NUX Board optimization : Copy Formatting
Hello everyone, I am a Solution Architect and building applications and pages. I am aware of the functionnality "Save card as template". Nevertheless, I think we miss a functionnality here. In fact, the functionnality "Save card as template" give us the possibility to copy & paste a same card to another page but the…
Report Page: increase the slide limit for export
Hi all, We ask you to increase the slide limit for export to 50 units. We have developed a monthly financial report for a group of companies on 38 slides. In the future the report will be supported and the number of slides will increase. Right now it is not possible to export all slides at once, so it is inconvenient for…
N/UX Process Prompts
Previously processes run in N/UX apps for models would prompt a user to confirm processing once the button was clicked. No longer are prompts available and processes immediately run without being able to see the actions associated within the process. When processes with file loads are run, a prompt appears to not only load…
Move the view of two tables at once! (on/off syncronise) New feature
It will be super useful to move two tables at once. In the example above, the red figure show what should happen when moving one table to the right. The other table should move at the same time. With this feature, we could see values in same months between two different tables. Any question, please contact me @NachoCuevas…
NUX Context Aware Import Action
Could we make import actions (that are set up to select context each time an import is ran) context-aware to the UX page it is on? Just want to make that action "smarter" so that users aren't scrolling to select each context every time they want to do an import for that specific context only.
Functionality in "MY PAGES" in the UX
In the US, the My Pages is missing/disabled functionality that is critical to the users to complete their planning: * Actions are disabled in the My Pages-This is a critical function for the business to complete their planning processes without having then to return to a default page to run required actions. * Being able…
Add/Edit a List in the UX
In classic – lists were published directly on a dashboard allowing for flexibility in users’ interaction with the list. IE. Adding new list members, reordering existing list members etc. In the UX lists no longer work this way and there is limited flexibility in managing them. For example - Reordering list members is only…
Field card which allow multiple selection for List line item
A user request to have a filter/drop down for multiple selections of SKU (SKU is List for this module), it is a cherry-pick in this case as it is not limited to a specific hierarchy in the dimension nor fixed number of SKUs. Expected grid output is where SKU is at Row, and time dimension is at column. Below are the…
Allow Column Series Stacking to respect a dimension
I have a data set where I am using Stacked Columns to show a build-up of a number. I have now added Versions to this Module. I want to be able to see two sets of stacked columns, one for each version. Here is the current result: And here is the Actual and What If Versions, each as their own chart: Finally, here is the…
Provide Markdown support for text cards
Currently, the text editing features are very limited. While a rich text editor would be appreciated, simple Markdown support would allow for easy, in-line styling without the need for a rich text editor bar. I know this will be enacted when a user can use basic Markdown syntax to stylize text within the text card in the…
NUX: Possibility to enlarge width of Filter area on Board Pages (similar as for Worksheets pages)
As NUX user I would like to have the possibility to enlarge the "Filter" area to the left using the drag-and-drop. It is similar of what can be done with the "Additional insighst" or "Filter" area in the Worksheet pages. Sometimes the elements to filter have long descriptions and users cannot easily see the descriptions of…
Change Model There Colour
It would be useful to be able to set Production Models header or background colour to something different to Test or other non-production Models. During development activities switching between models in different browser tabs and windows can lead to changing a formula in the wrong model. I've seen in other Finance Systems…
Allow Page Builders to disable UX pages from appearing on Mobile
Some UX pages are not suitable for Mobile use such as those with very large data grids. Page Builders may also want to control the layout of pages to make them easier to use on Mobile, but while keeping a great visual experience on the web as well by utilising spacer cards for example. Page Builders should have the ability…
The copy and paste right-click option on the UX
The copy and paste right-click option on the UX is not working, just a guide is showing. This has been confusing to many end users and wants to be able to hide it in the settings.
Re-order function for Quick Links (Worksheet Page)
Hi, It is undeniable that the quick links in the worksheet page are super handy for users to access to other pages without going back to the landing page or so. But it would be more wonderful if there is re-order ability or at least the ability to update new link under same name (now just able to Delete or Edit Name). For…
NUX Card Template Source Models
Hi, I posted the details to community here: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Anaplan-Platform/NUX-Card-Templates-Disappeared/m-p/135457#M35259 To summarize, I updated the source models to a new workspace and the card templates disappeared altogether. I learned that the templates are tied to the original model. It'd be…
UX Page Reset to return to Highest Level as per User Authorisation (not first list item)
Change the behavior of the UX page Reset button next to context selectors such that it resets to the highest level hierarchy that the current user can access. Example: let’s say I have a geographical hierarchy where I have “All Regions”, Regions, Countries, Cities, and I have access to the region EMEA but not “All…
Ability to Lock Field Card For Input
Need an ability to lock Field Card for Input - just the way we have an ability to lock grid cards for Input Sometimes Field cards are used to display information in the form of text which can be of multiple lines and we don't want users to edit it.
Move 'Body Text' field from 'Overview' to 'Text' in the Card Configuration of a Text Card
Currently the 'Body Text' field is in the 'Overview' tab of the 'Card Configuration of a Text Card. This separates the text entry form the tab with the formatting for that text. It can cause confusion as a user might type in the 'Description' field, thinking it is the 'Body Text' field. Consolidating the Body text field on…
Ability to show/hide an additional insight card based on a boolean line item
On worksheets with a large number of additional insight cards, it can be overwhelming for the user. It would be great if we could configure each card to be visible / invisible based on a boolean line item. The behaviour would need to be context-sensitive: for example, the boolean might be dimensioned by Users, or by one or…