MX REQUEST: allow the user to archive portions of a MODEL!
Often I find myself taking a standard demo model and building completely new structures for a specific customer/demo. I start from a standard demo model so I can reuse structures and concepts from it. Then, when I am done, I want to keep only the new stuff and any basic structures/data that I ended up using.It would be…
MX REQUEST: Model Search work with ‘Applies To’ section of a module.
Allow the Model Search feature to give results where the search term shows up in the ‘Applies To’ section of a module. I could see that this level of result could get thick. Maybe it is a flag the user can check to say they want this in the results?
MX Request: support this modeling sequence
* Edit the formula of a Line Item that is formatted as a Number * Enter a formula, the output of which will be Text * Submit the formula * Be presented with a modal that informs me that this formula, as entered, will not work in this Line Item * The modal gives me two options: Cancel so I can modify the formula to result…
Give the MB the ability to Report with a click when they hit an error.
REQUEST: give the MB the ability to Report with a click when they hit an error like this one. It would give the error logs along with the ClientSessionID.
Product Summary Method
It would be useful to have the option of Product as a summary method. For example, if you have a list of % discounts that all apply to one sales order then they need to be multiplied together in order to give the total discount.
New function to calculate 'Inception to Date'
It appears that there is no out-of-the-box function to sum all values up to the current period to return the 'inception to date' value. A new function could be very similar to MONTHTODATE and YEARTODATE but calculate from the start of the time range up to the current period (potentially with optional offset arguments).…
When deleting a formula from a module I would like the data in the module to also be deleted.
When deleting a formula from a module I would like the data to also be deleted/removed from the module. I realise the data can be removed manually by selecting the data in the module and pressing delete, but in a module with many thousands this is a time consuming process, particularly as Anaplan only allows deletion of…
Sort Modules and Line Items Alphabetically in Filter pop up
Please sort Module names and Line Item Names alphabetically in the Filter pop-up window. In modules where there are a lot of a lot of Line Items, it can be very difficult and time consuming to scroll through and locate the correct line item for a filter. This makes for a very frustrating experience as a model builder.
New modelling experience: Can we bring back the lists in the settings bar please?
Hi All, Here is my number one reason for staying on the old modelling experience: The new settings bar does not have lists. I liked the old settings bar. I did not think it was too big. It was never an issue. Removing the names of the different settings and only having the icon saves space, but I like seeing the names!…
Be able to navigate/refresh dashboards while processes are running by other users
It will be a lot more efficient for users to be able to navigate and refresh through the dashboards so at least be able to view the information even if other users are running actions or entering inputs. At the moment, the whole model freezes while other users are processing action or entering inputs. This sometimes may…
Enable Hot Key Refresh for modules, etc.
Hello, I find myself trying to refresh classic dashboard and backend modules with Alt+R, similar to the UX, and it would be great if we can get this functionality on the backend for module build.
Ability to Use Copy Down/Copy Across on a Higher-Level Breakback Cell
Currently, when a builder has Breakback turned on for a line item and selects "Select Levels to Show" in a module and only selects higher levels in a hierarchy, copy down/copy across will not work on these summarized Breakback cells (Fig01). I would like the ability to use Copy Down/Copy Across in a module for on these…
No sounds in Anaplan Level 2 Model Building: Sprint 1's 1.3.2 Import Errors's Summary sections
No sounds in Anaplan Level 2 Model Building: Sprint 1's 1.3.2 Import Errors's Summary sections, as picture shown where the exact part as I am referring.
