Level 1 Model Building - Module
Hi, the screenshot below refers. 1) How do you delete either of the modules in the orange box? 2) Why 'EMP02 Employee Expenses - Result' is not appearing in modules tab (pink box)? Thanks
Hierarchy Level to show on a module
Customer would like the option to select hierarchy level to show on a module published to a dashboard based on page selector selection. (Selected summary level or leaf item). Currently users have the ability to to publish the module with the desired summary level shown, but you would have to do this for each summary level…
Formula to display values from the page selector in a column
Hi, I need to be able to display the page selector value in a column. The purpose of the module is to assign multiple positions to an order. If it had been the other way around (assign an order to position) I could have used an "assign" action, but, now he task is to do it this way. I need the order column to display the…
Issue with Percentage Number Formatting
Hi All, I noticed recently that the drill down ability on percentage formatted line items has been limited to the amount of decimal places / minimum significant digits selected for the format. Furthermore, if you drill into a cell that Anaplan is storing more precise decimals for, and then enter out of the cell, the stored…
Pivot - Lists and Roll-ups
Hi When a module is created, the 'Lists and Roll-ups' appear on the left for selection. In the pivot screen, how can the 'Lists and Roll-up' be called-up for selection? Refer to screenshot below -> 'Lists and Roll-ups' not available. Thanks.
Publishing a list property as page selector in the dashboard
Hi Anaplan, Is it possible to use a property of a numbered list as page selector in Anaplan? I need to filter my module based on a list property to select which lines I need to delete through a boolean line item. To give an example: List Property (Details) Dashboard: 1 Criteria 1 Details Page Selector: Criteria 1 2…
How to Set search conditions for each user
Hi everyone. I would like to set search conditions for each user and I want to filter and display data. There are 110,000 items of data I want to display, and I want to specify search conditions for each user and filter and display them. Please tell me a good solution. Best regards. Taku
Modify the Page, Column and Row dimensions
Hi For a module created, how does one modify the Page, Column and Row dimensions? E.g. Region and Products were selected as Columns and would now like to move them to Page and have Time as Columns instead. Understand that Pivot function provides a temporary view only and cannot be saved for future usage. Is it true? Thanks
Five Things Every Anaplan Solution Manager Should Maintain + Challenge to all Anaplan Partners
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/five-things-every-anaplan-solution-manager-should-maintain-kuo First off, thank you to everyone who's liked, shared, or commented on the article I posted on LinkedIn last week. (and sorry if I missed anyone) You guys are my #anafam.…
This is the module I have. Now for the output is it possible to get the report of the module edited into the below view without editing the list name. I have no restrictions to create a new module or new list.
Reference User List Item
Hi Team, Is there a formula to reference the current users Users List Item? I am creating module which clears the Selective Access for all users but I need the User who is executing the button to maintain their access, Currently I have a module where I manually select the User who I wish to not clear their selective…
Identifying a Line Item's Max Value
In the attached example, I am using a rank function in the RANK line item to identify rows with non-blank ICM_ASNMT_ID and assigning them ascending rank values. Next, I want the MAX RANK VALUE line item to search through the RANK line item and return the highest value it can find (as demonstrated). In the example, this…
Day level charts
Hey Guys, I'm working on some day level charts, where i need all days of the year to be on the x axis. On doing this, it errors out saying "Unable to create chart as selection size limit exceeded 200 items per axis, i understand this can be the case for other types of dims, but is there a way to add time/days to the x axis…
Line Item Formatting
Hi All, I need to be able to show actuals across a selection of line items which are populated by data sources and forecast inputs across the same selection of line items. My current solution is to use two modules containing identical line items with identical formatting using the same styles. This ensures they align when…
Page Selectors for Large Lists
Hey everyone, I have not been using page selectors being published from a list very long, so I am trying to figure out the best way to work around what I am seeing. If a list is too large, I have noticed that the option for the +/- dropdowns go away in the selector. How has everyone been working around this? Thanks.
