level2 sprint2 : import DATA03 into historic volume
Hi in the attached screenshot my import is getting completed but it's getting ignored. please guide for the same
level2 sprint 2 - Run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub.
Hi all i know we need to change the timescale for DATA03 can anyone guide into how to do this please.
Solved! How to Get and Automate the System Date into Anaplan Using Python
Anaplan Community!! Hey, I just published a KT article in the Retail Anaplan Group that shows step by step how to get and automate the import of the system date into Anaplan using Python. Hope you like it! Cheers!
Need anaplanners
Hi, I have a couple of open position for Anaplanners with finance background. If any of you are interesting please email me @zulychg@gmail.com (location can be in LA, Portland, Las Vegas and Vancouver) Thanks Zuly
DAT02 PY Revenue to CY module Level 3 Sprint1
Hi Team, Have followed steps in training module but not getting exact value which is there in screenshot. Stuck in between .. pls suggest or provide hint where I'm doing wrong. Attaching screenshots Getting All products values from DAT01 PY Revenue in all individual products of DAT02 PY Revenue to CY. Please suggest
Lookup Mapping
Hi All, i am facing the issue in referring the data using the lookup function, I have described the issue in the attachment, if any body can help me with this it would be great. Thanks Vivek
BI Connector - importing all dimensiosn
We are working on setting up a BI connection to Anaplan. I have saved a view for export and filtered on only select locations, months, etc. However, when we import this into BI it seems to override my filters and brings in ALL locations, ALL months, etc. Is anyone else having this issue or know how to ensure only those…
How Can I Automatically Identify and Delete Childless Hierarchy Items?
Hello, I have a constantly shifting hierarchy in place which consists of 8 levels, level 1 (top) through level 8 (bottom). Within this hierarchy it's necessary to delete members of L7 when they have no L8 members which roll up to them. This scenario plays out regularly as L8 members are often realigned to roll up under…
Anaplan Connect: SQL Server JDBC Connection (No suitable driver found...)
For the love of free internet points and karma, I am sharing my struggles with Anaplan Connect setting up a JDBC connection with SQL Server. Purpose: The below has been documented to assist with setting up a JDBC connection to a SQL Server database, the version of JDBC driver used will be dependant on the database version…
Docusign not reading Anaplan fields
Hi , I am trying to integrate anaplan with Docusign for my client . Letter is sent but without data in tags . I am trying with only one tag ,doing mapping correctly . When I tried the same in my own company's workspace ,it worked well that to with free trial docusign account but same set up not working in clients workspace…
Setting chunkcount for export actions
I noticed that every time I save an export definition, the chunk-count definition is set to 1. However other files created earlier have their chunk-count set to 0. Is there a way to select the chunk-count definition when creating an export action? (small file, no need to chunk. And only files with chunkCount 0 or large…
export action
Hi, We faced an issue with export job. Captured some error in file like " Error parsing key for this row; no values: 1 ". Could you please help me what this error meaning? and why this came? "Error parsing key for this row; no values: 1 " Thankyou
Anaplan clients import options - cost?
Hi, I'm wondering about the 3 more advanced import options that Anaplan have: Anaplan Connect, ETL Connectors and Rest API. I take it that Anaplan Connect comes along with any Anaplan license so would be no extra cost for an existing client? And what about ETL Connectors and the Rest API - disregarding what the client has…
How to extract user login details
Hi All, Can you please me , how to extract the user login details from Anaplan
Password policy for basic Authentication without Certificate with API 2.0
Hi All, We are trying API connector with basic authentication without certificate . And as the account we are using to connect to Anaplan through API, has been expired as its been 90 days and asking for password reset . So do we need to change the password every 90 days going forward ? Is there a way we can have this as…
copy data from Budget to Forecast
Hello togehter, is there a function to copy whole Budget data to Forecast Scenario (including Global inputs and staff set up)? Thanks for your answer, Corinna
ALM suggestion with DEV-TEST-PROD Sync
I have made some changes in the model in Dev (it is in Standard Mode)... Created Rev Tag... My Prod model is Deployed mode with Rev Tag... So I will compare and sync Dev (Standard mode) with Prod (Deployed mode)... Now my Test Model is Archived due to space issue... So to sync, I have to Archive Dev now... And they sync…
Mass upload into Deployed Model
I'm in need to change the user-editable values en masse in a module in a model that's in Deployed mode. The module is dimensionalized by a production list, and the two lines in question are simply user-input quantities. I've created the import action in Dev and rolled that into Production so I can run the same action, and…
Date coming with timestamp in Module
Hi, I have uploading data with date (example - 12/11/2020) but when i run my process and in module its showing with timestamp example 12/11/2020 00:00:00. Any Ideas why? Thanks, Santosh Biradar
Importing from a module into Users
I am trying to import from a module into users. There is one field in the module for a particular user that we are trying to bring in multiple values in the list selected. We are using the "text" format to enter the two different values in that list because we can't select multiple values in a list when it is in the "list"…