Summary column
Hello guys, I've noticed that my REV02 module doesn't have the annual summary columns like the screenshots from the video lessons have. I don't know where I've missed adding this, but I've only noticed the difference while doing the activity 13.9.1 UX page. Can anyone share some tips on how I can fix this now? Thank you
Gantt Chart
Hi Team I am creating a Gantt chart in New UX by using Start Date and End Date. Can I enter the text inside the bars of Gantt chart. Thanks Shirisha.
NUX multiple source models
I have a number of models with identical structure and need a page which will run an action in the selected model. when I set this up with an action button. Say that I have Model01 & Model02, each with actions Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4 and Test 5 Model 01 is a Copy of Model 02, but the Test X actions have been added…
Level 2 Sprint 3
@JaredDolich I have a question about selective access. I built the Stock Exception UX page and then continued to building the roles within Sprint 3. I added selective access to my P2 list for one of the roles. I was going back into my Stock Exception UX page to look at something and I don't have any data because it says my…
How to get the same view format in a page grid?
Hello, I am following the Level 1 training and I'd like to know how can I get the same format that I already have in a view, when I use this view on a grid in a UX page. Find attached two screen shots with both formats, Thank you in advance! Alberto
3.5.5 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary UX Page
No matter which country I select, my summary shows lots of stock exceptions. Currently, I am using INV03 Distribution Center Summary as my data source where my formula for the Stock Exceptions line item is "'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock Exception Count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Distribution Center]" Do you have…
Conditional Formatting "Apply" Button is Grayed Out
Hi, I want to apply conditional formatting to a UX page, but the "Apply" button is grayed out. Any idea why? I want values for "Confirm Purchase Order Receipt" > 0 to be green. Best, Matt
New UX "TIME" Page Selector Missing Periods
I have come across an issue in our Commissions app where the Time page selector will randomly start showing Quarters & FY only (see attached), when it should be showing all periods including months. There are no filters applied to the selector. I tried turning off the Time (Summaries) level on the selector (and clicked…
Auto Refresh Dashboard on Filter Change
I published my line item which is a list-formatted on my dashboard and i am using it as a filter. But everytime I select a new list item from the drop-down, I have to refresh the dashboard for the filter to refresh and to see the changes in the grid below. Is there a way to auto-refresh the dashboard once the filter is…
How to hide to many pages on app entry page
Hi, I have many UX pages created within an app, but users are asking me to hide most of the pages on home page of app and provide links to these pages after entering into the one of the page. Suggest me any solution if it is possible. See the attachment, there i just want to show "enter price details" page inside this page…
Merging of Process from 2 different Models
Hi, I want to merge 2 processes from two different Models, as I require a single button to be displayed on the dashboard. Is this achievable? Regards, Vaibhav Baddalwar
Scatter/Bubble Chart Performance
Hi All, Wanted to see if anyone has used a Scatter/Bubble chart together with more than a few hundred items? Recently put a Scatter/Bubble chart in a grid with ~8K points and the dashboard seems extremely slow now, was wondering if that's something other users have experienced as well. Don't think that it's a model…
Creating / storing dashboard images
Hello, Is there a best practice for posting images to a URL? I've created and saved a few images that I'd like to include on a dashboard, however, I don't know where to upload the image to a URL. I tried saving an image to a Teams folder and used the URL link but that did not work. I imagine the solution is very easy, but…
Level 2 Sprint 3 Product Replenishment UX
@JaredDolich I have created my Product Replenishment UX and I'm at the point where I am verifying the end user checklist. I cannot edit the submit PO request or override suggested order amount. I have added DCA to INV01 for write access but it's still not allowing me to edit the cells. Also, my chart at the bottom of the…
Add Editable Textbox to Published Dashboard
Hi AP Community, Is there any way to add a textbox to a published dashboard that end users can write notes etc. in? Almost how users can input data, I want to add a textbox next to one of my tables so the end user can put notes from forecast to forecast. Appreciate the help! Best, Dan
Time Range as Context Selectors for Dashboards
Hi, I'm trying to work out how to have a context selector be a time period which will impact what the users see on charts. The charts themselves would still have the time periods on as well - by quarter or by month. Ideally, I'd be able to choose two months and the charts would update to show the data by month between…
Managing List Item Subsets from NUX
Hello! I faced up with an issue in Anaplan. I am transforming dashboards from old UX to new UX and i need to have an ability to change subsets of a list in this NUX. Now we cannot publish lists to NUX. Is there an easy way to do it? Thank you very much! Anton
Show an item from higher hierachy in lower hierachy
Hi everybody, i need your help. i have a 2 levels hierachical list used in a module. I used to select the lower level( details) to display data in my dashboard but now i need to aggregate one ligne at a higher level. to be more specific - VAT is the summary level - VAT_in and VAT_out are the details level in my dashboard i…
Anaplan - Displaying values on UX Pages
Hello all, I have two question about displaying values in Anaplan, specifically on the UX Pages: 1. Is it possible in Anaplan (UX Pages) to write negative numbers in brackets? e.g. instead of – 100 as (100) 2. Is it possible in Anaplan (UX Pages) to insert ‘– ‘ instead of 0 (when no value or value is zero)? e.g. instead of…
Using a line item with list as a selector
Hello, I have a line item called 'Size' which is a list made of three values "Small, Medium, Large". I was wondering if there is a possibility that I create a UX page with a selector which uses the Size list? If I select Large, it shows me only Large values ? Attached screenshot shows blueprint with list values. Appreciate…