Anaplan Connect: Export to SQL Server
Hi, I am setting up export connections from Anaplan to SQL Server. We do this using Anaplan Connect. We have already set up around 100 export connections, but we are still facing difficulties with one specific export. In the screenshots below you can find the error log we’re facing. We use a simple query to insert the…
Unable to onboard whole data into Anaplan
Unable to onboard whole data into Anaplan Source data: Translate business process into Anaplan components Expected Result: Translate business process into Anaplan components Onboarded data into Anaplan: Translate business process Please guide me!!
Export Action
Hi Members, Can someone please guide me, how can I create an export action? As Export Action is not displaying.
L2 INV05 Shipping Cost Conclusion
Hello, Im having an issue where my values for the Shipping costs on the INV05 Shipping Export module are much larger than what the training check your work has presented. I know there is a disclaimer at the bottom of the check your work that the values may be different but mine seem to be much larger. I want to know if…
Level2- Sprint1- 1.3.8 model to model import-unable to import parent from saved view build location
Level2- Sprint1- 1.3.8 model to model import -unable to import parent country column in G3 Location list from saved view - build location. Please help me out to resolve the same.
Data load to SQL using JDBC connection failed : Cannot deserialize value of type
Hi Team, one of the export from Anaplan to SQL tables failing with the following error message. This script ran successfully till 27th Aug and it was failing for past 2 days. No changes were made and it was the same export script and JDBC properties file and same target table is being used. Appreciate for your guidance to…
CloudWorks - Model to Model Processes
I am trying to schedule automated Model-to-Model processes using CloudWorks so that it doesn't have to be done manually by a human. What I've noticed is some of my Actions within the automated Process don't run properly when CloudWorks runs it vs. when I manually run it. It seems that Cloudworks, "Internal (Full Access)",…
Duplicate Rows or Columns Excel Add in
After closing and reopening an excel add-in linked workbook I am seeing the attached error. The workbook worked fine before being closed. It has also broken the connection on another tab that was working correctly, I think this may be a separate issue.
CloudWorks - possibility to cancel Export Process
It would be nice to have an option to stop export process to external data bases in CloudWorks. We ended up a few times with situation where a process exporting data to Google Cloud was stuck for 16h and it could not be stopped by us or by Anaplan Support.
Timedimension while exporting a module in .csv file
I am facing an issue when trying to export a module in .csv format. I have setup a Time Range that has 2 Periods and have available aggregations set as Total of All. In a Module I have this Time Range (which is in periods - Jan 20/Feb 20/etc...) in column and when I am exporting the module as a .csv file in the .csv file…
Import Financial Transaction Data
I have a financial transaction file I receive every night. This file contains multiple rows that contain the exact same data in each field. Is there a way to import these rows without failing the duplicate checks?
Provide capability to import blank values for dates and list formatted line items
I would like the capability to blank out cells. This is not currently possible without clearing target before import. Description of the enhancement required: Ability to blank out cells without clearing the entire module each time An example of the enhancement: During the upload, there is an option which allows user to…
Option to export conditional formatting in export to xls
Description of the enhancement: Add an option to include conditional formatting in exports to xls
Community perspective: Monitor activity in your models using an action log
Model actions are a useful tool when it comes to automating routine tasks in Anaplan. They enable a wide range of applications such as data integration, list management, or model maintenance. To keep track of action-related activity in a model, we can rely on the Start Date and Time (UTC) column in the Actions pane: A…
- Update SYS07 Location Details Module
Hi All, I completed this task and everything seems good. Except Location name not populated in the SYS07 location Details module. Please see the screenshots attached and advise everything is correct and I can move forward. I tried to Manually map location to code under 3rd tab but not able to do it. Someone please help me…
Conclusion of Level 2 Model Building DATA02 SKU Volumes module
hello I'm stuck in this . can anyone help me from Level 1 FP&A module we have G3 and P3 SKU as dimnesions where is when importing from supply chain module it has different dimensions . how to import ? supply chain module if i use DATA 01 begining inventory module as data source , can you help me in fixing the import as i…
RESTful API How To
You can interact with the data in your models using Anaplan's RESTful API. This enables you to securely import and export data, as well as run actions through any programmatic way you desire. The API can be leveraged in any custom integration, allowing for a wide range of integration solutions to be implemented. Completing…
Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View
The question dont know why it is empty Everything seems perfecrt but why there is only ZEROS ? Help please ?
