OEG Best Practice: Data Hubs: Purpose and peak performance
You may have heard about a model called a Data Hub, but perhaps you aren’t confident that you understand the fundamentals, primary functions, or considerations when architecting one. There are three main advantages to incorporating a Data Hub: Single source of truth : Stores all transactional data from the source system.…
Mule4 with Anaplan Execute Export streaming Integration (Unparseable date issue)
Hello Team, We are using Execute export streaming Anaplan operation connector in Mule 4. But we are getting the following exception from the Anaplan connector while performing the export option! org.mule.modules.mulesoftanaplanv3.internal.client.AnaplanV2Client: Exception while parsing currentTime java.text.ParseException:…
CloudWorks: Stop hiding flows if model is archived or stop a schedule if flow was hidden
When a model is archived all related flows becomes hidden. If, for testing purposes, there was a schedule set, it keeps running (and failing) in the background even though administrators are no longer able to see or change the flow. One can always bring archive back and stop/change the flow, but it would be much easier if…
Anaplan: Valid To period - 9999
Hi Expert, Good day! Would like to seek your insights on how to upload the ValidTo period as 12/31/9999 and in Anaplan it will become blank (Date format). Since in Anaplan unable to load this period format unless set the format as text. Is there any workaround to handle this one or a system limitation? Thank you in…
Level 3 sprint 1
Hi Can some help me in Understand this step. 4.6.4, Its asking me to update A2 Account List from Data hub Model My first question is source should be " SYS14 Create Account > Product module or " Product Flat list" Second, If I am using module than I am not getting display name to be used Please some one guide me in this…
Levels to show only giving two options, not all levels of a hierarchical list
Probably an easy question but I am working through the level 1 course and it shows how you can aggregate based on a hierarchical list. When I try this on my own model it looks different and there are only two options. My view S01 Is a child of S02 which is a child of S03… S05. I'd like to display only the S03 Level. The…
Delta Load
Is it possible to do a delta load in the Anaplan model? Lets say one flat file is uploaded at 10.00 AM with 5 million records and the same file is uploaded at 11.00 AM with 6 million records. I just want to upload the new 1 million records into my model. How can we achieve that? Thank you in advance!
7.2.1 Activity: Import Data into Product Details Module Question
Hi there, I am having trouble importing data and I think my mapping may be off. When I get to the Product Details Line Items, there are no selections available. Can anyone advise?
Advice on Optimizing Combined Export List in Anaplan
Dear Anaplanners, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a project that involves two separate exports: one containing Project and Project Code, and the other containing Bench Code. Refer excel snip with samples. The receiving system can accept both Project Code and NPI Code, but in Anaplan, we have…
Importing users in deployed mode
Hello Everyone, Could anyone please advise on how we can import the users in deployed mode? Is it possible to import the selective access fields as well? Thanks in advance..!!
- Import Data Into DAT03 Historic Volumes module
I have been through many related threads but still couldn't resolve this. I get the error: "DAT03 Historic Volumes.Export" could not be located. I tried to remap but get the same error. I provided screenshots for more context. Thanks for any assistance!
MB Level 2 Sprint 1: 1.5.2 Activity: Import Data into Beginning Inventory
Hi, I currently trouble importing data into the DAT01 Beginning Inventory module. Kindly advise.
Export PDF from NUX Page
Hello, I would like to export a dashboard from the NUX as a PDF. But the native export from the NUX page doesn't work for me, because I can't display all my columns on the same page How can I select the same properties than in the classic dashboard export ? If not, how can I save this export definition to publish it in the…
Import Saved View - Filter
Hi all, A bit surprised this topic isn't here as it's one of the most common frustrations, similar to the post here. When importing from a filtered saved view there are a lot of cases of missing values. We all encounter it, and the first time it takes very long to determine the root cause. We change the filters but then…
Hi, I have a scenario where I have to take a snapshot every week(forecast periods) -max 6 weeks forecast period. Source Module -Standard Time Scale, Article List, LineItem(which I want to take a snapshot) Target Module- Standard Time Scale, Weekly snapshot LIST(Contains list member of Lag 1, Lag 2, Lag3..6), Article List,…
Is there a way to view model history on the front end?
