line item: First week of timescale?
how do I build the formula in 'Sys01 time settings by week' for this line item
Level 2 Sprint 3 - Inventory Ordering Module Formulas
Hi All, After working on the formulae in this section , the expected result is not as shown is section Please find attached the screenshots of the "my output", "expected output" and the "Sys01 time setting". Request you to guide me where am I committing the mistake so that I can proceed. Thank you, Har**bleep**ha.
9.2.6 Activity: Add Formulas to Margin Calculation Module
Hello! I am working on 9.2.6. I have updated and checked all formulas but Revenue, COS, Margin and Margin % do not match with what solution is shown in exercise. Can anyone please help?
Level 1 Exam Activity 4 & 5
Hi all, I've been stuck on both these questions for the past 3 hours and now I'm on question 6 and it seems to build on these two previous questions. I've searched previous posts but and I've followed those steps but the numbers are still incorrect. I'm not too sure what to try any more. I have made the SYS008 module to…
Unique ID longer than 60 chars
Hi, As per Anaplan's best practice in loading data, we are trying to create unique ID, however, since the original codes are very long, the unique IDs we are trying to create by concatenating the codes of the different dimensions are longer than 60 characters long. For example, we have Cost Center, Measure, FinGeo etc, and…
L2S3 Sys00 Time settings by month module Planning Period Filter
To add line item: Planning Period Filter? Saved View Name: Planning Period Filter for UX * Show only the Planning Period Filter line item * Filter to show months only I added this as a line item planning period filter as Boolean and entered true and then deleted it also added a filtered function filter by the line item…
To dimentionalise or not
Hi All, When I was doing Level 1 model building training, had many doubts coming up in mind regarding modules and dimensions, started jotting notes to clear the fog in my head 🙂 thought to share it, perhaps it can help other new learners! Or something that I haven't understood right and needs to correct.
Query sales order data into sku properties
I am currently working with a dataset that has all sales order information and have the goal of creating a boolean formula to mark true if a sale on a product has occurred in the last two years. The data module and sku modules are related based on a column with item ID numbers, but I am having trouble pulling the sales…
anaplan limits
Hi Can you advise of a resource indicating limits within Anaplan. e.g. Max number of dimensions, line items you can add to a module; Max size of txt,csv file for data imports etc Is there a help file outling all limits. thank you ravinder
Import a csv file to a module where "Months" are line items
Hi, Anaplaners I am struggling with import data where one of its columns represents time "YYYYMM" to a module where Time dimension is "Year" and "Month"s are a line items. Would you take a look at the attached to see what I would like to achieve ? Such an import ever possible ? Thanks in advance.
Custom Time Aggregation
Dear Anaplan Experts, Would it be possible to build a custom time aggregation function while still being able to leverage our system time functions? For example, I am doing some salary calculations at the granularity level of day, then I would like to aggregate the period of 2022-05-25 2022-06-24 to June 2022 because our…
Retreival of Archived Model
Dear Community, I have archived Data Hub Model (Level 2 Sprint 1) , Now I am in Level 2 Sprint 2 (Supply Chain) using Data hub model to pull the historic data, when I importing (Action 9) , I get error saying that source model is Archived by other user . If anyone knows how to retrieve the archive model , that would be…
Setting to restict user from selecting list items multiple times
In some scenarios, where you need the user to map a list item with another list item (one to one mapping), it would be useful to have an Anaplan setting that restricts the user to select a list item only once in the field. Currently, you need to add some manual check to make sure that each item is mapped only once.
Provision to enter data in specific version in Report
Hi, I need to create a report with 3 versions actual,forecast,budget and the data is formula driven. But need to give provision for the planner to override the data only in forecast version which is calculated.Need few suggestions to implement this. Regards, Sri Nitya
Level 1 Model Building Lesson 10.2.5 Employee Names Not Showing
Hi, I have successfully selected the 'Employee # Active?' list subset as a dimension for the EMP02 Employee Expenses Module. However, as you can see below, the employee codes show up instead of their names. Does anyone know how to resolve this? Thanks
L1 MB Certification Test: EMP02 Employee Expenses
Hi- I'm trying to update the formulas to reference the drivers in EMP03 Employee Drivers by role. I keep getting an error when i try to update the formula. Do you know why this error is happening?
