Do not count null cell values when creating modules
Hi, I would like to suggest you do not count null cell values when creating modules.
MAILTO should also use list formatted line item as a parameter
Currently MAILTO function does not work when there is a parameter (To,CC,BCC) with list formatted line item to select which email ID to select for email notifiaction. Currently either it must be text formated or hardcoded in the MAILTO formula.End user should be able to select the given list of approvers if there is a…
Time Dependent Hierarchies
Hi, I would like to have time dependent hierachies for financial consolidation purposes. It would help us when we have changes on the ownership structure from one month to other.
More granular forumula scope for versions
Description of enhancement: Ability to set formula scope for selected versions rather than just the limited options of All/Actual/All except Actual/Current. Business case: This would give us the ability to control what versions applied to a given formula. Would allow us to create snapshots. Would allow us to work in two…
Make Users List import available for Deployed Mode Models
Description of the enhancement required: It should work in the same way as for Standard model, could you please make available Users List import for Deployed Mode Models? Currently user access settings can be amended manually only. A story for why they want the enhancement: We have one list which includes 10596 items. This…
Ability to set different summary options for each list a line item applies to
Currently, at a line item level, it is possible to set a specific summary option for Time. It would be beneficial in terms of space and performance to be able to do so for each list a line item applies to. For example, we often have a list called "scenario" with a top level item so that we can create scenarii by "copy…
Pretty Printer bottom when creating formulas
Hi, It could be very usefull if we had a pretty printer formula when creating formulas. I know we can check the formula indented when clicling on Drill Down, but it will be help us when we are developing formulas. Regards, Fayelle
Time Range Selection on Module Creation
Allow model builders to select a TIME or a specific time range that's been setup while in the 'New Module' window, when first creating a module - to avoid having to change in blueprint mode later to all line items.
Change Time Range start month from Jan (calendar years) to March/April (financial years).
IDEA: Allow Time Ranges with Financial Years to be applied to Input / Output Modules - i.e change Jan commencement to Apr. Within the Financial Services Industry, it is common that the format of Reports / Outputs, as well as Inputs, use the Financial year (e.g year ending 31st March). To allow this functionality, the…
When I Create a New Action / Module / Dashboard take me to it in the list
When creating an Open Dashboard action in a very long list of actions, the action gets created and the list gets scrolled all the way back up to the top. Our Actions list is over 1500 items long, we have hundreds of processes, imports, exports and other actions to scroll through making this simple task of adding a new open…
Functional areas: add a column which indicates which modules belong to each functional area
It would serve as the "refenrenced by" column, to identify quickly which modules belong to which functional area. This would enable to remove unused functional areas more quickly and identify if some modules are in the wrong area
Generic app to convert flat ragged hierarchy to composite hierarchy
An example of the enhancement: It would be helpful if there is a generic app which can be used to convert flat ragged hierarchy to composite hierarchy. The only difference between ragged hierarchies are LEVELS. If we can define the required LEVELS in the app and load the ragged hierarchy, we should get composite hierarchy…
Open multiple models in 'tabs'
It would be extremely useful when working between models to be able to open them within side-by-side 'tabs' within one browser tab (a la Smartsheet), and avoid having to exit the model back to the dashboard.
Collapsible Textboxes with ability for users to pin it open
For more complex dashboards, showing informative instructions can take up some major screen real estate. I find on first pass a user may want detailed instructions, but after they know how the dashboard works, they want them out of the way, instead of always having to scroll past them. As a model builder, I would like the…
Single-precision numeric format option
Number-formatted line items and properties use a double-precision representation internally, and at least double precision during calculations. They are specified in the IEEE754 standard as a signed binary floating point format with 52 bit significand and 11-bit exponent, allowing a range of 2.2*10^-308 .. 1.8*10^308 and a…
Quickly Sort Row and Column Labels
Add an option to quickly sort labels alphabetically by using something like the right-click menu. This wouldn't necessarily need to be saved after the model is closed, but would act as a quick way to order the list and allow items to be found more quickly because they are in alphabetical order.
Improve message description on error message displayed
It is not clear to many of our users that they need to click on OK on the message attached in order to go to next step. This happens alot at quarter rollover. When we are done with a quarter we archive the model for that quarter. SFDC automatically tries to bring you to the last model you accessed. The last model they may…
Lookup Function -enhance this function with adding ability to ignore module's default dimensionality
Description of the enhancement required: Lookup Function - enhance this function with adding ability to ignore module's default dimensionality when using lookup. Pain - currently you cannot set another search argument instead of module's dimensionality, module's dimensionality is always used as lookup priority in Anaplan.…
Dynamic and/or breakback hold
It would be nice to be able to dynamically set cells on hold and/or set by default a hierarchy level on breakback "hold".
ESEF - requlatory reporting reguirement
The European Single Electronic Format is the electronic reporting format in which issuers on EU regulated markets have to prepare their annual financial reports starting from January 2020, meaning reporting done in 2021. After this all annual reports have to be prepared also in XHMTL. Where the annual financial report…
Admin rights need to be more flexible
As a model builder and Admin i'm frustrated by the lack of flexibility when it comes to admin rights. 1.) Admin rights should be able to be assigned per model not per workspace, this gives newcomers to the platform a 'safe space' to experiment with model building, writing formulas, inputting data and more without worrying…
Drag-and-drop re-ordering of line items in blueprint view
The current process to re-order line items in blueprint view is very cumbersome and time consuming. On some larger models, we use them in a sub-optimal way simply because the job of re-ordering the high number of line items is too big to take on. Much better would be the ability to simply drag and drop to re-order line…
Calculation Functions
Do not mark switchover automatically when creating a new line item.
Multiple Hierarchies
As a model builder, I'd like to create multiple hierarchies to the same list.
TEXT function does not keep decimal comma format
A number with the format 1234,56 will be converted to 1234.56 when using TEXT function on a number that has comma decimal point format.
Admin rights need to be more flexible
As a model builder and Admin i'm frustrated by the lack of flexibility when it comes to admin rights. 1.) Admin rights should be able to be assigned per model not per workspace, this gives newcomers to the platform a 'safe space' to experiment with model building, writing formulas, inputting data and more without worrying…
Slope formula as Excel
Include in the formulas & functions the formula named "SLOPE" the slope function : Returns the slope of the linear regression line through data points in known_y's and known_x's. The slope is the vertical distance divided by the horizontal distance between any two points on the line, which is the rate of change along the…
Ability to create ad hoc aggregations via multi-selections in filters
I want the ability to narrow down the summaries I see for a parent. I need to give end users the option to see summaries for any combinations of list elements in any dashboards and modules. At the same time, users should be able to select several list items for tables to synchronize with all of them simultaneously. If you…
Ability to enable/disable multiple filters under "Filter Segment based on data in..."
Description of the enhancement required: I want the ability to narrow down the summaries I see for the parent. If you select a parent, you see all summaries for the child, but I want to be able to have the ability to select multiple parents, or multiple children, while having the ability to exclude others. For example…
Conditional Formatting on Line Items based on values from other modules with same dimensions
Hi, It would be great if it was possible to format line items based on line items from other modules with the same dimension without having to bring in that line item into the same module. Thanks, Usman