Module to module import problem - list item mapping problem?
Hi Anaplaners, I have created a module-to-module import action within the same model. The source module and the target module have identical dimensions, line item no., line item format etc. However, it seems like there are some kind of mapping problem for the team list. As you can see from the below screenshot, in the…
Different numbers being imported
I have 2 modules, both with exactly the same structure (2 dimensions, multiple versions, no time scale, and with only one line item). I created a simple import from one module to the other, however, once the import has run successfully with no errors, I'm getting different numbers landing in the corresponding cells in the…
Importing data directly from another Anaplan module
When a user is attempting to import data directly from another Anaplan module, they need to be able to use an identifier (code or link vs. the display name of the field) to ‘connect’ the records. For example: When a user exports from a ‘source’ Anaplan module, the user has the ability to export the ‘code’ or ‘list link…
Anaplan Connect: Difficulties setting up export from Anaplan to SQL Server
Hi, We're trying to set up a connection to export data from Anaplan to Microsoft SQL Server. We already have a working connection to import data into Anaplan, but we can't manage to set this up the other way around (export). We set up the export connection using the Anaplan Connect guide and our working import actions. We…
Add Bulk Copy to action list to be added in process chain.
Hi there, Current limitations with the version dimension mean we are not able to select Version as a list formatted line item (there is a separate ticket with community support on this topic). Because of that, we are forced to do a number of data moves using custom version lists, list subsets, and collect statements to…
How to set up integration from MS SQL Server table to Anaplan model via Talend
Hi, We are trying to load contents from a table in MS SQL Server table to Anaplan model (processes, actions, etc.) using Talend. So far we are able to make connection to Anaplan model and do the authentication successfully. We are able to view all import ids of the model / process ids / action id. I am following this user…
Transactional API for Direct Module Data Access
Hi All, Has anybody built a solution using the Transactional APIs to Retrieve cell data for a view yet. There is reference of Denodo Virtualization tool on forums but it does not work for modules above 1,000,000 cells since there is restriction on the API endpoint.
Excel Add-in (Submit data from multi spreadsheets to Anaplan)
Hello, We are using Anaplan Excel Add-in to upload data. We create a write connection with a one module which have Country dimension. Each Country is presented in separate sheet, can we upload data to Anaplan from all these sheets by clicking only one button - Submit? Thank you in advance for help. Best regards, Dominika
Import Anaplan Data into Spotfire
Hello, Could someone explain how we can import Anaplan data into Spotfire? Is there a specific connector that I should install? I heard there is a Auth 2 connection, but I have a very basic level in all this. Don't know how to handle this. Something that explains step-by-step how to make it happen would be awesome. Thanks…
How does Authentication with CA Certs work?
Why CA Certs? The purpose of this blog series is to give a deeper look on the use of Certificate Authority (CA) Certificates, especially on how this method of authentication works and how to use them for your different integrations. A Quick Recap On Anaplan APIs Authentication We recommend our readers to have some basic…
OEG Best Practice: Data integration decision app
We built this app to make getting started on your Anaplan data integration journey simple with a quick questionnaire and helpful information and links. A common question that arises during Anaplan implementations (or even after go-live) is "How can I automate data feeds into and out of Anaplan?" While the ultimate decision…
Import stops at 91%, no model won't open on workspace anymore
Hey there, we have 2 workspaces. We have built different models on both WS and started imports from a large CSV. In both cases, the import stopped at 91%. Going back to model manager and stopping the process yielded in "model XYZ (closing)". When refreshing the page, we see all of our models, but cannot a) open any model…