Delete from List using Selection must work differently for the nested list
My Idea: For the backward compatibility, add a check box in "Delete from List using Selection" action. When it's TRUE (default is FALSE) - running the action will delete all elements (leaf and parents) which have TRUE in the selection line item. This won't affect already excisting processes, but will allow to have one…
User to select columns for variance analysis
New variance feature is a long awaited one. And finally we have it! But this feature is almost a hardcode and it does not allow an end user to select which of the two columns to be compared. Before placing this idea I have open a topic in UX Designers forum to collect thoughts of the community about it: MR: User to select…
Change in Anaplan Connect Error handling to include functional errors
While working on a requirement to handle errors in Anaplan processes, we checked and tested few cases if we could capture return/exit code (i.e. error level) sent from Anaplan job processes to determine whether the process was successful or failure (This part is handled in Task.class file of AnaplanConnect…
Native Email Notification in Anaplan Connect
It would be great if Anaplan Connect had Native email Notifications that would help users know whether jobs that run were successful, partial, or failed.
PowerQuery Get Data Connection to Anaplan
Could we please have the ability to Get Data from Anaplan in Excel Power Query (not Power BI which already exists).
Log exports in the model history
Description of the enhancement required: Customer wants to capture the export information also to be captured in the history log. Currently, only import information is available. A story for why you want the enhancement: For the customer, apart from imports that are scheduled , if a user clicks on export they want that…
Set the delimiter for CSV Exports
The European format for CSV file is a semi colon delimiter and a comma decimal point. The current behaviour is some European users seem to get an export in this format even though it is not supported in anaplan. The windows/browser formatting seems to take over while other users get the more usual comma delimited file.…
Anaplan-Excel Power Query Connector
Currently, Anaplan supports connecting to Power BI via the Microsoft Power Query function * https://help.anaplan.com/e1cdf0b7-631f-4cd6-b4df-a5e0927e1ef8-Anaplan-Connector-Power-BI-Desktop * https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-query/connectors/anaplan It would be extremely useful if Anaplan supported connecting to the…
Check Import Source - CSV File
User Suggested Feature Check import source of a csv file, to check who uploaded the file. Currently the option to check is through model history but if there was a way to check import source originally (user) would be useful feature.
Display an action's Start Date and Time (UTC) on a page for the end user to view
Are there plans to allow the Start Date and Time (UTC) of an action to be forward facing to end users? This could potentially be shown as a tooltip where actions are published on to the page.
Microsoft Teams - Anaplan Integration
A number of customers have expressed a desire to have an Anaplan - Microsoft Teams integration in the same way as now exists between Anaplan and Slack. * Push links to pages to users' Teams accounts * Anaplan notifications * Subset of above: as Anaplan Process Orchestration progresses the need / benefit from Teams link…
3 Improvements for Comments in the New UX
Hi, I'm missing 3 basic capabilities on the current comments' fucntionality to be able to use it for my clients: 1- Comments are not flagged to end user 2- Not recorded in full context (in all dimensions I'm looking at) 3-No option to publish or export from Anaplan This custom fucntionality I built allows me to overcome…
Process ID for Anaplan Connect Srcipts
It would be nice to setup Anaplan Connect Scripts using Process/Action IDs vs. the name in case naming convention needs to be changed.
Show 'referenced by' also for saved views
We use frequently saved views to import data from a source module into a list or other modules. A great challenge is to understand where these saved views are used, it is particularly challenging when you import data across models. The only current way is to go through the import sources of each model or use the business…
Add 'Use Current date' as model action
The 'Data Write' action functionality in Anaplan App (UX) is great and provides the ability to 'Use current date'. This means that by pressing an action button on the page, a module with a date format will be updated with today's date. Seamless and simple! Below I have 2 simple use case examples for this: 1. Workflow -…
Syncronize card template context selectors for Microsoft 365 extension
Summary (See suggestion* for detail) - Improve user experience with user driven context selection for cards in template library, rather than going into the backend and updating each saved card for the required context. Context - The release of the extension - Anaplan for Microsoft 365 allows users to import from cards in…
Enable Power BI Anaplan Connector with SSO
The majority of our customers have an SSO only policy. This means Power BI can not be used by them for additional analysis of Anaplan Data. As a Power BI end user with SSO enabled I want to be able to use the Power BI Anaplan Connector so that I can do additional analysis in Power BI.
