Customer to Distribution Center Mapping
Hello, I need to map specific customers to local DCs in a region. Rather than a 1-to-1 relationship, each customer could be serviced by multiple DCs. A) I've created a Customer Forecast module that contains customer demand data by customer, product, week. B) I need a mapping module that allows the end-user to make local DC…
Dynamic User List
Hey, I am creating a dynamic user list, wherein I need users with a specific designation (A). Now i created a module, applied a filter and filtered all users with designation A which is populated into my list 'Users with A' however when a user who is updated into the list ('Users with A') but later is changed from…
List Subsets vs LISS
I am new user trying to optimize mapping a model to avoid the issue with multiple IF/THEN formulas described in the following link. I have been trying to map my model using list subsets, but found the article deals with line item subsets "LISS". I would like to understand if this methodology based on "LISS" is also…
Decimal places default value to be 2 instead of 0
By default, when changing number to have decimal places, the number of places is 0. After finishing L1 model building course, I realized that most of the time the number of digital places is changes to 2, so I suggest it would be the default value for that action.
Calculation Query
HI. I'm struggling to understand why I am getting a zero answer on my pension row. Please see June 21 as an example.
Looking for a neat way to create a histogram in Anaplan
I am currently looking for a way to create a histogram out of a lot of simulated data I have created. Basically the application runs a full Monte Carlo Simulation and I would like to present a histogram of the Results. I have those results in a module with the "Simulations" list (lets assume it is all in one line item).…
Data Check
Hi, Is there a way in Anaplan to check if the list member has data in any module we have ? Thanks, Tom
INV04 Distribution Center Capacity Model: Beginning Inventory
Hi All, For some reason my Total Beginning Inventory in INV04 Distribution Center Capacity values don't look right. You can see my formula in the image below. It's basically saying my total beginning inventory is 137% of my distribution center capacity... Yet if I go to my DAT01 Beginning Inventory module, I can see that…
Build a model
I want to build a view to see sales for the year 2020 using products and customers dimensionality. Customers are spilt as active and inactive customer. Any suggestions for it??
Formula that will allow me to divide a child by the parent
Hi, Need help creating a formula that will divide a child in a list by the parent. screen shot of the formula I have Looking to take the Amt from both Direct & ISO and divide them by the All BU parent from another module in their specific columns.
Drill Down View Enhancements
Drill downs in Anaplan Modules should have a feature for checking what each part of the formula written does. For example if there is a If condition with a nested loop with multiple formulas and conditions in it, then there should be a provision to select what each condition does regardless of the condition being True or…
Hide items on the model map
As we put headings as empty modules, these then appear on the model map. Could we not include zero cell modules on the model map, or give the builder the ability to exclude.
MAILTO functionality trouble shoot
Hey Team, I am facing this issue on MAILTO. I tried getting it in two ways: - Option 1: - Used MAILTO functionality MAILTO(u, v, w, x, y, z) Result from triggering this option from the backend and frontend (NEW UX) has led to an error where the line breaker (%0A%0A) inserted in the body of the mail does not function.…
Search Option
Hello Modeler's I would like suggest one enhancement or feature, this is the thing I feel like anaplan should have search option. As we know most of us not like to scroll a lot for what we need. I found this while doing import action from anaplan with connect to anaplan models.There will be a lot of saved views we have and…
Level 1: 8.5.3 Activity- Unable to import data in Volumes module
Hi Guys, I am unable to load data in Volumes. The issue is that file is loading sum of all the columns into single month. e.g. in Jan'19, data for Jan'19 from file should load, but it is first summing up data from Jan'19 till Dec'21 and then adding that number in Jan'19. Same process repeats for all months. Can you please…
Phone Cost for Sales Department
I have been trying to figure out how to solve this issue that keeps popping up when I enter this formula: IF Employed? THEN 'EMP03 Employee Drivers By Role'.Phone Allowance[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role] ELSE 0 I know it is something with the Roles list and the…
Line Item Subset Lookup
Hi, Trying to look up a Line Item Subset to use in a formula. Example of the formula is as follows. IF ITEM(LISS C67 Commissions)='LISS C67 Commissions'.'52053 - Internal DS rep commission'THEN 'R18 Lending Summary'.$ Funded/'R18 Lending Summary'.'Total Cash Collections*' ELSE 0 Formula is not going through because using a…
Calculation Logic across Time dimension
Hi, I am trying to achieve the following output in Final Value line item. 1) Till the first override the system should take the Value line 2) Once Override is checked, the system should take the override value and copy it across the remaining timeline unless a new override is done Can someone please help in defining the…
Check the first day of every month.
hi! I want to create a line item in a module with a time axis of Day, where the first day of each month is checked. What should I do? Please help me.
Formula to Select data based on Month
Hi, I am new to Anaplan. I would like to have a formula that pulls data from module A if the month is earlier than say Feb 2021 and to extract value from module B if the month is from Mar 2021 onwards. What is the formula to do this please? Thank you.
How to map/allocate product cost over time based on flat data?
We are doing a project around Margin by SKU and I am having trouble mapping/allocating product cost to a dynamic Time dimension. Attached is what our flat cost data looks like. DL is the location, 14190 is the item/SKU, and the 11/12/W1 are different cost types (variable, variable + labor, etc). We've got the cost and then…
Map Result from System Time (Days) to Customer Days (Fake Days)
Dear Anaplan Experts, I have below module using Days as time dimension. I also have a line called fake days where I mapped the system days to a fake days list. Then I would like to do a LOOKUP to pull the data from the above module to a module with the fake day list as dimension. Time is not a dimension. THanks for your…
String binding
hi! I want to concatenate the strings! When displaying the time, I want to use "hour" + ":" + "minute"! Example: "9" + ":" + "15" → 9:15 I'm not good at English, so this may be difficult for you to understand. Thank you!
remainder of division
hi! I would like to know how to calculate the remainder of a division. Example: 5/2 → 1 , 45/7 → 3 Thank you!
HI, Can someone help the below requirement. Need to get Prior year data, I know to use offset or lag, But for FY, I need to get the data what i have in the prior year (FY) only, when using offset or Lag , I cant use any other summary except "sum". Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks
Moving Average in Custom Timescale
Good Day!! I have a scenario where I'm trying to calculate the moving average from actuals in Custom Day time scale. In a module, I have sales data to be uploaded, from the sales data I have to calculate the moving avg of 90 days at the day level. Dimension in the module Article, Custom Day scale. Line Item -Sales Qty,…
LastUpdate Function to retrieve timestamp of Data entry
We need a function which can give us timestamp on last data entry for a specific cell. This will help us to compare that time stamp with our custom date in some specific use cases. example: Todays Date: Line item to capture today's date via daily data refresh Order Date : User entry Line Item Time(Day) formatted Ordered…
Break Back
How can we apply break back to the line item that is having filter, for example I have one list with list items 1,2,3,4. In a module I will use this list as a dimension and will apply filter which will show only 1,2. now if i enter a value on parent then it has to split between 1 and 2, but it is happening like splitting…
How to clear dependent drop down list line item value
Hi, I have created dependent drop down list line item. . See below example data entered by user. Rack Market City is based on Rack market State. Market -StateRack Market - CityAlabamaBirmingham, ALAlabamaBirmingham, AL Later user changed state value to California and forgot to change the related city. But city is still…
Spreading amounts
Hi Anaplan Experts, I'm not using native time and wanna use the SPREAD function. However, This function needs a time scale. Some functions can't run in custom time, such as OFFSET, LEAD, PREVIOUS, ETC. What are your thoughts on calculating asset depreciation with the LOOKUP function?. Kind Regards,