Mobile App to remember credentials
Would like the mobile app to remember logon credentials rather than entering password every time. Maybe credentials could expire every x days if needed
Showing Children of just a selected item in a Hierachy
It would be really helpful when investigating variances etc to be able to select a level of a hierarchy and then be able to reselect levels to just show the children of that item in the hierarchy. For Example. We have a Account list, which starts at Account code and Description level and then rolls up into a cost category…
Display Hierarchy Codes against parent nodes in line item
When creating a module with a hierarchy dimension, if the code is used as a line item, the code will display as blank for higher level nodes in the hierarchy. This is not the case in the list screen for example and is very disappointing for business users used to other tools who do not like the workaround of including the…
Breakback function by selected Line Item
Hi Team, It will be great to have an option to select the Line Item which will be taken as a source to calculate phasing for Breakback function. At the moment split is done based on the items, in which I input amount. Unfortunately in some business cases it's required to use another metric for phasing. This can be useful…
Automation of Back up for Sustainment Models
For all those who have been working on Sustainment models and not much of development tasks but enhancing pre existing solutions in a workspace, it must be a very common daily task to take back ups of a given list of models. The copying and archiving can be a tedious process on a daily basis if the list of models being…
Ability to change the format type of labels when exporting
Description of the enhancement required: When exporting labels for a number formatted field the output is in text format in all export file types currently. We need the ability to select the label format when exporting, so a numeric formatted field can remain number formatted when exported if desired. If we make this…
Message before session times out
Hello Anaplanners! Please add a message box BEFORE session times out. "The session will time out in XX sec. Press any key to continue your session". Clicking it will continue session. It is very often when you make some work outside Anaplan, but Anaplan is open on second screen. And in some moment you get message that…
New UX: Show Description when Title field is empty
Currently, if card has no name, description icon isn't displayed on dashboard. But sometimes we don't want to enter the title, but we need to show the description - and also don't waste the space above the card just for that small icon. If this is not feasible, at least we should see some kind of warning in the card…
Use images for clicking on links to external sites.
it would be sweet if we could upload an image and then attach a link to that image that leads to an external website. That would be nice for any site, but it would also be nice to link to videos hosted on other sites.
New UX - Convert Personal Pages into General Pages
It would be great if you could convert Personal MyPages created in the New UX into General Pages which allows allows users to view based on models access. Currently, If to convert a MyPage into a General Page you would have to re-create all cards on a new page. As we also don't have the ability to save MyPages card…
Ability to modify Role Access on Modules / Lists / Actions on a deployed model without ALM
I'd like the option to be able to change a module's role access in our live production model, which uses ALM to sync changes from our development model. This would be the equivalent of selecting production data on a list. This option would help because I wouldn't have to push ALL changes (including those still in…
Select parent level
I would like to see a formula similar to parent but "inverted". When I have an unbalanced hierarchy and need a parent a similar level I would like to choose level from the top instead. example: invparent(item,3) which would always give the level 3 item for all parts of the list instead of trying to find our a way to get a…
automatic backup
It would be very good to have the possibility of executing an action or process that makes an automatic backup of the model.
Filtering of subset based Module based on full list
If a module is based on a subset I would like to have opportunity to able to filter it based on the other modules which are applied to original lists. currently i need to create a new line item which will be applicable to that specific subset. an example of application is a dummy timescale (which contains for example 7…
Enable item insertion when the dashboard item is selected whether or not the header has been selecte
If you publish a numbered list to a dashboard so that a User can insert items and then enter property values, it works fine as long as there is at least one item present. However, if you clear the numbered list then the option to insert an item is greyed out and I have found no way around that. Even if there is one or more…
Add In for Microsoft Visio
Hi Anaplan, It would be very useful to have a Microsoft Visio Add-In to populate diagram and reports. Thanks, Usman
New UX: Display lists on a page
I've had a look at the new UX and tried to build replacement dashboards for my current model. It doesn't seem possible to select list content for a grid. You can only select module views. List views are very useful (or essential in my case) because a selection of my users need to edit list content. If I can't display this…
Ability to manage Roles > Modules in the same way as Contents
In Contents you can set 'Show New Content' for every Role/Functional Area combination. It'd be good if 'Roles>Modules' tab could be managed in the same way i.e. you could set None/Read/Write per Role/Functional Area whilst still being able to set access by individual module
Ability to copy a text box in a dashboard
I would like to add a text box in a dashboard simply copying an existing text box from the same dashboard. Also, the copied text box should be available next to the text box from which we copied. This helps to build the dashboards faster.
Dashboard access by roles
We would like the ability to grant Read/Write access to certain dashboards based on roles within the model. Currently you can grant access dependent on role to modules, versions, lists and actions.
We currently have the functionality to retrieve the values from the Current Version using CURRENTVERSION() Please can we have ACTUALVERSION() to do the same for the Actual Version This provides consistency and will simplify the modelling experience David
Compare Functionality Improvements
We use the 'Compare' functionality for version to version comparisons but this functionality is EXTREMELY limited. We can only set up these 'compares' within a module view and need to re-publish to a dashboard every time we want to compare against a different version. Please update this functionality to allow end users to…
Provision to input code while inserting elements into a list
While inserting a elements into the list, currently the UI only accepts the name, not the code. Can you please make Code and Name available while inserting elements into the list.
Copy-Paste from text into User Selective Access Columns
Being an Anaplan Admin, I would like to be able to copy-paste text values into User Selective Access columns.Currently, Anaplan only accepts either Selective Access List ID or copy-paste directly from Anaplan cells of the same format. Benefit: it will save a lot of time during access review instead of running User Import.…
NEW UX: Let me hide the "Drag here to add more cards" areas
In Classic there's a "Preview Mode" that you can still build in without having to completely leave a dashboard's edit mode. Even better the "edit mode" in classic basically IS the same view as preview, just with some dotted lines an the sort. In New UX, the edit mode adds a full page wide "Drag here to add more cards" zone…
NEW UX: Ability to adjust the distribution of height in vertically stacked cards
Currently in New UX when I stack multiple cards in a column, they all have exactly the same vertical height, no matter what. I'd like to be able to spread the height distributions of vertically stacked cards to better fit the cards' contents. i.e. give height to cards that need it and less to those that don't. Hopefully…
Workflow and Process Builder "Save and Exit"
When editing or creating a new process the button at the top right says "Save & Exit" and when you process it, the process changes are not retain, there is no warning of losing your work, and you exit the process editing page. I believe that this is misleading and should be changed to "Exit" and a prompt should appear…
Create Function for ADDWEEKS
Please could we have ADDWEEKS as a function to work the same as ADDMONTHS and ADDYEARS the current workaround is to convert the weekly time period into a date then add or subtract 7
NEW UX: Don't force single cards on a row to be the entire width of the page
When dropping in a new text box on a board in the New UX, the text box (or any card) is fixed to take up the entire width of the page. Sometimes I want to be able to place a text box underneath something along the right side of the page. But I can't, the only workaround I can come up with is to place some dummy card in…
Model 'Time' settings import / export via API as a JSON object
It would be an absolute game changer to have the ability to export model 'Time' settings as a JSON object via the API. Subsequently, the ability to import a modified version of that JSON object to update the model calendar via the API would go hand-in-hand. This would allow for automation of moving the 'Current Period'…