CloudWorks vs OneCloud
Hi, Can anyone explain the difference between Cloudworks & Onecloud & when to use what? I gathered that Onecloud has both cloud & on-premise options as compared to Cloudworks, however I'm not sure which is more effective - features wise, cost etc. Also, in terms of Data Integration with ERP tools (cloud/on-premise) - how…
import shows failure but data is updated - import with subsidiary line items
Hi Anaplan community, As part of preparing my model for next year's use, I have created clearing modules with line items formatted as "No Data" to import into my original module to clear that from any user input. One module which I need to clear has line items with subsidiary views, using a subset of the list which I use…
Task scheduler issue in Anaplan Connect.
Hi Community, I would like to ask something about the Anaplan Connect. So in our client model, we created a Anaplan connect to update the current date on the model. This is used for period locking. The date will be used to lock certain period so admin can control the date range of when the users can only enter values to…
Level 2 Sprint 1 - (1.3..4.3)
Hey everyone, I am having trouble completing this activity 1.3..4.3 (L2 sprint 1) I am not able to import successfully, below are the screenshots attached
Cloudworks succeeds but doesn't actually run
Hi all, I've noticed for a CloudWorks process I have that the actual integration says "success", but when I check the model, the last run time of the process was not updated, nor was any new data added to the model. This is an integration from BigQuery that worked previously, and is now not actually pulling new data. Has…
1.5.3 Activity: Create Saved View for Export - DAT01 Beginning Inventory
Hello, I am having trouble importing the beginning inventory in DAT01. While it's showing that everything was mapped correctly, All of the fields are not populating with the inventory amounts. I repopulated my "s location flat distribution centers?" tab and the information is still not loading. Please advise.
DATA02 SKU: Invalid Parent Error Message
When importing the sku information, I am unable to locate the correct parent and it is throwing off my import for my model. Has anyone experienced this message? Also is there a guide on what chocolates, sours, etc there are? I have never seen the "Thats a Fine Howdy Do!" Product line
Anaplan Cloudworks License
Hi, Do we need a separate license for Anaplan Cloudworks or is it part of our existing package? Also can we use cloudworks to directly integrate with Big query? Thanks
Errors while running new actions in a process
I keep getting a "size details" error when running new actions in the Load Products process. I must have removed some information by accident. The sizes are still showing in the flat list so Im unsure how to correct this error. Please advise. (see error attached)
1.4.3 Activity: Create System Module: Product not importing in the correct column
Hello! Im wondering if someone can help me with this matter. I am trying to import the SKU list in this model but the product are not importing in the correct column. (see screenshoots attached) Everything else appears to have imported correctly. Please assist.
Sort Lists greater than 1 million items
Order Lists is extremely helpful (https://help.anaplan.com/anapedia/Content/Modeling/Build%20Models/Actions/Order-list.html) but we have a couple key lists that are over 1 million items, so Order Lists does not work for them. We are looking at around 11 million items for current year and prior year data. We have…
Required Account Flat csv,Depart ment csv,
Hi, i was preparing level2 to sprint1 ne but unable to find the account csv ,department csv etc.
Invalid Parent Error
I keep getting an invalid parent error and then manually having to select the parent after importing. I now have a list with 400 that have to be mapped to the parent manually. I'm not understanding why this is happening and how to fix it. For context I am duplicating a list from 1 model into another and have set up the new…
- Inventory Ordering Module Formulas Shipping Method & shipping time weeks is not showing up
I am having trouble checking my formulas. My Shipping Method & shipping time weeks is not showing up and I think it is because in the SYS 08 SKU Details the distribution center is not showing up. It is showing up in the list but not in a line item? Why is that happening?
Level 2-Sprint 2 Import Historic data Action
Hi, I'm working on sprint 2, my model has successfully run action 9.1. the issue is that it's ignoring most of the data. Can you tell me if this is ok or should I modify something on the action import source Also attached is my Import structure Best!
Data Import Increasing Value
i'm having an issue importing data into our data hub module. i did not change any of the field characteristics, it has a minimum significant digits of 4 and is in number format. The problem comes that when importing the CSV file, there are 0's being added to the end of the number that increases the numbers value. You can…
AWS S3 Bucket Unique Identifiers
Is using the combination of properties function standard practice, when importing AWS data via Cloudworks or is getting a unique identifier added many times better? Currently the csv has no unique ID but I will push for one from my AWS admin if any examples can be mentioned. Its an AWS Detailed Billing Report with c14m…
10.2.4 Activity: Import Data into Employee Drivers Module
Hello All I need help, i am having problem with mapping to the right dimension line item in 10.2.4 Activity: Import Data into Employee Drivers Module. Please tell me were i am making the mistake. After mapping to the line items in my dimension the table is not populating rather it is been ignored
Level 2 - Sprint 1 - Check Your Work- Output not matching
Level 2 - Sprint 1 - Check Your Work - Output not matching After completing the import processes, the G3 Location list in your Data Hub model should look like this example: My saved - Build country looks like this Expected output as My getting output as Please help with the resolution of the issue. Regards Srini
Level 2 : Import Data into G2 Country List
Level 2 : Import Data into G2 Country List I am trying to import data as per the instructions but i am getting Screen shot 1 : Screenshot 2 : My saved view looks like Please help for resolving the issue please. Regards, Srini