Update/replace renamed list items
How do you update/replace list items (other than manually) that have been renamed in a List assuming the existing list items are not deleted? E.g. Products - Existing Names Products - New Names Product 1 Battery 1 Product 2 Battery 2 Product 3 Battery 3 I tried importing but the new Product names are added to the existing…
Level 1 Model Building - Subset did not appear in Subset List
Hi The subset list (#E2 Employees: Active?) was created in the #E2 Employees List. Why is it that it did not appear under the larget #E2 Employees list and under the --- Subsets ---(i.e. Subset list). Please refer to the screenshot below. Thanks.
Lineitem maximum charecterstics
Hi Team, One line item maximum allowing test is 60 characteristics. I want to build module line items more than 60 characters required. I need to publish these line items on the dashboard. Is there any alternative to building these line items Anaplan? Kindly suggest me on the same. Regards, Uma
Anaplan Preformance
Hi If multiple users are using the same model at same time there will be performance issues . How to reduce these performance issues , Is there any solution for it in Anaplan ? Thanks Tejaswini
List subset
Hi All, I need to create a sub set of a list with all our assets. The subset should be dynamic and end user driven, e.g. all assets on HP or all right of use assets. The aim is to reduce size of downstream modules performing calculation only on the subset. Thanks N
Conditional logic: Does a list item appear in a subset?
Subsets are invaluable in creating dynamic and efficient models in Anaplan. They are typically used as a dimension in a module, where only the subset is relevant. Take, for example, a list named Employee containing a list of all employees in your organization. Employees are either Sales Executives or Engineers: A module…
Ability to drag and drop an Import action in a Process
Hi Team, It would be really good if we have a Drag and Drop feature of an Import action (in addition to Up and Down arrows) in Edit --> Process. For instance, if a Process has more than 40+ Import actions, then it would be difficult to move a newly added import action/ an existing action to the 22nd place. Thanks Sathya
Return lowest date on set of data
hi I have 2 dimensions, one is Dates and one is accounts, and I want to return the first date for each different account where an amount occurs and on future line in that account How do i do this? they all have the same dates associated with them, but that date ins't necessarily the first date with an amount for each…
Is Parent Boolean
Hi, Is there anyway to have a boolean formatted line item = True if it is a parent line item? Example: Line Item A - Applies to: L1 - Format: Boolean - Summary: Formula L2 is the parent list to L1 How can I get only the parent checked as true?
workspaceadmin question what happens if that person leaves
If there was one person assigned as a workspace admin for the training environment, what happens when that person leaves? How do people get access?
Need way to Identify Page Selectors on Classic Dashboards
It would be great to have an easy way to identify Page Selectors that are published to a Classic Dashboard. Since any list, including subsets, can be published as a page selector (which is awesome, btw!) it can be tricky to know which of several similar lists it is. Just having the name in the properties side panel would…
Format of output
Hi Friends, I am having the data in this format. I tried it in excel but I am getting the output in the below format. Even making States as List Formatted Line Item didn't work. By any chance can we get the output in the format of Pic 1
Function that returns a User's Model Role
It would be really helpful to be able to query a user's model role, and with that information be able to do things like: * Allow / Limit access to information based on a user's role * Use in dynamic cell access formulas * Allow a module on certain dashboards to be read-only (for larger audiences), while the same module on…
User Stories by Building Blocks of Anaplan
For each business process that is documented, it should have at least one user story that falls into each of these building blocks. Library: Define Lists: These are the user stories that hold the meta data of the model. Think in terms of the word “by”. For example: I want to see inventory counts by Depot, by Site, by SKU……
count of projects within user access
Hi, I have a list of projects that is in selective access. I need to be able to get the count or number of projects per user. For example user A has access to 1 project. Total count of projects is 4. When I do a count line item (formula = 1 ) my line item result if 4 even if I only have access to 1 project. How will I be…