Level 1 Model Building - Design
Hi In the Level 1 Model for Unicorn, Size was defined as a List and the Products file imported shows a 1-to-1 relationship for Product -> Size. Product CodeProduct NameFamily CodeSizeP001Nutzo BarCH100gP002Raising the BarCH200gP015AnapoppersSO500gP016Juicy Lucy gummiesSO100g Assuming, the Product -> Size is a 1-to-many…
Hide model map button
Hi all, I've just noticed a new idea posted here asking for the model map button to be hidden/moved. Hopefully creating this forum post allow increased visibility for a workaround that works very well (while a long term solution might be delivered in the future). There is a nice browser add-in called A+ for Anaplan…
{Trick] Previous on regular list / sequential calcs using time as days
Hi everyone, I've been talking about this in the forums a few times and recently @gaurav_sharma-bng told me he couldn't get it to work so here's a quick topic on how to do this. Used for: Doing sequential calculations in Anaplan or doing previous on a regular list Disclaimer: as we're using time as days, it's quite a heavy…
SUM in conjunction with boolean filter
I have 2 modules: Data Module and Dashboard module. 1. Data Module has: Region (List Item) Product (Line Item with List Items called PRODS) Value (Line Item) Export? (Line Item - Boolean) e.g North America PRODS=Mountain Bike 100 True Europe PRODS=Mountain Bike 50 False I would like the Dashboard module to have:- Region…
Lead formula not allowed for formula summary
Hi, I have a line item in percentage (POC). I already created the formula and set the summary totals to formula to get the correct %. But I need the value of the percentage for the following year. for example my period is Jan 2020, I need to reflect the value of the percentage in Jan 2021 in my Jan 2020 period. I tried…
Near-instant page/dashboard display
It might be possible to skip the initial loading wait, when switching to a new page (model) in the platform. We know that models are aggregated as the contributing data is changed, and we can also know what needs to be displayed when a page is first requested. To load a page near-instantly, I propose that we don't load the…
Calculate Week and Days in a Week: Not a straight forward logic
Hi All, Hope you are doing great! I have to create a peculiar way to calculate weeks and then calculate the days in each of these weeks. Please find below the rules to create a week- * Weeks will be defined from Sunday to Saturday. The only exception to this rule is stated in rule(4) * The usual number of days in a week…
Anaplan : Send Email with link directing to specific dashboard
Team, I am currently using MAILTO function and would like to insert a link in the body of email the specific dashboard in Anaplan. Please help. Thanks in advance for any help. Tom
Data granularity
We can get the data from lower level to higher level by applying SUM or LOOKUP. But if we already have data at higher level and want to get at the lower hierarchical level, how should we do it?
Enter Formula
Hi, Curious to know if I enter the formula at the line item directly, would it work (screenshot)? Im doing LM1, reccommneded method is to double click and write on top or expand the formula bar. But looks like it is editable at the line item directly as well, but I am not sure if it will work..
Unable to map module /csv
Hello Everyone, I am trying to import a csv file in my module but having troubles with the mapping for one of the columns when I tried to do "Match on names or codes" all the items are ignored and when I tried to map manually it doesnt allows to pick any value from the target items. Please see below screenshots for…
Circular Reference - Supply Planning
Hi, For a customer of ours we're building a Supply Planning model on daily basis. When trying to build the core module I'm running into a circular reference which I can not seem to solve. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Relevant line items are shown in the screenshot below. For the Suggested Reorder Quantity the…
dropdown view in Anaplan
if the SKU count is >10000 it is understood that Anaplan dropdown does not show all items because of the restriction. Is there any other possibility through which we can see all the SKUs when the overall SKU count> 10000 in anaplan dropdown
Can't find Week 53 FY20 in Time Settings.
