pull the PY value. Offset would work too. LAG( Source Line Item, 52 , 0 ) I have to…
Dates and Salaries Question
I have a module where a user enters in employee start dates and then the termination date. There is also a field for annual salary. This module does NOT have time as dimension. It does have organization and employees (employee 1…10). In another module WITH time as dimension and organization but NOT employees, how do I pull…
Summary method
Hi all, I need help with the following: i have a module with a Product List, this list cotains unique for each product List "X" Users Product A 100 Product B 200 Product C 300 PARENT TOTAL 700 But the real total unique users adds up 550, which mean that a users used more than 1 product. Is there any way or formula in…
Circular Ref - But using prior month value
Hi, I am trying to build a module which needs to take the cumulated value of a line item from the previous month and reuse it in the current month. This is not circular as the time offset means it is not self referencial. However Anaplan gives me a circular reference error. I have attached a small working to show what I…
Filtering data
Good day to everyone! I am making my first steps in Anaplan environment. Here is my current challenge: I have a Module that consists of a List of Asset ID's (about 5000 records) and 12 Line Items in List Format. The Line Items are used to provide detail to the Assets (Region, Vendor, Equipment type, etc.) I would like to…
Maximum Value of a line item
Can you please suggest a way to find out maximum value of a line item across time period? So for example My module has 2 dimensions Partner Name and Time. I have to find ma bookings for that partner in last 24 months and use it further For a partner named ABC what is Maximum Value(bookings) across years 2013 and 2012 where…
Breakback in a Forecast Version
Hi! I’m trying to use the Breakback function in a LI that’s Formula Scope: Actual. So, my Switchover’s in Jun 14, and I’m in the Fcst Version. It doesn’t do Breakback for Q2, just adds the units that I put in the cell to the Quarter. The same happens in the FY14 cell. Is there a way to pass this on??
Dynamic month selection
Dynamic month selection
Dynamic month selection
Dynamic month selection
using Parent and Item
I have a module that is products (div, dept, class) x locations (channel, store) x time (week). I have a line item PRD_PARENT. I want to know the parent product at all times. lowest level product list is ProductsL3. I set the format for PRD_PARENT to be list ProductsL3. I set the formula to be PRD_PARENT =…
I know how to use the select function to select a time period e.g. SELECT [TIME. 'FY13']. However, I need to split my data by half years. Is there any way of selecting a half year or a group of months, e.g. Jan to Jun.?
Create running total not associated with timescale
We are looking for a way to assign decile values to transactions where the order of a measure in a module determines its ranking. We cannot use the RANK() function (without a subset workaround) as the number of transactions exceeds 1M. The CUMULATE function only applies on a timescale. Has anyone found a way to do this?…
When building a formula, unable to select a Line Item from another module..
When building a formula, unable to select a Line Item from another module..
Can a version formula be defined just for a single line item?
This question was asked of me recently, about use of version formulas. The current behaviour is that a version formula applies to a set of line items, rather than a single line item.You identify the set by reference to a named line-item subset. The rationale for this is that if you’re setting up a formula for a single line…
SELECTING Current Version
Is it possible to SELECT current version For example, instead of coding [SELECT: VERSIONS.Forecast3] where Forecast3 is my current forecast and Forecast3 gets hardcoded in the formula. Can I code something like [SELECT: VERSIONS.CURRENT] or something similar?
Publishing Actions for General Use
Hi Is it possible to publish an action so that general users (who do not have admin rights) can run it, e.g. for exporting data? Thanks
How to avoid references to specific years in a formula
I've just been asked about a problem with rolling forward a model from 2011 to 2012. The model had references to full year values, which had been made using a formula like this: Full Year Value = Source[SELECT: Time.FY11] While this works, it requires the formula to be updated every year when the timescale for the model is…
Quarter to Date Ability
Anaplan has a great Year to Date summary in the Time settings, is there an easy way to show quarter to date (QTD)?
Interest Payment and Principle Payment Functions
Is there any easy way to replicate the IPMT() for Interest Payments and PPMT() for Principle Payment functions in M. Excel within Anaplan? I can only find a PMT() function in Anaplan.
Input Process Function
ALL: I have an idea for managing data input based on a matrix of 4 dimension intersections in a module, based on a trigger boolean stored in a like module. My question is simple; Is it possible using any function (known or unknown) to use a formula in the module, to check the boolean intersection of a second module to…
How to move from a Model with Timescale to a model without time scale?
Need help in aggregating the values which are available in a model with timescale (and other dimensions) into another module which has all the other dimensions except the timescale dimension. This is required to show the summation or the closing value of the timescale module value at an aggregate level into the new module.…
Best Practise for Loading Actual Data
Would anyone have a process defined for "How" to load Actual data into a model. I get that I need an Actual data file with tuple detail. And then I load the data into a Module, likely that has base members to load values. BUT my issue is then, how do I get that data into other Modules, when I cannot run a test against the…
Move a start_date and a end_date from a flat module to a module with Timesc
Step 1 - A flat module allows to enter data of recruitment of permanent or temporary staffs. Step 2 - I wish to charge months from the start_date until the end_date of exit, when it exists, or the end of timescale if end_date doesn't exist. If I succeed in putting my indicators correctly, I don't manage to recover dates.…
Is there a Quarter to Date summation function for a weekly timescale?
Please help me finding a way to sum up the weekly numbers to the Quarter to date values. That is , the value should reset to zero at bigginning of every quarter and sum the cumulative value week on week of the quarter. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Saurabh
Line Items Not in the Hierarchy of the Line Item Subset
I have inserted line items into a module where I have a line item subset set up. In the module where I am using the line item subset, the inserted line items do not fall in the hierarchy in the subset.