I have a module with dimension x and I want to get a line item y from another module with dimension z . How can I achieve this in anaplan? I am unable to use direct lookup modules
Activity: Prepare Data Exports
Hello, I'm not sure why the shipping cost line item is showing 0. Below are the instructions followed and formula used in the module: INV01 Inventory Ordering reference: Thank you so much in advance!
I want a formula for Boolean line item as true for below requirement. How to do that?
How to calculate response target time and Resolution target time
Hello, I'm trying to calculate the Reponse target time and Resolution target time for a request by the end user. In that module I already have: Creation date, format Date → the day when end user will raise the request → will be filled manually Creation hour, format number → the time when end user will raise the request →→…
Circular Reference Issue
Hi Anaplan, Is there a workaround on circular reference issue?. I'm doing a calculation on the Profit Line Item which is: But am getting a circular reference when adding the VOD Cost line item in the formula. The VOD Cost line item references also the VOD Revenue line item, which I've screenshot below. Is there a…
Anaplan Percentage Format Issue
Hi All, I am trying to calculate the Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in Anaplan and I am getting a 100% instead of 1%. Here is the formula logic in excel =((Z84/C84)^(1/23)-1) The first value is cell=(C84) January 2021 value = -167,217 The last value is cell=(Z84) December 2022 value = -136,485 The Cost values go across…
Is it more efficient to divide by 1,000,000 or divide by line item of 1,000,000
Hi I am building an output module and need to divide everything by 1,000,000. Is it more efficient to just put / 1,000,000 or / S01.oneMillion? See the ss for an example of one of my formulas Thanks
Mgmt Reporting: Table Card Variances
Hello, I'm new to the "management reporting" feature and am hoping someone can please help me with Table Card Variances. Is it possible to calculate the change in basis points between two percentages? Thank you, Amy
Concatenate multiple items
I'm slightly confused on the best approach to concatenate multiple items into a single text line item (where neither is a code or part of a list) For example lets say I have a module with the following line items T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 and T7 and Concat line item is C1 Currently C1 shows: T1 & "_" & T2 & "_" & T3 & "_" &…
How to pull previous year end balances into a monthly calc
Hi So I am having a bit of an issue I need to do a calculation monthly, but I need to refer back to the previous year end balances as my start point for all months. I tried doing it with offset, why I take a starting balance for that month, and then offset everything back to December to lookup the amount needed in my calc,…
Will change in code disturbs the data it holds?
Hi, I have a numbered list and a hierarchical list that holds important data. Now I have a requirement to update a few existing codes of the lists. I tested using a dummy list and the data was not changing. Want to double-check with the community if I change the codes of the lists mentioned above lists hope It will not…
I want Booleans as true as per below requirement
Source Label change with change in model in Imports.
Hi, I have a model - Model 1. I took a copy of the Model 1 and named it Model 2. Now in the Import section of Model 2, the source label has still the name Model 1 in it. So, wanted to know when we run the action will it be from the same model Model 2 or it will be from Model 1 from where I copied it. Thanks.
create a home page in Anaplan with navigation buttons
Hi all !! Is it possible to create a home page in Anaplan with navigation buttons? If it is, could you please provide instructions on how to accomplish this? Thank you.
Summary Method Issue
Hi Community, I'll try to put this in excel to describe my problem better. To explain the excel better, I have Region and Status title at page selctors, I have line items in column and Org L1 at Rows. Now Line item 1 already has a formula and its summary method is formula too. In line item 2, I want sum of only positives…
SUM IF Anaplan
hi there, I would like to build a report which would basically be a P&L where I display the cost per segment in 1 table. My segments being a grouping of a list (departments): my "base" P&L looks like that: and the report I would like to build should look like that: The idea would be to fill in the cost lines (Human…
Define current year end week
Hi all, How can i define CY end week by formula not hardcode. we dont want to use CY week +52 so any Suggestions
Get Maximum number against year in a transaction data?
Hi, I have transaction data where i have a period formatted line item with the year and a number formatted line item called Number. I want the maximum number against each year in the Max column. I tried the Number[MAX:Year] but it didn't work. So how can I get the maximum number against each Year? Attaching the screnshot…
3.4.3 Activity: Create Country Summary Module
I have created the module as requested and added below formula, however there is no data reflecting in my INV02. Can anyone suggest where i am going wrong? SYS08 module snip INV02 module formula INV01 snip where my stockcount is shown as 0 completely. INV02 is shown as 0, not sure of error. Kindly let me know, thanks for…
Moving Average Issue
Hi, For my Forecast Jan 2023 I want to bring the (Actuals) AVERAGE of Jan 2021 and Jan 2022. And for my Feb 2023 I want the AVERAGE of Feb 2021 and Feb 2022, e.t.c. To achieve this I split the line item actuals values into the ones below, for calculation and then bring it to the forecast. for 2021 Values line item for 2022…