Check the first day of every month.
hi! I want to create a line item in a module with a time axis of Day, where the first day of each month is checked. What should I do? Please help me.
Formula to Select data based on Month
Hi, I am new to Anaplan. I would like to have a formula that pulls data from module A if the month is earlier than say Feb 2021 and to extract value from module B if the month is from Mar 2021 onwards. What is the formula to do this please? Thank you.
How to map/allocate product cost over time based on flat data?
We are doing a project around Margin by SKU and I am having trouble mapping/allocating product cost to a dynamic Time dimension. Attached is what our flat cost data looks like. DL is the location, 14190 is the item/SKU, and the 11/12/W1 are different cost types (variable, variable + labor, etc). We've got the cost and then…
Map Result from System Time (Days) to Customer Days (Fake Days)
Dear Anaplan Experts, I have below module using Days as time dimension. I also have a line called fake days where I mapped the system days to a fake days list. Then I would like to do a LOOKUP to pull the data from the above module to a module with the fake day list as dimension. Time is not a dimension. THanks for your…
String binding
hi! I want to concatenate the strings! When displaying the time, I want to use "hour" + ":" + "minute"! Example: "9" + ":" + "15" → 9:15 I'm not good at English, so this may be difficult for you to understand. Thank you!
remainder of division
hi! I would like to know how to calculate the remainder of a division. Example: 5/2 → 1 , 45/7 → 3 Thank you!
HI, Can someone help the below requirement. Need to get Prior year data, I know to use offset or lag, But for FY, I need to get the data what i have in the prior year (FY) only, when using offset or Lag , I cant use any other summary except "sum". Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks
Moving Average in Custom Timescale
Good Day!! I have a scenario where I'm trying to calculate the moving average from actuals in Custom Day time scale. In a module, I have sales data to be uploaded, from the sales data I have to calculate the moving avg of 90 days at the day level. Dimension in the module Article, Custom Day scale. Line Item -Sales Qty,…
LastUpdate Function to retrieve timestamp of Data entry
We need a function which can give us timestamp on last data entry for a specific cell. This will help us to compare that time stamp with our custom date in some specific use cases. example: Todays Date: Line item to capture today's date via daily data refresh Order Date : User entry Line Item Time(Day) formatted Ordered…
Break Back
How can we apply break back to the line item that is having filter, for example I have one list with list items 1,2,3,4. In a module I will use this list as a dimension and will apply filter which will show only 1,2. now if i enter a value on parent then it has to split between 1 and 2, but it is happening like splitting…
How to clear dependent drop down list line item value
Hi, I have created dependent drop down list line item. . See below example data entered by user. Rack Market City is based on Rack market State. Market -StateRack Market - CityAlabamaBirmingham, ALAlabamaBirmingham, AL Later user changed state value to California and forgot to change the related city. But city is still…
Spreading amounts
Hi Anaplan Experts, I'm not using native time and wanna use the SPREAD function. However, This function needs a time scale. Some functions can't run in custom time, such as OFFSET, LEAD, PREVIOUS, ETC. What are your thoughts on calculating asset depreciation with the LOOKUP function?. Kind Regards,
Formula error
My formula is not working. Here is what I have: IF 'Sales Trend V4'.'2019A' = Gross Sales.'2019A' THEN 'Sales Trend V4'.'2019A'[SELECT: GL Name Sales.Sales] / 'Sales Trend V4'.'2019A'[SELECT: GL Name Sales.Cases] ELSE IF 'Sales Trend V4'.'2020A' = Gross Sales.'2020A' THEN 'Sales Trend V4'.'2020A'[SELECT: GL Name…
Looking up a module populated with same numbers
Hi I'm trying to lookup data in the format below. My LOOKUP formula is working but the issue is its only picking up the first record (Product P1). P2 and P3 are ignored as the numbers are the same. While this is counterintuitive, I need to work with data like this as the duplications could be either genuine or in error but…
Filter List Hierarchy of non-composite list in the UX
Hello! I have found very gentle and beautiful solutions for filtering lists if they are composite ones, but i am struggling to build a filter for a-non composite list which has 5 levels of detalization. Hierarchy looks like this: And in Anaplan it looks like this (client does not want a composite list, he wants it in this…
Medical Expenses Level 1
Can some tell me why I get 0 for the medical expenses? It doesn't give me an error message but just shows zero. I posted screenshots I used this formula: IF Employed? THEN 'EMP03 Employee Drivers By Role'.Medical Benefits[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role] ELSE 0
Renaming the line item - Best Practices
Hello all, I need to rename a line item in a large model, I am wondering what are the best practices to do this? What should I consider before renaming to avoid destroying the model? Thank you in advance for your help!
