Configurable Map Locations by latitude/longitude
I like the visual appeal of using a map chart to illustrate performance. However, the function currently allows only the plotting of states or countries. For companies like mine (Shell), we look at performance of individual assets or locations where they could be many within a given state or country -- each which should…
Ability to publish User Settings to a Dashboard
It would be great if we could publish the User Settings (Read-only) to Dashboard and make it visible to the Admin team (Operation Support) who are not WSAs but have full access. Sometimes exporting and importing the data into the module may not sync with actual data in the User Settings.
Expand "Tree View" for Lists beyond 1,000 items
Lists automatically convert from "Tree View" to "Grid View" once the 1,000 item limitation is reached. In my opinion, the Tree View is much more aesthetically pleasing and easier to navigate, particularly as the data set gets larger. It would be great if the Tree View was maintained for an infinite amount of items (or at…
Ability to apply validations to list fields when using a Form
Currently only able to apply validations to text fields only when using a form but would be helpful to also apply to list formatted. Thinking would be key lists that are part of a form such as cost center or product would be mandatory for submission.
Need Set Global Default Format Grid function in New UX
My users want to make it possible to set Format Grid - Small for all grids in the New UX. This function exists in Classic UX to set all dashboards to Striped, Ruled, etc. We would like to have this opportunity to set all grids of one App in New UX to one style, e.g. Small which will improve screen space utilization.
NUX Workbook print
As we start using the NUX in an intensive way, I would like to share a user need. We use the NUX for monthly business reviews which were held on the basis of powerpoint documents. The NUX allows us to gain time yet we find ourselves short of document we can use to write notes or to read on paper. (old habits ) We tried to…
Show progress for full process in new UX
Suggest to show the general process progress in the new UX. In the classic UX, it is possible to see which specific action in the process chain is currently being processed. The new UX only shows the progress bar per process step but without any information at all about which step is currently being processed and it is…
New UX Summary - Updated numbers not shown
New UX Summary does not show 'Updated' numbers. Example, export 3.2 Same when run in Classic it shows Updated numbers.
Syncronize Initial Page selection on dashboards
Currently Synchronized Paging functionality on dashboards works only once a selection is made manually. However, this doesn't work for Initial Page selected. So if I want all the modules posted default to the same element, I need to check the setting on all of them. I think this should be fixed. As an option, there can be…
Jump to specific page based on list property (similar to 'dashboard driver' in Classic UX)
Classic UX has the very useful feature where the 'Open Dashboard' action can be configured to point at different dashboards depending on a property in the Driver list. It would be massively useful to migrate this to 'New' UX, so that the 'Link to a page' setting could be similarly configured to point at different Pages…
New UX: Gantt Chart Filters for Time and Lists
For the New UX, I want to ability to synchronize my rows (which are usually hierarchy lists in the model) so when I select a parent list, I only see the applicable values in my Gantt Chart. In addition, I want the ability to filter my timescale (formatted in the columns based on the Gantt Chart requirements) to the start…
New UX - Allow for Expand and Collapsing of Hierarchies in Context Selectors (like Classic UX)
In the Classic UX, users were able to view a hierarchy with everything collapsed and then were able to choose which portion of the hierarchy they wanted to view by selecting the (+) expand button on each node. In the new UX, everything starts expanded and has caused our planners to become quite frustrated with the…
Use Different Color in all Chart options - Value based(Smae line item value)
Currently we can choose single color in Graph or Chart for the same line item values. I have received customer feedback that this should be flexible as they would like this to see Negative value to in different color than positive values, and color changes for increase and decrease of value in same line item, say for…
List-formatted line items as Conditional Formatting base
As a Model Builder, I want to use list-formatted line items as Conditional Formatting base (currently Conditional Formatting can be based only on number-formatted line items), so I don't have to create extra line item to use CF. Developer should be able to pick line item formatted as list as a base and define the colours…
New UX: Arranging content selectors
It would be great to be able to rearrange the content selectors (change the sequence) in the new UX. In classic dashboard, we can changed the views in pivoting or establish a list as page selector. But we are not able to do so in new UX. I am curious how the content selectors are arranged.
Granularity of Horizontal Object Sizing UX
It would be very useful to have increased granularity when it comes to the object sizing in the UX - as per row sizing for an object, which is wholly flexible, the columns only allow sizing in increments of an inch. Increasing this would allow for better placement and alignment of objects.
Field Cards Line Item Restricted
Currently when adding numerous Line Items to a field card you encounter the following "bug"... Once you reach the bottom of the Designer page due to a number of line items being added you are unable to scroll down to edit each line item in Designer screen. There doesn't seem to be a maximum number of line items which can…
Label Placement Options for UX Objects
Currently a Graph, Chart or Grid with label/selector options shown defaults to displaying these at the bottom of the object. I have received customer feedback that this should be flexible as they would like this to be shown at the top of the object to immediately draw users attention to the context of that specific object.…
UX: Formatting of Line Items in a Grid
The ability to format heading & Style options for sub-totals, totals and hierarchy summaries within a grid would allow these to stand-out for users. Problem: currently there is slight indentation and the formatting doesn't allow for important totals to stand-out in a big grid of data. I believe this should enhance the…
New UX Conditional Formatting made possible on Module Views and not just custom Views
It should be possible to apply the new conditional formatting with Morse, Border on the module Views as well and not just custom views. Currently we need to recreate an existing view using custom views to just leverage on the new conditional formatting.