Timescale related formulas
I have update the list with fake time periods, how do I use the timescale related formulae like next/previous etc in the module? cheers,ym
How to use Time Period Format in a Date Formula
The date formula requires you to use numbers for the years, months, and days. I have 2 line items in a module that have the year, and a custom month list that contains the members of Jan, feb, mar, etc... For the month, I have a property on that list with the month number, so I can easily pull that into the date formula,…
Day of Week
I'm trying to find a "day of week" function. Essentially i don't want to count hours on the weekend. Any ideas? It seems like it should just be a formula dayofweek(start()) but i can't find anything like that. Cheers, H
need SUBTOTAL across Time
In several cases I need to use a subtotal for 5 quarters in calculations. I have been using the All Periods total for most and it works some of the time. However, often I don't want values included from previous years. Ideally there would be a function like SUBTOTAL in Excel where the total would only be for the columns…
Dear Anaplanners: I have a question regarding usage of IF conditional statement. All the conditional constructs in Anaplan are related to IF with ELSE as a mandatory clause. However, I have following requirement - 1. I need to chnage the contents of cell A only when condition_A is satisfied. Otherwise, I do not want the…
How to sum with filtering data
I have some data as per below table. RevenueCountryNew bizJanFebRev aChinaY 3,000.00 3,000.00Rev bHong KongN 2,000.00 3,000.00Rev cChinaN 4,000.00 5,000.00Rev dHong KongN 2,000.00 4,000.00 I would like to sum the revenue by country and month as well as filter out the new biz = Y. Answer: China: Jan revenue = 4000 and Feb =…
Sorting then summing down a list
Hi, I have a list of deals which are imports from salesforce opportunities which I need two things done to. Firstly i need them sorted by the close date and secondly i need a cumulative sum down the list so that i can tell what percentage of quota has been attained. Anyone know how to 1. sort the list based on a line item,…
Anaplan's equivalent of a COUNTIF function
Anaplan's equivalent of a COUNTIF function While Anaplan doesn't have an official COUNTIF function like Excel, you can combine an "IF THEN" statement with a "SUM" function to accomplish the same goals. Using the "IF THEN ELSE to create a count saying "IF True Then 1 Else 0" You can then use a SUM Function to get the value…
Decumulation of vakuations
Hi, I am trying to create a module that contains line items for Gross Cumulative Project Valuations. I need to be able to calculate the individual valuation (the current cumulative less previous cumulative) without having time as a dimension. What would be the best way to achieve this in such a module?
Time Period Format does not have Days as an option
Hi, I am working on a retail POC which is based on daily sales. The modules I've created contain a Day timescale which works fine. However, I don't seem to be able to create a Time Period Format that contains days. Week seems to be the lowest level. What I am trying to achieve is to lookup sales from a Day in the previous…
Changing cell properties
Hello Anaplaners: I have a following questions - 1. Is there any way that lets me change the properties of a cell based on certain values? For example, If flag in cell A is set then I want to make Cell B non-editable (without loosing its contents) I tried several different ways but I get circular refernce error for the…
Changing Line Item Formula to Refer to List Subset Instead of List.Property
Hi all... I'm a modeling newbie hoping an experienced Anaplaner can spot my mistake here pretty quickly. I inherited a model containing Module XYZ that contains a line item with the following formula: 'Module ABC'.Amount[LOOKUP: Account_List.Account_Property_X, LOOKUP: Subsidiary_List.Subsidiary_Property_X] Both list…
Dynamic Ranking based on Filter selection
I am trying to implement a ranking function which based on user selection of filter on a hierarchy list provides top 5 records i.e if he chooses the lowest level in hierarchy he gets top 5 results on that, but if he chooses the level above he gets top 5 on the Parent item in the list. So is there a way to pass the group to…
Statistical Requirement
Does anybody has experience with linear regression in Anaplan? I also need to create a statistical model for detrending and deseasonalizing time series...any ideas? 🙂
Compare and Sum ammounts based on text field
Hi, I am fairly new to Anaplan and I have a requirement where there are 2 models with a common text line item . I need to create a 3rd model by comparing these 2 models based on the text line item to sum up the amount for only those rows for which Text field matches. Please suggest hhow to achieve this. Regards, Chaitra
Function to determine if a list item belongs to a subset of the list
I'm trying to build an exception module to check that all items in a particular list with a particular property residing in another module belongs to a subset in the list. Is there any function like ISSUBSETOF(x) to determine if a particular item in a list belongs to a subset of the list? To illustrate, in a List called…
YTD data not pulling from Monthly module to Annual module
I have 2 modules, one having monthly line items, the other having annual line items. When I link the line item in the annual module to the line item in the monthly module, the full year figures come into the annual module but not the YTD figures. Both modules have the same dimensionality
TIMESUM over quarters
Is there an easy way to timsum over a module that has a time scale in quarters? I could do a work around and split it into months in another module but wanted to keep it clean. Quartervalue doesn't work in timesum. H
Syntax for Select Function on Time Periods
What are the time periods that I can use select function for?