Ability to exclude time dimension from an export
A description of the enhancement requested: When you export a module, in the Labels tab you have the option to remove any labels for a list dimension on rows and therefore effectively remove it from the export. This cannot be done with time and the customer would like it to be. A story for why they want the enhancement…
When selecting the option to Void a DocuSign document, it should be possible to provide the reason
Currently when the Anaplan user choses the option to Void a DocuSign document, they are not prompted to provide a reason. The resultant email which is sent to all DocuSign signatories states that “<Workflow> has been Voided for the following reason: Not specified”. It should be possible that when a DocuSign document is…
Ability to rename DocuSign Workflow without having to redefine the entire Workflow
It should be possible to rename an existing DocuSign Workflow without having to redefine the entire Workflow. Currently, the only way to rename the Workflow is to edit the Workflow, which requires 3 distinct steps to be completed: (1) Main Settings, (2) Map recipients and (3) Configure Anaplan. The Workflow naming is…
Ability to Use Workspace and Model Names within Anaplan Connect 1.4 scripts
Ability to Use Workspace and Model Names within Anaplan Connect 1.4 scripts instead of just Workspace and Model IDs.
Set .xlsx as the default format when extracting data from Anaplan
It is great that now we are able to export data in xlsx format. Thanks Anaplan Team! It would be helpful to have xlsx as the default format when manually exporting data from the system. Current default format is .xls.
Drill Through/Link External Source Mapping to a given line item
Be able to list or link to a URL the original source information when there is no deeper level. EG. In a source data module, if drill down is completed the admin has the ability to attach a URL to the source material (if it is an extract/table that was pulled from, view, etc.) and if it is entered having the view/field…
Ability to mask or sanitize all of the Production Data within a model
I would like to be able to easily mask all Production Data within a model. Currently, this involves a lot of manual effort. For example, replacing all names with fake names, and all numbers with fake numbers. Being able to do this is useful for a couple of different purposes: * If I need to have Anaplan Support take a copy…
Ability to Import via .CSV non-US formatted dates
Looking for an enhancement to allow non-US users that don't use US formatted systems to be able to upload .CSV files that contain dates. Currently any non-US formatted files will cause an incorrect date to be populated without any errors or notifications.
Manage the saved view - Display by all modules
Hi all! It would be great if you could refine the "Manage Saved Views" feature and add the ability to view saved views of all modules at once, with the fields: Saved view, module, use in action, note. Saved viewModuleUse in actionNoteName of the saved viewThe module in which the view was createdProcesses in which the View…
Use multiple characters together as the delimiter when importing
Currently if more than 1 character is used as a delimiter in an import Anaplan treats it as an OR, and looks for either individual character and not both characters together. For instance if you want the delimiter to be "|~" then Anaplan will look for just "|" or "~" rather than them both together. It would be good for…
Please consider adding ISBUDGETVERSION() function, similar to ISACTUALVERSION(). This would eliminate having to setup another module with only Versions as the list and creating a boolean flag. All followed by IF VersionsControl.Budget THEN .... ELSE...
Custom scripting line item calculations
I would love a way to be able to use my custom python scripts and the vast amount of Python libraries on line items in a module, rather than use the Anaplan formulas out of the box. It would save time on export/import data to the Anaplan model. I'm assuming the formulas that are used now are some form of Java or C++? Maybe…
Enhance Excel Add-in - Refresh Options
When a user makes changes via the Excel Add-in and Submits them via the "Send and Refresh" button, it would be helpful to have a dropdown option similar to the "Refresh" button where you can choose to Send and Refresh Current (single active page) or Send and Refresh Multiple (all connected pages). The way it currently…