Enable user to choose picture size
From 1 line to several, so that a same dashboard can have several use cases (compact table to work on, then small/medium/large images to have a recap to browse).
hierarchy list and child list
hi! When I check list items in the parent hierarchy, I want to create a mechanism to check all items in the child hierarchy. What i should do? Please help me.
L2MB-S3 AD02 Override Amount formula
Hi, I am trying to enter the formula for a question in L2 S3 exam. It says my answer is incorrect but in the model it is giving me the desired result. I want to confirm that my understanding about AD02 is correct. Override Amount - Write? is a Boolean formatted line item. Formula for this line item is based on INV01…
AD02 Inventory Ordering Overrides
for the override amount write? line item is my formulae correct 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Override Suggested Order Amount? AND 'Submit Purchase Order - Write?'
Capturing User roles
I was trying to capture roles of the current user in a line item, I see that we cannot refer the model role from user settings directly The other way i can think is to take export in a csv and upload it back to required module but is there any other way which will not need export? My ultimate goal is I wanted to mask data…
Documentation: It Starts With the 'Why'
Documentation is one word that gives most model builders a cold shiver. It’s associated with binders full of information lost in archives or the output of rushed efforts to complete an implementation. As an Anaplan partner, we come across a bandwidth of different approaches to Anaplan model documentation. Let's discuss our…
Blank Cell with History
Hi Team, I have a situation where some cells have had data entered to them & this is proved by the cell history but the cell is BLANK. I am struggling to understand why the cell history is not reconciling to the data in the cell. Please see the attached screenshots for an example but effectively I was expecting the value…
SUMIF The same parent
Hello, I have a situation, I have a list named "BOM Lvl 1", with the parent "plant sku", and these parent have a "total price". Then, I have another list "SKU Plant Price" where the "Plant SKU" is the same in two lists , and i need to accumulate the total price in these new list: Thanks, have a good day!
Allowing Time Sum function to accept 1st argument a function
I would like to ask if you may give timesum function ability to accept other function within timesum parentheses [ex: Timesum(previous(revenue),start period, end period)]. The main reason I asked this, I would like to calculate the average 3 month based on previous figure. [Excel example] In meantime, I would also like to…
Line Item Subsets - Use Case
Hi All, When I first came upon the topic of LIS, even though I understood the how of its functionality, the why was still not clear. Created some notes, sharing the notes only here. Additionally have use case examples which I'm not posting yet. But let me know if anyone wants 😊. Please bear in mind I am a fairly new…
Error while importing data country.csv
Hi Can any one help me on the below error.
Remove Selective Access for a module
We encountered a situation where we had selective Access enabled for Regions. A user had following access: Region 1 - Write Region 2 - Write Region 3 - Read Region 4- Read Region 5 - Write. We had to create a boolean filter on Regions. Since, the user has only read access to Region 3 and 4, he could not set the filter for…
Selective Summaries: Set Summary individually for each dimension
Sometimes, it's the case that we do not need summaries for all dimensions that are applied to a module - I might need calculations to happen for all intersections applicable for the dimensions applied but need roll up only for one of the dimensions which is currently achieved by creating a separate module at higher level…