IF ELSE statement for different hierarchy levels
Hi team! I have a question about using IF ELSE statements for different levels of hierarchy. I have hierarchy on level 2 (L2) and level 3 (L3). I also have line items which are calculated for L2 and L3 respectively. I need to create a line item on L3 which goes IF *Item from L3* THEN Line item for L3 ELSE Line item for L2.…
Dashboard Chart Settings
Team, I have a customer request to build a report that supports a trend graph. The difficult part is that they want a 3 month comparison chart, based on daily input. So if we are in August and input data August 9th, we will then have 3 trend lines; Line 1 is from the input date back 30 days; the next trend line 2 starts…
No models available
Hi team I had built 3 model, but those are unavailable in my account. Please look into the same.
Parent Child addition
Hi , I need a help in calculation of data at lowest hierarchy level giving values to parent level. For example, l0l1L2DataExpectedFunction usedAa1b11133=SUMIF Aa1b12233 Aa2b2111443 Aa2b2222443 Aa2b2110443 Here, I want values added of all the l2 who has same parent. Can anyone suggest me way out? Thanks, Divya
SUM results not matching up to summary
I'm having an issue with SUM giving me unexpected results. When I'm working with hierarchy lists and just need a top level sum rather than subtotals at all levels of the hierarchy, sometimes I'll use a 1-item list, add a line item set to this list item, and SUM over it to get the top level sum. It's a little convoluted but…
Providing different templates for input based on selection
Hi team, I'm currently working on a supply chain project. We have a use case where we need to provide the user a template to input the attributes. But, the tricky part is not all the attributes needs to be populated for all the products. For example, Let's say for 'Product A' only Attr1 and Attr2 is required in the…
[BUG] Line item format vs value format (YEAR vs MONTH)
Hi Anaplan Devs, I have probably just found an error/bug. Case: 2 line items, one formatted as Period:Month (let's call it LI_A) and second as Period:Year (LI_B) Value in LI_A: Apr 21 (or any other month period) Formula in LI_B: LI_A -1 Expected result: FY21 or FY20 or ERROR (basically if successful then formatted as Year)…
Understanding LAG Function
LAG Definition: Returns the value from the past or from the future based on the syntax Constraint: TIME & DATE Function. LAG will work only with Native TIME. Syntax: LAG(X,Y,Z,O) ArgumentsDescriptionLong DescriptionNatureFormatXValue to OffsetValue to replace with a value from a different time period.MandatoryAny (Number,…
New UX for modeling: refresh dashboard button for classic
As users move to the new interface also for classic dashboards, the "refresh" button becomes even harder to access. Now you have to right click on the tab name to open the tool bar, where the refresh button is. I know that classic dashboards are no longer priority, but this new interface makes it slightly worse to deal…
New UX for modeling: Switch between models and keep the module/list tabs open
When using the new navigation bar to switch between models, it would be great if Anaplan can keep the tabs for modules / lists that you have open already. Of course with a time stamp on it, maybe 30min or 1h. So if you go back to that model later, the same modules / lists would already be opened. Ideally also with the…
Getting future years
Hi Team I need to get the sum of values from the next year of current period to rest of our time scale to other module which is not having time dimension. So, for this I am using timesum function. For the entire time period(FY21-FY25) we can use timeperiod(lineitem) logic, but from the next year to rest of the…
New UX for modeling: Dragging column width in modeling screens
Ability to drag the columns to be bigger or smaller on modeling screens, such as blueprint view but also the settings pages (modules, actions, etc). That's especially useful for the second tab "Imports" on the Actions setting page. It's currently impossible to read the content when we use saved views, and there's no…
New UX for modeling: Formula tips
In the new formula editor, it would be great if we could get formula tips, similar to excel that gives you a cheat-sheet of what arguments are needed and in what order. So instead of having to open an Anapedia page everytime to remember the order of the functions I use left often, this would pop up when I start typing in…
Concatenate values
Hi guys, i would like to know if its possible to concatenate values like this to create a code: - i have three line items : Year; Currency; Group - the final output i want for my code is : TypeYearCurrencyGroup i dont want to add a list or create a manual entry for 'Type' because it will always be the same since there is…