Hello All, When Setting Calendar type as Weeks: 4-4-5 and setting for Current Period FY 2020( viz. a leap year). There is no option available for week 53 FY20. Whereas the same is available for FY16 and FY22(which is not a leap year). Week 53 missing in FY20 Week 53 in FY16 Week 53 in FY22 Am I missing something in the…
Hi CODE(ITEM('G3 Location')) and PARENT(ITEM('G3 Location')) were defined for the following Code and Country results. Is there a 'grandparent' function that can be used to display Region?
How to have current month or current date when i open a module?
My current month in the setting is Dec19. When I open one module it is showing Jan 20; another module is showing Mar 20. So what is the reason why modules are showing different months? Similarly once I open any module if it is having a date as a dimension, can I able to see today's date automatically?
Keyboard shortcuts
HI, I am using keyboard shortcuts all the time on Anaplan. CTRL C / CTRL V are obvious for anyone, and very efficient in Blueprint for properties copy and paste. I find two other shortcuts very usefull and efficient, they make me save a lot of time, Function key 'F2' : it works the sae way as for Excel, I use this to edit…
Null value vs. True zero
Hi, I am trying to differentiate between a 'null' value versus an actual true zero (- vs 0) on a dashboard. Has anyone had any experience with this? I am looking at formula options to resolve this issue. Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Kaley
Data Quality/Integrity Checks within Connected Planning Environment
Hi All, In thinking and implemented a Connected Planning environment, where we have specific models for specific areas our finance team that are brought together. We currently have a number shared hierarchies (across cost/profit centre, GL), shared data (TB, Subledger etc) and currently handled via the data hub as the…
Run multiple actions from selection in Actions panel
Would be great if you could run multiple actions from the actions panel based on your selection. For example, if you selected two import actions and hit Run, Anaplan would run those two actions as though they were in a process. This would greatly help model builders test actions where creating a process is not needed. The…
Optimizer with multiple decision variables
Hi, We are trying to create optimizer where we have the multiple decision variables like deciding on the number of line runs, forecast number to be allocated on a line and inventory norms to be met for a particular product . for instance my objective equation is as below: ax+by+cz there are multiple objectives which has to…
Previous year unitary calculations and summing
Hello everybody! I've come across a problem with making accurate calculations for a line item in currency/unit for previous year. My model has system version called "current" which has 5 years (2019-2023). Time options: months, quarter, ytd, FY. I'm making a module that is based on line item subset (included are: Volume in…
Error in List
This is the original list. This is my new List.
How to publish Subsidiary Views in NUX?
Level 1 Model Building - Part 13 Dashboard - Chart
The course instruction says to show Margin line item, filter Forecast Months, save as Chart DB, publish Line Chart to Margin Calculation Dashboard. Add Margin Summary heading to the chart. (style heading 3) . However, the sample Model that we were told to download shows the following Line Chart by Volume instead. Which…
Level 1 Model Building Course Instructions
Hi, In completing the Level 1 Model Building certification I noticed, what appear to be inconsistencies or errors in the instructions and I would like to highlight these all here as they caused me issues when sitting the certification test. Hope they are valid issues and a reply to this topic helps students navigate around…
Hi How do we get a split view as below?
Plannable List combinations
Hi Team – I want to understand how we can create a combination of lists and restrict the planning across only those combinations. Please go through below as an example case: Let’s presume we have two lists: Product and Location. * The product has 4 list items P1 to P4. * The location has 2 list items L1 and L2. * P1 and P2…
Creating Formulae that are specific to a version
Hi Apologies if this question is over simple, but I'm fairly new to Anaplan, although I've done the certification. I'm trying to create a cell that calculates differently based on wheteher it is the actual or forecast version. I thought I had found the solution with the following article on "add version formula"…
How to Group Weekly revenue into a customized Month (List)?
Hi Anaplanners, For my organization, we have revenues recorded by broadcast period and we have to report it by Gregorian month. Since the default Anaplan 445 timeline is not the same as broadcast period. I have to create a module that allows me to create custom grouping of the Anaplan week into my custom month. Then, I've…