Direct launch of models via SSO link
"As an end-user I want to directly launch a model, dashboard or task (new workflow) via a SSO secured URL so that I can do efficiently my work and don't waste time by navigating through the launchpad / model structure." This is makes collaboration across our organisation much more intuitive, because URL links could be…
Please allow the office add-in to authenticate through VPNs and Proxies with out the need to white l
Brief description of the idea As a user of the Anaplan office add-ins, I often need to connect to the internet via a proxy or VPN. Due to IT/security policies, I am unable to white list. This prevents me from using the office add-ins from certain locations. Expected benefit/impact The benefit of this enhancement would be…
SSO user experience enhancement
A description of the enhancement required: If a user is already logged into Anaplan and they access Anaplan via a new tab using a predefined bookmark that points to an Anaplan URL, when that user clicks the Anaplan URL it should use SSO to log them in. In the current state, we redirect the user to the Anaplan log screen…
Ability of supporting different unique identifier (NameID) for SAML authentication
Description: Ability of supporting different unique identifier (NameID) for SAML authentication. Example of enhancement: Customer can set the unique identifier while configuring SAML for Anaplan. Benefit/impact: Some organisations have a unique identifier that is different from the email address as the email address can…
Ability to automate export of blueprint view for module through API/Anaplan Connect
It would be very useful to have the ability to automate the export of a blueprint view of a module through Anaplan Connect or the Anaplan API - in this way we could compare an export of a blueprint view of a module automatically, to check if the structure of a model had changed over time. I have been working with a client…
Maintain current period/switchover in PROD workspace
When using ALM, the timescale and its properties are currently treated as a non-production list, which means that changes to Current Period and Switchover need to be performed in DEV, and then sync'd across to PROD. This is not best practice for SDLC, since it means you are mixing regular monthly admin tasks with the model…
Ability to compared any two ALM revisions and obtain comparison report
Description of the enhancement: Ability to see a comparison/change report between ANY two model revisions which the customer chooses. How this would help your business processes: This would be very helpful for peer reviews and in general to understand what changed and what the original values / formula were.
SSO Integration - Friendly URL
Our company has been recently setup with SSO itnegration with Anaplan. Because of security measures, it had to be done. Now that SSO is there, the URL provided to our users is long and hard to remember. Users have to bookmark it. Issue at hand is that when users click on the custom URL, it changes to typical anaplan url…
Allow SSO from Multiple IDP's
Hi All, Within our organisation we are separated into different Divisions, each which has their own, completely separate IDP (all using Azure Active Directory). We need to be able to grant SSO access for users from all IDP's into a single instance of Anaplan, however at present it looks as though we can only enable SSO…
Ability to reset own BizMap
Description of Enhancement: Functionality for the end-user/customer to reset the business map as needed. How this would help their business process: We have 30+ workspaces that encapsulates about a dozen business units. Our use-case for the business map will be to run a map for the individual business units on demand.…
Allow administrators to fix or manually change the order of tiles on the Launchpad
Description of the enhancement required: Allow administrators to “fix” or manually change the order of tiles on the Launchpad. The last time a user was in a model doesn’t always need to be the first model. If a model has been unarchived, then it would either take its last known position before archiving or it would fall to…
Expose Current & Past User Logins for Audit Fields
Hi, We are looking to enhance our model capabilities for our account and upcoming model to expose the last time a user logged in and the current user to the model features to enable audit fields for tracking and status notifications. Thanks, C.H.
Capture user authentication when a model is opened and commit it to the history log or a similar use
Description: Capture user authentication when a model is opened and commit it to the history log or a similar user log. Example of enhancement: Log of user activity from any given model (not changes, but simply opening and accessing a model) that includes the model name; date of access; time of access; user name.…
Ability to see who added/removed a user in the model history
Description: See more information on users added and deleted, and who performed the action Example of enhancement: There is no information about the person who deleted/added another user in the history log. For example I added and a deleted user, but I can't track who performed this action because there are blanks in the…
Users management dashboard
Description: Would be great to have a centralized list of users, their last connection/login to Anaplan, workspaces and models they can access.
Email Opt-In (Marketing) Default Setting
Description: Provide ability to choose default option for Email Opt-In when a user is added to Anaplan. Example of enhancement: Add a new User. They automatically default to Opt-in to marketing emails. Want to choose default setting to Opt-out. Benefit/impact: Meet our security requirements.
Show user WorkspaceRole in tenant administration
Description: There should be a possibility to distinguish between people without any access and people with deleted access. Example of enhancement: Add column in User and show user as ADMIN/USER/NO WORKSPACE ACCESS Benefit/impact: Right now we can check them only in Administrator tool and they look exactly the same. This…
Add/remove users from multiple workspaces at once
Description: I am requesting the ability to add and remove users to/from multiple workspaces at once. As it stands, in order to add a user to a workspace they are added to a model within that workspace. Therefore to add a user to multiple workspaces this process must be repeated for each workspace. The same method applies…