Update the Summary Method Setting
In Level-1 under "8.8.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Size, Margin Report Module" why do we need to change the Margin % line item Summary Method setting to Formula. What is the outcome or output of this change? Is that a major impact on output?
How to calculate the 50th percentile
Hello, Do you know how to calculate the 50th percentile (or any percentile) in Anaplan? Thanks! Arnaud
How to Define the current week in anaplan
Hi, Is there a possible way to define the current week in anaplan and current week should change automatically. without updating the cycle
Nested Ifs for Commission Calculation
Hello i would like to set a basic if nested formula for estimating let's say commissions . If my limits are in units : 0-300 commission 0.2 301-500 commission 0.25 700 and above commission 0.30 Whats the correct syntax : (if Units Sold>=700,0.30,if(Units Sold>=500,0.25,if(Units Sold>=300,then 0.2,"Zero"))) whats the…
Average Of Flat List
Hello All, Is it possible to find average of flat list. If it is possible please help me with it. Thankyou in Advance Regards, JeevaK
Workaround for select in LIS Collected.
Dear Team, I would like to ask for a workaround in case where I had to Compare the different versions(Custom) side by side to show the variance and growth without using select. What I did are the following: 1. In my report Module, I made the GL as line item (Revenue, COS, Gross Profit) for some reason. I have also…
Havıng hard tıme on buıldıng formula doıng any advıce wıll work
SYS14 Automatic sum over Flat List not possible
The line item "Data?" in Data Hub Model: SYS14 module was asked to reference SYS12 SKU Details and SYS13 Account SKU filter which were created during Level 2 Data Hub. However, both SYS12 and SYS13 were using SKU Flat as dimensions (as instructed in Level 2 training). When trying to reference the two modules, I got error…
Custom scripting line item calculations
I would love a way to be able to use my custom python scripts and the vast amount of Python libraries on line items in a module, rather than use the Anaplan formulas out of the box. It would save time on export/import data to the Anaplan model. I'm assuming the formulas that are used now are some form of Java or C++? Maybe…
Hi, I don't understand it doesn't calculate margin/revenue properly. Thanks, Mark
Hi, Although I am following all the steps, 'Cost of Sales' line item shows different value (more than revenue) for the years of 2020 and 2021 in my module. Can you guide me, please? My screenshot: Expected screenshot: Thanks, Mark
Pulling data from one module to another when time is the only matching dimension
Hi, I need to pull period data from one module to another but the only dimension that is matching is time. What formula can I use?
DEMO 03 Demand Forecast. Baseline Forecast formula
Hi, I am trying below formula for Baseline Forecast, its working for FY20, but for FY21, data is not populating as expected. IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN 'DAT03 Historic Volumes'.'Offset Volumes for 1st Forecast Year' ELSE OFFSET(Final Forecast, -52, 0) Below is the Time Ranges selected for…
Validation Button in Formula Editor
I would like to request validation functionality be added to the formula editor in Anaplan. On large models if a formula is entered incorrectly you can wait 8, 10, 12 minutes for Anaplan to process the incorrect formula. I have seen other application in this space have a validation button for formulas which allow you to…
9.2.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module Error
Hi, After I add Formulas to REV05 Price Growth Rates Staging Module, checking my work with the instructions as below: In the REV04 Price Growth Rates module, change the page selectors to US and Chocolates. Enter 5.00% for the FY19 Unit Cost %. Then, open the REV05 Price Growth Rates Staging module. Change the page…
How to delete years rather than hiding them
Hi, I only want to show one year for my balance sheet however when I created the module I see six (we need six years for revenue and expenses). Is there a way to delete the years not needed or is the best option just to hide these? Thanks, Tom
Create subset in list based on subset from another list
Hi, I have a List 1 where one of its properties from List 2 In List 2, I have a subset which is manually created and not expected to change I need to create a subset in List 1 such that it will be automatically checked based on the subset ("GE" in pic above) in List 2. how can I go about doing it?
Finding Minimum
Hello All, Here I need to find Minimum of values in Expansion. But I dont need zero to be minimum. ExistingExpansion14016181820202222243401400000 Please help in finding the minimum. Suggest the function for the same. Regards, Jeevan
How to have first cell in a time period as an input and subsequent time periods as formula
Hi, I am looking to set the first cell in my time range as an input and the following time periods to be based on the first cell. I think I use the offset function for future years but I'm not sure what to do for the input. Appreciate any help with this. Tom
Level 1 Exam - Question 5
Need to update the formula in EMP02 with EMP03's info. But I keep getting an error and I have no idea where I have gone wrong... Can anyone point me at the right direction? This is the formula I used... IF Employed? THEN Salary *'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus %[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP:…
MAX() and MIN () functions over time periods
Currently you can compare time periods using operators '=', '>' and '<' which is great and very useful. But when it comes to comparing more than two dates, it becomes a nightmare to find a MAX or MIN. Unlike with number or dates, you either have to go through countless IF THEN ELSE cases which is probably impractical or…
SPREAD Function
Hello Everyone. I am Using SPREAD Function on Monthly Time range. I want to Spread value of only one Single Column. i have used boolean and if else condition for that but not getting it. Spread Function is adjusting All column values. and I want to spread value of only one column.
Suggestions on how to re-model a module
Hi, I currently have a Debt Reporting module in Anaplan which is built on the list P6 Bank Loans. How it flows is P3 Products > P4 Fund Entities > P6 Bank Loans. So within certain products, there may be several bank loans under the same facility. What would be the best way to report under Facility, rather than Bank Loans?…
Data mismatch error
currently working on the level one exam and stuck on question 6 with rev04 model getting the formulas in. i know the formulas are right but the error pops up. so is there another step before entering the formula that i should be doing to bypass this error?
Polaris Calculation Engine
Hi, Can anyone tell me why Anaplan has named their new calculation engine as "Polaris". Is there any kind of significance to the name "Polaris"? Thanks BB
L1M1 12.4.6 Activity: grid view (2nd part of task)
Hi everybody, wondered if anyone could help me on this as i've been stuck for some time. basically we are supposed to have our grid view look like attachment 1, however, mine looks like attachment 2 &3, i've double checked the formulas, don't have a filter on,etc and cannot figure out why the numbers don't match, as they…
Break Circular Reference
Hi all, I'm trying to set up a project planning model in Anaplan. As part of this setup, I'm trying to calculate the start date and end dates based on the dependencies. The logic I'm trying to build is as below, Start Date = IF ISBLANK(Dependent Step) THEN Project Start Date + Lead Time ELSE End Date(LOOKUP: Dependent…
Importing into list from subsidiary view
Hello, I am trying to import data into list by creating an saved view in a module. That module has a line item of subsidiary view. That line item is not getting mapped to list subset. Explanation: I have 3 lists L1, L2, L3 (all are hierarchy lists) One list created for requirement to use it as dependent drop down - LD I…
How to identify duplicate text in lineitem to buila a unique list?
Friends, need your input and help in meeting the below scenario where I have a module n Dimension (IDs) and few listtype line items. There are repeated values if I concatenated line items (fyi in Anaplan; NAME(A) + NAME(B) + NAME (C) + NAME(D)) and need a unique list from those concatenated values. Tried RANK but can't use…
NEXT or Previous cell values without Time dimension
Hi All, Is there any function in Anaplan, which can be used to get the next cell value from first line item in a new line item. or 2nd scenario is to ignore the prior cell values, For example: IF SL1(List item) ignore first 1 cell, for SL2 ignore first 2 cells,SL3 ignore first 3 cells ....and so on. I have done this using…