Is there a way to view model history on the front end? Example: As a front end user I would like to be able to pull the model history, similar to the one available in the back end.
Inquiry Regarding Zero Chunk Count in Anaplan Integration API V2 Downloads
I am currently working with the Anaplan Integration API V2 to download a list of files and obtain their corresponding file IDs. In previous downloads, the chunk count for the files was correctly indicated. However, I have noticed that the chunk count for the same files now shows as zero, despite no changes being made to…
Edit Export Action
User should be able to edit Export Action just like Import Action in case of addition, deletion of line items to the saved addition/removal of filter to the saved view which is being used in Export Action.
Anaplan Integration with Alteryx
I'm currently experiencing an issue with a new Alteryx to Anaplan connector. I've setup the import and mapping process similar to how we map for Anaplan Connect. I create the imports manually, map the file as "Admins Only" and then add it to a process. On the Alteryx side I reference the process name as a part of the…
[Start Here] Anaplan Connector for Informatica Cloud – Part 1: The Basics
Welcome to the basics of the Anaplan Connector for Informatica Cloud. What you’ll find here is a quick overview of the connector before we get to the fun stuff: best practices, use cases and tips and tricks! You’ll find notes on what the connector for Informatica Cloud is, who it’s for, and use cases to give you a taste of…
Model Changes Tracking
Hello, Recently, I have been involved in a Model Building activities. Project has two teams. Original MBs and my team to take over. My question is : if there is a way to track who created a particular module, line item or applied changes? (Apart from "History" tab)
Impacts of copying or importing a model
Introduction When copying or importing a model to a different workspace within the same tenant, it’s important to understand all the pieces that are impacted by this action. It's commonly thought of as 'moving' a model. However, the reality is that a completely new model is being created with a new model GUID.…
Level 2 - Conclusion: Export data from INV01
I am currently working on the Conclusion for Level 2. When preparing the export saved view for INV01 Beginning Inventory, I noticed I have significantly different numbers in my module as compared to the example .csv and the screenshot from the course. I am wondering if there is something obvious I am missing, or if I need…
Import Final Demand Forecast into DAT02 Module
Good Morning, While doing this activity in the Conclusion course, I got stuck Indeed, they are asking us to Import the Demand data into the DATA02 SKU Volumes module. But in the Level 1 model, there is not a module called data2. So do we have to create this module? If yes which line item, what to put as page selector, rows…
Level 2 - Conclusion: Export data from INV01
I am currently working on the Conclusion for Level 2. When preparing the export saved view for INV01 Beginning Inventory, I noticed I have significantly different numbers in my module as compared to the example .csv and the screenshot from the course. I am wondering if there is something obvious I am missing, or if I need…
Import error: invalid name
Hello, I am trying to run a import into a list in order to update the item code as per what the user inputs. However I get this error: This is the module view I am importing . I want "New VAT Number" to be the new item code: Here is the action: What is wrong? Thanks, Luca
Invalid Parent when Importing into List
Hi! I have this list called Strategic Customer. I have a module based off this list called Strategic Customer Details. the parent hierarchy of this list is Strategic Account Owners. In the module, I have a line item to choose a different Strategic Account Owner for a Strategic Customer. The choose new SAM line item is…
getting Error while importing a large file which was successfully uploaded few days ago.
Hi Anaplanners, I am getting error while running a import action by uploading a large size file. The same file was successfully uploaded with the same action 3 weeks ago. I have tried all the ways:- tried after by clearing cache and cookies tried to make new import action with the same file. restarted my system and…
Random number generator
Is there a way to generate random numbers from a defined range of numbers so that the numbers being changed regularly in a module every time we refresh the model or just run an action?
Actions Used in Pages
Currently we can find , In which Dashboard the Process and actions were published by referring "Used in Dashboards" column in Actions tab. Similar to that, we shall have "Used in Pages" column so that we can find in which Page(s), the given process or action was published.