Childs with same parent crossing in a same module
Hello all, Imagine we have a parent list Country (G1) and two child list attached to this list: Fisrt list => Regions (G2) and a second list Stores/Entities (G2 bis). We need this second list Digital Stores because for each country we may have 2 or 3 digital stores which may serve all regions of my country. For example, in…
Modelling from module "Line Items" view
The "Line Items" tab is a really handy view when reviewing a model and looking through multiple line items across different modules at the same time. You can currently access the formulas by double-clicking but I think the view would be so much better if you could access all the module modeling actions (i.e adding a new…
Erlang A
From a callcenter planning perspective we currently have Erlang B and Erlang C, which allow customers to compute the SLA given an amount of calls and their staffing level. The industry is starting to look more at the amount of calls answered as a percentage of total calls (TCA) as a way to determine staffing. In order to…
Sort Module Overview in Settings by Cell Count
I was wondering if it is possible to sort the modules by their cell count in the settings. At the moment there is only the possibility to export the model overview and then sort it in Excel for example. This extra step would be saved by having a built-in sorting function. For me it is important to sort the modules by their…
Allowing Time Sum function to accept 1st argument a function
I would like to ask if you may give timesum function ability to accept other function within timesum parentheses [ex: Timesum(previous(revenue),start period, end period)]. The main reason I asked this, I would like to calculate the average 3 month based on previous figure. [Excel example] In meantime, I would also like to…
Remove Selective Access for a module
We encountered a situation where we had selective Access enabled for Regions. A user had following access: Region 1 - Write Region 2 - Write Region 3 - Read Region 4- Read Region 5 - Write. We had to create a boolean filter on Regions. Since, the user has only read access to Region 3 and 4, he could not set the filter for…
Setting to restict user from selecting list items multiple times
In some scenarios, where you need the user to map a list item with another list item (one to one mapping), it would be useful to have an Anaplan setting that restricts the user to select a list item only once in the field. Currently, you need to add some manual check to make sure that each item is mapped only once.
Enable placement (Before, After, Top, Bottom) of new module upon Insert of module.
Similar to the drop down list when adding a new member to a list, it would reduce steps if I could add the new module to the Bottom of the display or After a selected module. In order to list modules sequentially, eg. SYS01, SYS02, SYS03, I must insert the module, then go back to the modules list and Reorder.
Make the Roles->Lists Section Uneditable if the List is Structural List
We Know that the Roles->Lists Section need to be checked when there is a need for an end user to edit the list and the list here would mean Production List. Idea I am proposing is to lock down the Roles->Lists enabling feature for all Structural Lists so that WSA's don't get the option of enabling it. This way Anaplan will…
Power Function Update
POWER function is unable to calculate all equations correctly. Cube root of '-8' is '-2' But when I tried the "POWER(-8, 1 / 3)" calculation, it resulted as "NaN" (shown in Image)
Publish Modules/Actions to Dashboard
Hi Team, Can we have the ability to search the existing dashboards when we try to publish a Module/Process/Action. Currently we have to scroll and search for the existing dashboards while publishing. Thanks Sathya
Add Filters/Dropdowns in Modules Panel
Adding filters/dropdowns to the modules panel would be a simple solution to help model builders locate modules. Something similar to the excel functionality would be perfect. I believe this solution would be both easy to implement and substantial help to model builders. I very often export the modules panel to excel just…
Sort Import actions by process assigned too
Import actions keep building up in the entire project. The import actions are often a mess and difficult to find/search in the huge list. Is it possible to sort the Actions by process they are assigned to ? For example:- In sprint 1 , we created approx. 150 actions and assigned them to some 10 processes. In Sprint 2, we…
Be able to see subsets below their parent list in the Lists tree
It could be great if we could see in a tree view the lists and their attached subsets. It is particularly useful when exploring a model previously created by someone else.
Auto Suggestions towards model improvements
Anaplan must offer a functionality which auto suggest (time and again) what are the least referred lines items / lists / modules from model optimization point of view. This will help dev team to optimize the model with the unnecessary objects. (e.g. Business may get a big / small list implemented but over the period of…
Current page Context for page filters
I have a module with a list-1 in rows list-2 in columns list-3 in pages list-4 in pages. The dropdown for list-4 is dependent on item selection from list-3 and vice versa. Filters are created for that but when applied, I couldn't see the option of Current context. Alternative work around could be creating hierarchical…
Sorting in module view/list view
Be able to sort / filter by items in module view/list view etc. Eg sort by cell count, filter only modules dimensioned by time etc.