- Import Data into Historic Volumes Module | Invalid line item identifier
Hello All, Can someone help me to point where this is going wrong. I am getting Import complete but with failures : Invalid line item identifier please see the screen shots for details. Thank you
Be able to have multiple imports of saved view to module
As part of the model cycle have an import which takes from model A and imports to model B but for the first run it's only half the line items and then for the second run it's the whole set. Essentially the second half of metrics are in flux and the end users don't want them updated. What we have to do is go in and adjust…
Automatically generate Keys for Importing fact data into Data Hub module
Importing fact data into "flat modules" in a Data Hub is challenging when your data source is unable to provide a single unique Key to act as a List Item. That work ends up taking place between the extracted data and the import into Anaplan and oftentimes involves concatenating Key columns into a single column, sometimes…
Export User Access with Display Names of Selective Access Lists (if Numbered)
If in the system Selective Access is set to Numbered List, when you export User Access list, all items are shown as #NAME instead of display name. Currently, on quarter basis we are preparing current user access lists to provide to responsible people. An it takes a lot of time to manually replace #NAMES with Display one,…
Changing source model for select actions in bulk
There are currently two options for changing the source model of an action. The first being in the Import Data Sources section in 'Actions' where users can change the data sources for actions one by one. The second is by going to 'Source models' and editing mapping for a source model. This changes the source model for ALL…
Running multiple export actions in parallel
I am using the API the execute multiple export actions and download the resulting output. I notice that if I start the first export with the call to /workspaces/{workspaceId}/models/{modelId}/exports/{exportId}/tasks Then the request will return in under a second as the export starts. However, if I call the endpoint again…
Export Model Map to PDF/Excel
Capability to Export Model Map from Contents page to PDF/Excel.
Run Action Concurrency
Hi, I want to check the action concurrency. If several users run the action, Action which first user run will run? The second user's will not run?
Anaplan API | Add list items to a numbered list by combination of properties as a unique identifier
Dears, I am currently writing an API call to add a list item to a numbered list. Here, i would like to use a combination of properties as a unique identifier, not the regular code. Which has to be specified in the request body. Unfortunately, I haven't found any guidance in the documentation on how to do that (). Does…
Saved Export Actions
For saved exports from Anaplan, how does the export remember what to export? I'm used to creating a saved view to represent the export, however, if a saved view is not created and potentially certain list members and/or line items were hidden/visible when the export was created, is that what Anaplan remembers for that…
Maintain Formatting in Data Export
When exporting data from Anaplan to Excel, it would be great to have the option to maintain certain formatting options such as wrapped text and conditional formatting.
Host Images Directly In Anaplan and Display on Dashboards Like Data and Files
Hi Anaplan! It would be great if Anaplan could store images directly and host them on the platform to dashboards. This would allow for easier hosting and one secure location. Also if there was a process assigned to uploading images this could help use cases for uploading multiple images at once in a bulk upload. Thanks,…
Error when importing into module with numbered list as dimension
Hi Anaplan Community, I try to import data from a saved view in my source module to my target module. My target module has numbered list #L3 SKU-Plant as its sole dimension. My source module has the material list as sole dimension. As part of my saved view in source module, I created a line item "L3 SKU-Plant list item 1st…
Delete from list using selection
Hello Everyone, I have a module dimensionned by two lists, in which I added a boolean "Delete" which is codded by true, and I wanted to create a delete from one of the two lists using selection in the "Action" table, based on that boolean, but when I look for it I don't find it in the droplist of "selected using", which is…
How to move or copy an excel spreadsheet without loosing connection
I'd like to merge 2 excel files. Both have anaplan connections. How can I move or copy excel spreadsheets to another file withour loosing my anaplan connection?
- Import Data into Historic Volumes Module
Hi All, Please find attached the screenshots of the mapping I have done for the import process. But I am facing the error - Manual mapping is unavailable when number of items exceeds 5000. Because this I am unable to perform the mapping of line item "Volume". I have used the file provided in the activity…
Can someone explain what exactly is metadata, and what is the role of metadata in the datahub and how it is better to calculate the metadata in the datahub itself rather than importing it to other spoke models?
Import values from previous period into current period
Hi, I am trying to build an import which should take the values from a month to the next one, in order to create a baseline the user would then modify as he pleases. Once he's done so, he should then import the new values into the next months. The import seems to work, however, it deletes the value from the previous month.…
Anaplan API Authentication service - nuances...
Official documentation from Anaplan: https://anaplanauthentication.docs.apiary.io/# In order to successfully connect to the Anaplan Authentication service you will need to: * Generate a CA certificate. with access to both the public certificate and the private key * Add the public cert to the anaplan security site *…
CloudWorks Integration with Amazon S3: "There was an internal server error"
Hello, I'm trying to get Anaplan to an Amazon S3 bucket. I have set up a connection and it seems to work, however when trying to pick a data target I keep running into the issue of there being an "internal server error". Any thoughts on how to resolve this?
Google Sheets Add-on Performance
Hello, We would like to use the Google Sheets Add-On, but face the problem that every step, including the refreshing and sending of data to and from Anaplan is very slow and time consuming. Using the Add-on in a new empty sheet works faster, but the client works in several Google sheets with multiple…
Sequence of list elements creation during imports
Hi, As part of a requirement, I am looking to gather more information on the order in which the list elements are created. Consider my source as If I want to use the above view as a source and create list elements , 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D'. Can there be any possibility that instead of creating them in the order , Anaplan…
I want to understand the use of this feature?
I am trying to import data from Data Hub to spoke model. The requirement is to clear the target before loading the new data. Can I use this option at 'All Items' as an alternative to creating clear module data actions using 'No data' formatted clear line items in the target? Is that more efficient? Does it work the same…
Level 2 - Conclusion - Create Country Currency List
Hello, While I try to import the currency data, the data for EUROS is not getting updating because it is similar for 3 countries. I tried selecting the name or code also, name only and code only. Tried selecting countries as parent and deselecting it. But facing the same error. Kindly help. Sneha
Time mapping for daily data imports
I am importing data into Anaplan from a csv file. I am used to seeing the following screen for time mapping: However, this particular upload is daily data and I am seeing the following: Am I doing something wrong with the module setup or is this how imports usually look for daily data? Any advice on best practice for daily…
incremental synchronization
Is there any way to implement incremental synchronization of data loads? which will only synchronizes the data in the application that has changed since the last sync from the data source?
Build custom ‘process log’ within Anaplan
Author: Noah Jackson, Principal Data and Insights Architect at Anaplan. In certain business process there are imports and actions that are not run on set schedules but are instead initiated as needed by end users. As a non-Admin user in an Anaplan model, it is sometimes very useful to be able to easily determine details…
Character restriction on Code Import
Hi Team, Recently we encountered an issue where we were importing data to a list, where unique identifier was to be added to the code and we find few records saying as invalid code. Example: any unique identifier with underscore "_" was at the start or the end was giving error of being invalid code. Can we have these as…
Level 2 Import into SYS08 SKU Details module
Hi Folks, I am facing error in Distribution center Mapping. attached is my model view. Please guide .
Have CloudWorks support DCA
I would like to see CloudWorks support Dynamic Cell Access. Our organization has a model-to-model import process that would not run correctly in CloudWorks due to the source module having DCA.