Compatibility of prod and Dev models
There is a development model DEV24 using which production model PROD24 was created. Now I have created PROD25 model from PROD24. If I create DEV25 using DEV24, would PROD25 and DEV25 be compatible with each other?
Assistance with Locating the Level 2 Exam
I hope this message finds you well. Could you kindly assist me in locating the Level 2 Exam? Since the Anaplan Academy training platform update on December 3, I have been unable to find the exam for Level 2. If you could share the URL or provide guidance, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
モデルAにある時間形式のラインアイテムをもとに、モデルBからその日付の各製品の在庫数値をインポートするにはどうするのがいいでしょうか。 思いついたのは、、 Bで、Aの日付をインポート Bで、その日付だけの保存済みビューを作成 Aからインポート
L1 Model Building Exam on new academy planform
I would like to take a level 1 exam, but I can not find any modules that pertain to it.
上記のようにProductとFactoryごとに最大日付を算出したいです。 現状:以下のように1つのマッピングでは成功中 ・source module.Date[MAX: Product] ・source module.Date[MAX: Factory] 理想:source module.Date[MAX: Product, MAX: Factory] エラー内容:The formula for ーーーー is invalid: source module.Date[MAX: Product, MAX: Factory] どのようにすれば2つのマッピングで日付の最大値を取れますか
DCA - How to lock/unlock checkboxes based on selection? [No Dimension]
I have a module (no Dimension) with 5 -line items labeled 'Custom 1' through 'Custom 5'. When any 'Custom' checkbox is selected, all other checkboxes should be locked but the selected (example: Custom 1) one should remain editable. If the selected checkbox is unchecked, all other checkboxes should become unlocked again.…
Is it possible to create a dependent dropdown list with multiple drivers?
I have a scenario where I need a dropdown list to be responsive to a combination of four different list properties. For example, the list values should filter dynamically based on the selected combination of these four drivers. Is it possible to create a property or line item that combines these four drivers and use it as…
Can i have 'Create Action' under a 'Process' which includes other Actions (Import/Export Actions).
I am trying to create a process for the user where he can create a record to a numbered list using 'Create Action' and add attributes to it in a module & keeping this process as base, I am trying to export this record & Attributes to external ERP System using 'Export Action'. Can i conclude all this in a single 'Process'…
Rule of thumb when NOT to "exit early"?
Hi, Trying to optimize some stuff in a model and therefore looking for advice. We have some logic in which i forecast some things for a product lifetime starting with todays actual. In which of these following cases would you just go with the formula and skip all the exit early stuff. Since the answer is probably "it…
Customized Drill Down
Anaplanners, We have a module (Module A) that displays the monthly income for each department across various locations. Module A includes the following dimensions: Department, Location, Time, and Value (Line Item) We are presenting this data at a higher granularity in another module (Module B):Module B includes the…
Rank descending out of order
Sorry I don't have a screenshot for this. I think work is blocking the upload. I have two RANK line items. I need one ascending and once descending. This is the formula for the first one. It's ranking the five items that have the Include in Variance Rank? boolean 1-5. RANK(Volume Weighted Variance Over Defined Months,…
How can I create a dependent drop-down that filters a K3 list based on the selected K1 context?
I want to create a dependent drop-down list within a hierarchy in Anaplan. I need a line item formatted as a list (K3), which represents the lowest level of the hierarchy. The goal is for users to select one of these K3 list items, but I also have a context selector on the page set to the highest level of the hierarchy…
Dynamic Workflow Design
Hey builders! I'm tasked with designing an approval process through Workflow and doing this for the first time. This is a CapEx Request approval flow in which CapEx Projects roll up to Profit Centers. Approvers are assigned at the Profit Center level and go through several sequential stages of approvals. Below is my 2 step…
Making YTG column '0' for a particular line item.
Hello Anaplanners, I need formula to below. I have a module which I am using in management report. Module has values for FY24, YTD, and YTG. But for one line item, 'Opening Cash', we do not need YTG column. Currently the line item just points to the other module to pull the data. May be I need something that makes YTG…
Year Value into a Months Module
Hello friends, Can someone please help with this. I have my number in the below source module (profit) by year. I am trying to get FY24 value (profit) into below target module (i.e. 5,999) depersonalised by month: I tried yearvalue() function and it is pulling all 0's. Can somebody please advice? Thanks Kal
Composite hierarchies List and Production Data
Hello Everyone, I recently took over the model development from a previous team, and I'm looking into optimisation options. One issue I came across has to due with Composite hierarchies List used for Selective Access, as per the example below: G1 Group - Used for Selective Access - Set as Production Data - No changes in…
How can we get the Page history and reverting its changes if desired, like as we do for Modules
Recently i unknowingly deleted the conditional formatting(CF) line item from the underlying module due to this, The CF on the page which is referring to that CF line item is also got deleted. Now, i want to have that CF back on my page. I tried Anaplan's History where i reverted back the module to get back the CF line item…
New UX - Conditional formatting multiple line items the same
Hi, I have a dashboard with 20 columns, all of which share the same complex conditional formatting rule that consists of 12 midpoints. Setting up one column takes a little time, and I need to repeat this process for all 20 columns. It would be really helpful to have the option to apply a formatting template to multiple…
Do we have any alternative way for TRIM function in Polaris model.