L2 Certification
How many Exams are there in L2 certification. Is it 3 or 4 and how many attempts are allowed per exam as well as per Questions?
Deafult Forecast Errors
i m trying for Default Forecast and also with Round formula..I m confused about the formula. Can somebody help for this ?? I got the Baseline Forecast and Growth Rate%
Question in L1 Modelbuilding exam has same Role name as Department name.
Hi, Please can some one help me on how to do this as Department as well as Role name have same name Executive and same code Ex in them. How will data flow in to the module correctly in this case. Roles list data is RoleParentCode ExecutiveAll RolesEX Senior DirectorAll RolesSD DirectorAll RolesD Senior ManagerAll…
Anaplan - tracking upload status
Hello, I need to create a module in Anaplan to track the status of data loading. 1. Users are loading data using Excel Add-In. 2. Then, they need to check a checkbox (Boolean) that the data has been loaded Is there any way to know when the user has loaded the data/checked the checkbox? This functionality is need to inform…
COLLECT() function issue
Hi Community, Please see attachment for the details of the issue. Any feedback is appreciated Regards,
Level 2 Sprint Final Shipping Method and 3.4.3 Country Made in
No matter how hard I try I am not able to the right formula for Final Shipping Method, so far my formula is "IF NOT Override Shipping Method OR ISBLANK(Override Method) THEN Shipping Method... Another query is do I have to give a formula for Country Made In line item...if so can anyone give me a hint?! Thank you in Advance…
I have configured the hierarchies properly but the parent Hierarchy is not visible in my INV01 Inventory Ordering module
Automated email notifications
Hi, we have requirement in our anaplan model that we need to send an notifications before due date to multiple users which belongs to different business segments .
2.3.9 Activity: Historic Volumes to Baseline Forecast
Hello, When comparing my DEM03 Demand Forecast numbers to the Anaplan example, my Default Forecast seems off. The DAT03 Historic Volumes appear to match. Anaplan example: what I see on my DEM03 module: The Default Forecast matches the Baseline Forecast for FY20 and the Growth Rate % doesn't apply until Week1 FY21.…
DEM03 Demand Forecast
Hi, My DEM03 Demand Forecast is not matching with the Check your work data. When i select All accounts for a product SKU, my data is different from the training material. I am not sure how i arrive at 2024 in Default Forecast & 2004 in Final Forecast. Please help me sort this out. I have attached the screenshots for…
L1M1 13.9.3 Activity: Add Primary Grid to Volume Entry Page
Hi, In this section Allow editing tab is greyed out for me. Am I missing something here or I need additional permissions to have this. Also this section is not visible to me. Please can someone help me with this. Thanks, Balarama Krishna
Level 2,
Under INV module the JAN 20 beginning inv is matching Week 4 Beginning INV. Shouldn't the Beginning inv for a month be the same as Week 1? I keyed in some forecast values in DEM03* module. WIll this affect my results in SPrint 3? Hope someone can answer my queries THanks THomas
Activity 6 model building exam
The formula for 'REP04 Employee Expense Summary'.Salary is invalid: Salary = 'EMP02 Employee Expenses'. Salary[Lookup: 'SYS08 Employee Details'. Region, Lookup:'SYS08 Employee Details'. Role] The name 'SYS08 Employee Details'. Region used in the LOOKUP clause is not recognized as a line item in the model this error i m…
Activity: Add Formulas to Margin Calculation Module
why my unit price growth % didn't change even adding 5% in price growth rate plz help
Delete from List using Selection: Do not see my delete/boolean line item in the picklist
I'm trying to create a delete action utilizing the action option "Delete from List using Selection." However from the setup box, in the picklist "Select using", I do not see my boolean line item. Are there parameters published somewhere as to what would prevent a line item being visible in the picklist? Here are my module…
Level 1 Model Building Exam
Hi, I downloaded the model to be used for the exam. The EMP03 Employee Drivers has nothing to put the data from; i.e. 0% bonus, 0 allowances. Does that sound right? As I could not go back to the previous page to see if I missed anything. Appreciate your help!
Can I select two different child list with same parent in single module?
Hi All, I have two different list with same parent. I want that two lists in one module but currently I am not able to select because it clashes with each other. For e.g: 1) I have one list called Employee & Parent of that list is Group. 2) And Have another list called Branch & also parent of that list same i.e Group. I…
Lookup not working - dimension used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the source
HI I have 2 line items in the same module which are both in list format using the same subset list. I would like 1 of the line items to be completed based on the entry made in the other. I have created a mapping module using the same subset list as for the module and the line item (see attached screen shots). But when I…
11.3.3 Activity: Add Profit & Loss Report Module
Hello All, When I put this formula, IF 'SYS09 Version Details'.Forecast? THEN 'OTH01 Non Employee Expenses'.Shipping Costs ELSE 'DATA01 P&L Actual and Budget'.Shipping Costs I am getting this error The formula for 'REP03 Profit & Loss Report'.Shipping Costs is invalid: Shipping Costs = IF 'SYS09 Version Details'.Forecast?…
Deleting item from general list
in model i am not able to delete the organization from the general list. please can somebody help me out from this
Level 1 Lesson 11.3.4
I have been stuck on the first formula for days. When I enter it the error I get is: I'm not sure what this means, I have gone back and double checked the naming of all of my modules and made sure I was typing the formula correctly I've tried typing it, copying it, no matter what I do it won't work. If someone could…
Time Settings by Year issue
Hi @noelle_murphy This is not displayed as year any comment
saying invalid formula
can someone tell the exact problem in the formula
New UX: Model Status/Refresh Messaging on New UX Page
Idea is to have a message or status on the New UX page in order to notify user that something is happening in the model that is causing the model to queue or be blocked (examples include: save state, actions, etc.). The lack of messaging causes massive frustration for users who think the New UX page is "slow". The classic…
Alias Property or Label
Description of the enhancement required: Alias Property or Label An example of the enhancement: The Item Name in a list might not always be indicative of what they might want to see in a report, but it’s how it’s stored within their metadata structures so it’s currently what’s being used. Sometimes as part of an alias they…
L1M1 12.4.6 activity. Create Saved Views for Employee
Hi All, How to add E2 Employees#: Active? directly to pivot. I tried to find the option but failed. I have subset E2 Employees#: Active? in E2 Employees#. How can I add this subset to pivot? Please help. Thanks, Balarama Krishna
Struck at L1M1 12.4.6 Activity: Create Saved Views for Employee Expenses
Hi All, I am struck at this. The training materilas asks Create a new saved view: * Pivot the view: * Pages: E2 Employees#: Active? * Columns: Time * Row: Line Items * Filter: Show Forecast Months only * Save and name the view: Forecast Periods My Pivot shows In my saved view everything is showing correct but I am not…
Is it possible to create single list with parent child relationship?
number of months left in the model calendar
Hi, I'm looking for a way to reference the last month in the model calendar. For Example My model Calendar is 1 previous year and 2 future years. Currently the last Period is June 2022 however when the model calendar increases i want the formula to reference the new end period. I then want to count the months from the…
Dynamic Native Version Selection in Export Module
HI, I have a staging Module, version dimensioned where I collect the data I need to export. In the export module, I would like to remove the Native Versions and make the versions selection dynamic. So that the Line Item – Amount collection would collect the amount from a selected version. Version Selection module (below…