Drop Down List With A Way To Insert Another Line Item If Not In List
Hi I just started working with Anaplan! I was hoping to find a way to add a new item to my list that I want to have as a drop down box in my module. Is this possible?
testing for a time period before the first model time period
I want to average quarter values for the last several years. i use (offset(lineitem,-x,0) + offset(lineitem,-x+1,0)) / 2. when the offset runs off the beginning end of my time period, i would like to do something different with the formula. How do i test for this condition when i refer to an invalid time period or date?
Module Line item is text and want to feed it to a list, formatted as list
Hello, new to Anaplan. I have a line on a module called " Physical Location State". It's an IF Statement looking at field in my file that indicates whether a person worked from home or not (NOT BOOLEAN, but looking at a text value). If the person has work from home in the field, I use the home state, else work state. Since…
SUMIF function
Greetings, colleagues. I am having problems with summing up value. I have a module with products dimension. It's really huge and each new line item adds much space, so I really want to avoid them. I need to count average based on product list property. For example by color (it's not the product hierarchy). Adding the Color…
Maximum across time
Hello, perhaps I'm stupid, but i can't figure out how to calculate a maximum for a period. I found an aggregation function x[MAX: y], but i couldn't figure out how to put time scale as a dimension in maximization function. The only thread I found on the forum was this:…
Formula to convert a Date to the Week number of the year or quarter
I am trying to find a way to take a date and convert the date to a number that would represent the week number in a calender year or the week number in a calendar quarter. The value could either bring back the week based on a the calendar week or the actual number of days divided by 7 (for example January 5, 2015 is a…
Date Functions
Hi all I need to create a line item in a module which has a formula that, based on various conditions returns a 0 or a 1. One of the conditions is a date range and I am having a problem getting it right. The range that I need to use is: DATE >= today’s date – 30 days AND DATE <= today’s date + 120 days I have found out…
Versions - Edit
Hi! I am working with versions that have different edition dates set. Working with Forecast Jun Version, which edit date is set from July 15, I have 2 line items. I have two questions: 1 - Why is it that if I set a formula (like a number 1) it is shown in the hole timescale, even though the time editable is from July 15? 2…
Line Item Reference Syntax by Dimension
Hi, I feel like this is something super easy but have not been able to find anything in the tutorial or forum board. Let's say I have 3 teams A, B, and C uploading to the GL line Sales. So Sales is a total of individual uploads from each team. How do I write a formula so that I can reference each team's contribution and…
Prior Year on Weekly Module
Hi All, Thought I would post this question... I'm working on a model with a weekly timescale. (13 4Week periods) Normally there is 52 weeks in a year, but every few years there will be a 53rd week. I was planning to use a LAG() function to pull the PY value. Offset would work too. LAG( Source Line Item, 52 , 0 ) I have to…
Dates and Salaries Question
I have a module where a user enters in employee start dates and then the termination date. There is also a field for annual salary. This module does NOT have time as dimension. It does have organization and employees (employee 1…10). In another module WITH time as dimension and organization but NOT employees, how do I pull…