How Nested Formula affect performance
Hi, I want to improve modele performance. I'm trying to improve IF statement. Here is two statement. Answer1 : IF A THEN IF B THEN 100 ELSE 50 ELSE 0 Answer2 : IF A AND B THEN 100 ELSE IF A AND NOT B THEN 50 ELSE 0 The performance of Answer2 is always better than Answer1? --- Another nested Formula affect performance? This…
Pull values from one module to another module
Hello All, Consider 2 General List List 1 Has A,B,C,D,E,F List 2 Has A,B,C,D,E,F And 2 module in which module 1 have dimension List 1 has value A=100, B=200. C=300, D=400, E=500, F=600 And module 2 have dimension list 2 I want to pull values of module 1 to module 2 how it is done... other than lookup Thankyou In advance…
Update the Summary Method Setting
In Level-1 under "8.8.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Size, Margin Report Module" why do we need to change the Margin % line item Summary Method setting to Formula. What is the outcome or output of this change? Is that a major impact on output?
How to calculate the 50th percentile
Hello, Do you know how to calculate the 50th percentile (or any percentile) in Anaplan? Thanks! Arnaud
Level 2 Sprint 3 INV01- Beginning Inventory Calculation Not Working
Hi, I am sure I am using correct formula for calculating Beginning Inventory but my module doesnt seem to reflect that. Formula - IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'Not 1st week of Timescale?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory. But output for first month is coming 0 since…
REV03 Margin Calculation Module
Hi, When I check the REV03 Margin Calculation Module in Level 1 Course, I see that Cost of Sales is greater than Revenue in almost all cases after Jan 20. Maybe I am doing something wrong but I think this is not normal. Can you double check them for me? Thanks, Mark
- Conditional formatting
I have added the conditional formatting for Final Forecast, but not sure what to do for Initial Demand Forecast to make it look like the material provided screenshot. Here is the rule I have in place currently My other question is if it is okay that I do not have any data like the material shows for FY21?
2.4.11 Creating Roles
I am stuck on creating the roles and which access to provide to make the dashboards visible. Will the dashboards not show if they were made on My Pages?
Dependent Dropdown Not Available
I'm trying to setup a dependent dropdown for a line item that is a in list format where the list is a numbered hierarchy (mid-hierarchy). When I select my hierarchy level from the list, the checkbox for dependent is grayed out (all filter checkboxes are unavailable). Help!
Map multiple list member to single member
How can we map multiple list members of different fiscal year to single list member fiscal year. Both the line items are in same format
Modules for Dashboards
Hi, I have a question about best practices for setting up Modules for Dashboards. Currently we have LI's from different modules that we would like to display on one Dashboard. Is it best practices to create a Output module for a Dashboard and that will have all the different LI's in one place from those different modules?…
How to Compare Text of One Module to Another Module with Different Dimensions
Hello, I have 2 modules, each is using a different dimension (numbered list). Both modules have a line item which is a text. On the 3rd module that I'm trying to create, which is going to have the same dimension the same as either of the preceding 2 modules, I need to retrieve the text line items from both of the 2…
Ability to exclude zero values from AVERAGE calculation
A common requirement we see on customer implementations is to be able to calculate the average of a set of values but exclude zero values. For example if we have the following set of values (10,0,0,8,0), the average excluding zeros would be (10+8)/2 = 9. The current AVERAGE function cannot exclude zeroes and so gives an…
How to Create Reporting Version
Hi, I'd like to see how I can create (2 different) reporting versions; a mid month ROF (rolling operating forecast) version and a end of month ROF.
How to Define the current week in anaplan
Hi, Is there a possible way to define the current week in anaplan and current week should change automatically. without updating the cycle
Nested Ifs for Commission Calculation
Hello i would like to set a basic if nested formula for estimating let's say commissions . If my limits are in units : 0-300 commission 0.2 301-500 commission 0.25 700 and above commission 0.30 Whats the correct syntax : (if Units Sold>=700,0.30,if(Units Sold>=500,0.25,if(Units Sold>=300,then 0.2,"Zero"))) whats the…
Average Of Flat List
Hello All, Is it possible to find average of flat list. If it is possible please help me with it. Thankyou in Advance Regards, JeevaK
Workaround for select in LIS Collected.
Dear Team, I would like to ask for a workaround in case where I had to Compare the different versions(Custom) side by side to show the variance and growth without using select. What I did are the following: 1. In my report Module, I made the GL as line item (Revenue, COS, Gross Profit) for some reason. I have also…
Havıng hard tıme on buıldıng formula doıng any advıce wıll work
MONTH into Weeks with suitable example
I am Having Query, in model building i have set the calender to months. but i want to see data in weeks what i have to do see weekly data and what are functions can i use or by changeing calender data loss pop-up is shown. can anyone please share the answer for bove question
SYS14 Automatic sum over Flat List not possible
The line item "Data?" in Data Hub Model: SYS14 module was asked to reference SYS12 SKU Details and SYS13 Account SKU filter which were created during Level 2 Data Hub. However, both SYS12 and SYS13 were using SKU Flat as dimensions (as instructed in Level 2 training). When trying to reference the two modules, I got error…
Custom scripting line item calculations
I would love a way to be able to use my custom python scripts and the vast amount of Python libraries on line items in a module, rather than use the Anaplan formulas out of the box. It would save time on export/import data to the Anaplan model. I'm assuming the formulas that are used now are some form of Java or C++? Maybe…
Hi, I don't understand it doesn't calculate margin/revenue properly. Thanks, Mark
How to add badges for earned certifications?
I have completed all the training and earned the Anaplan Certified Model Builder certificate but there are no badges reflecting on my profile. Please advice.
Workspace management
This article introduces basic workspace concepts, provides recommendations on how to structure workspaces, and offers tips to help organize and reduce workspace size. Workspaces are a combination of a single or multiple models. Workspace size is the total of all models in a workspace, excluding archived models as archived…
Hi, Although I am following all the steps, 'Cost of Sales' line item shows different value (more than revenue) for the years of 2020 and 2021 in my module. Can you guide me, please? My screenshot: Expected screenshot: Thanks, Mark
New UX Filter not Applying (?)
This has happened to me in several instances while migrating to NUX, and I am wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing? When I go to add a Boolean filter, for whatever reason, I cannot apply it (see .gif below): I have no issue applying this same Boolean filter in Classic Dashboard. Can someone explain why…
Pulling data from one module to another when time is the only matching dimension
Hi, I need to pull period data from one module to another but the only dimension that is matching is time. What formula can I use?
Advice on steps for building a Anaplan Model from scratch
Hi, I'm going to be building a Anaplan model from scratch and would like advice on what order my task and steps for building the model should be to make sure I'm building most efficiently for Anaplan. I have already created a Schema using the DISCO method for Anaplan, and also created a timeline with task that will be done…
DEMO 03 Demand Forecast. Baseline Forecast formula
Hi, I am trying below formula for Baseline Forecast, its working for FY20, but for FY21, data is not populating as expected. IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN 'DAT03 Historic Volumes'.'Offset Volumes for 1st Forecast Year' ELSE OFFSET(Final Forecast, -52, 0) Below is the Time Ranges selected for…