Production sync done with a bug in DEV Model
Hi, When we make a Production move and down the line 2 weeks, we get to know the production moved with an error, and there is lot of data added by the client in this time, what would be the best possible ways to fix the issue? 1. Move the production back to the last revision, fix the Dev and do a sync again? but then there…
Search Functionality in 'Manage Models' Window
With mature Anaplan workspaces, there are typically dozens of models that would have been created during Foundations, development or for sandbox uses. As the list of models grows, it becomes hard to scroll through the list to find a specific model. This difficulty is especially evident in partners' workspaces, where there…
Workspace Admin - Preview as a Model Role
As a Workspace Administrator, I would like the ability to "preview" models as if I were a assigned to a model role (other than 'full access') without the Workspace Admin privileges. As a Workspace Admin, I can assign myself to any model role and preview what the model will look like for those end-users. However, still…
Create a new profile : "Viewer" Workspace Admin
Hello, If you want to check the settings (users, version, list, etc) you have to be "Workspace Admin". This profile is too large ; writte, delete everything. I would like to be able to check, for example, the security without be able to change them. Morever, with this new profile, I can display every list, modules wihtout…
Old idea that needs attention: Tag a version as completely Locked
Possibility to tag a version as fixed, so changes in parameters and formulas do not impact the data anymore. This is really important for improving the reliability of the data for customers that want to be able to calculate multiple versions at the same time. If a formula change is needed in that case old versions also…
Function that returns a user's role
There are times I would like to show or hide data, allow access, etc. based on the user's role. For example, some data is sensitive, and I would like to use Dynamic Cell Access to allow someone with the user role "Admin" to read/write the sensitive information, while someone without the Admin role would see nothing.…
Additional History Filtering in a model, plus history extraction/access
On the History tab, provide more data filtering options such as filtering by history action name. For example, my customer needs to filter only user-security related actions for detailed audit history beyond the level of detail provided thru Audit in Tenant Admin. Ideally we would like to have access to the history records…
Allow Admin to globally disable "Open Source Module" option based on user role
I would like to be able to set access to the "Open Source Module" option for users based on their role across a model. With this feature in place I could disable "open source module" for non-admin roles, while allowing those with 'Full Access' to open the source module as normal. Win-win. WHY: There are groups of users…
Ability to schedule nightly model or workspace archiving
Looking for the ability to schedule nightly (or regular) copy/archive of selected models or all models in a workspace. We do this manually now and it it very labor intensive but having the back-up archive copy has saved us several times.
False Boolean Action
Hi Team, I have a Override Boolean line item in 1 of my Selective Access modules that I would like to create an Action for to set all the items to FALSE. This would be done when the Selective Access admin tasks are being executed and we wish to start with a clean slate I know that I can go into the module, set the Formula…
OEG Best Practice: To version or not to version?
One of the most common questions I get asked is when to use native versions versus using a general list to replicate versions. As is often the case, the answer is: it depends. Let me run through some key areas to help you with the decision. Functionality What functionality do you need? We always advocate using native…
Availability of Model Name on Audit Logs (Administration DB)
It would be very helpful if the model names are exposed in addition to the object IDs in the audit logs on Anaplan's administration DBs. This eliminates the need to either retrieve the object IDs and corresponding model names by using the Anaplan API or manually checking the object ID from the individual models.
If I don't mark a list as Production List, what will happen? Since I don't modify my list often.
As I read, if I mark a list as Production List. I can make changes to it, even in Deployed mode. What type of changes? Properties, Subsets, Code?
Show/hide pages in new UX w.r.t user groups / roles
In Anaplan workspace, after we set the configurations for modules, versions, lists, actions w.r.t multiple roles, we have the option of going to "Contents Panel" and hide the modules accessible for the roles and only display the dashboards for the end users. In the new UX, we also build pages which is also controlled based…
Hierachy Import
I have lists with 6 levels of hierarchy. I want to pull data for level 3 from the highlighted module. Is it possible not by using parent function but by simple import to pull the data. What I was thinking, I pull the data for L1 and then use parent and item function. In that case, friends suggest me, what will be the…
Hide Server Name from responses in API
Hi, For security purposes of our company , and I guess for some rest customers/companies as well, through the API request Server Name should be hidden. Information of server type can be potentially used by attackers to accurately identify the specific version of the software in use Kindly ask to hide Server Name from API…
New UX Functionality and Benefits
Hi Friends, Can someone explain what is new UX in Anaplan? What are Pages, Worksheets? What are their functions? Earlier how we used to handle those, when this UX was absent?
Anaplan—Spring Cleaning!
It is not uncommon for the way in which your organization uses Anaplan to grow and change. Sometimes, your business processes change. Sometimes, individuals enter and exit your organization. And sometimes, you simply think of better ways of doing things. The good news is that Anaplan is designed to help you respond to all…
Selective Import
In Anaplan we have. Now we want to maintain monthly data appending. This works fine. Next I find the old actual data for some records was incorrectly entered. I update it in the Hub but it doesn't get reflected in automatic process, as it takes the old values. I don't want to select the other option as my old data might…
Compare before Add Revision Tag
We badly need an option to compare the current changes against the latest ALM Revision or any prior Revisions before creating a New Revision Tag (Add Revision Tag). Currently the Compare option let us compare the changes between any existing revision tags only and not against the current changes, yet to be check in/ yet to…
How to improve Anaplan performance
Hello. I'm searching how to improve Anaplan performance. If you have good textbook or Best Practice, please tell me. Like this site https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Formulas-and-their-effect-on-model-performance/ta-p/33556
Enforce session timeout when user is active for long period (e.g. 12 hours)
To enforce a re-authentication for a user per tenant. This is a company security requirement for systems working with Most Confidential data. The requirements are session re-authentication in 12 hours or 15 minutes inactivity The max period a user can stay active should be configurable or potential be specified as an…
Turn off mobile access to specific apps or pages
As an Anaplan admin, I want to be able to create apps and pages without users having access to them via the mobile app. I know this is successful when I can either turn off mobile app access in general or select by app/page to be included in the mobile app access. This would allow anaplan clients to use the new look and…
Quick way to Archive models in Anaplan
Hi Experts, I just wanted to know, if there is any shortcut process to archive models in Anaplan, say I want to archive 100 plus models in an workspace. Do I have to do this one by one or is there any quick way to do this. Thanks & Regards, Madhu
where can I find export defination after exporting?
since "When you save the export definition, the sort criteria, filter, and rows/columns that have been shown or hidden are saved with the export." If saved the export definition, where can I find these filter, row/columns, shown/hidden information later? (I have several saved exports and some of them are not from saved…
Hide model map button
Hi all, I've just noticed a new idea posted here asking for the model map button to be hidden/moved. Hopefully creating this forum post allow increased visibility for a workaround that works very well (while a long term solution might be delivered in the future). There is a nice browser add-in called A+ for Anaplan…
Moving model across Worskpace
I need to model from workspace A to workspace B. I am trying to do this with an import of the model. I would like to retain the model history . Is there anyway to accomplish this?
ALM and dashboards
Hi I am creating an ALM model, so that we ideally have 1 Dev model to multi prod models. Is there anyway to create a Boolean or some setting so that some dashboards aren't visible on some prod models, but are in others?
Allow Actions to Write even though there is no write access to the module
Usually Snapshots are created by running a process (Create & Import). For this, we have to provide write access to the module and list. This is dangerous as the user can accidentaly / intentionally can change the snapshot data itself. So we should have ability to write via action and not write directly into the module.…
Hello Members I am new to Anaplan. Please help me understand how to get tenant administrator access. Thanks RM