Circular Reference Issue in Computation
Hi All, I would like to ask for some insights with a Circular Reference Issue. Here are the details So we have a dimension Unit Mix, where the TOTAL is the Top Level and Parking and Total/ Average is the child. And under Total/Average are child member 1 BR, 2 BR, 3 BR, 4 BR. ( I hope i was able to illustrate the dimension…
How to get total count and standard deviation
Can someone please guide me. I have each SKU and would like to get total count and standard deviation. I can get sum but for 7months of data how can I get total count and standard dev?
Custom Time Scale - Calendar Month Mapping
Hi All, My model Calendar is 4-4-5. So Dec 30-12-2019 is falling on Jan Month. I want to get Jan month 31 days, Feb - 29( and Feb 2021-28 days), march -31 days,apr -30 days..and so on. The Model calendar follows 4-4-5 Total number of months is not giving the right answer.
ITEM(TIME) on Parent Time Items
Hi Team, I'm creating a Time Map module for Time Dimension - Months for a Model Calendar with Weeks with Half-Year Totals selectred The 1st Line Item in my Time Map is ITEM(TIME) which Time Period - Month as the Format & Formulas as the Summary My expectation was that for Parent items, e.g. Half-Year or Year, it would…
Forecasting adjustment based on Holiday statistics (sum on specific time items)
Hi all, I have a challenge and I am searching for the best solution. I have (a lot of) sales data and I am using that data to forecast on a daily level for the coming weeks. National holidays have a huge impact on most products the week before and the week after a holiday. I would like that impact to be reflected in the…
Help with Sum function / Creating a Profile
Hello I am trying to create a profile to spread revenues by client (i.e. When a client signs a contract in the future, when will the revenues occur based on past performance. First I have a module that has historical revenues, by brand account, plotted on two dimensions - Contract Cohort (month the contract was signed, a…
Replace function
Do we have a replace function? I want to change a value.
Rename List items
Dear Friends, I need some help from you. I want to update my list. My initial list items (12 list items), will be renamed and a new list will created with the (4 list items).
Urgent help assistance
Hi Friends, I am struck with a difficult situation. I have Module 1 and this is the Data Hub and the Date is stored in Text Format. Every quarter I need to pull the data and make it look like Module 2. Now my problem is as the Date is in Text Format, I was trying to find the current year. By converting Text to Number and…
Requesting a serious help
Hi Friends, I want to create an Action process. That will automatically import the current year data. Please assist me in this.
SUM Parent Item in Hierarchical list
Hi Team, I have an issue whereby I can't SUM from 1 Hierarchical list to 2 different Lists....let me explain with an example I have Source Module which is dimensionalised by #Employee (the parent item of #Employee is Region L1) I have a Target module which is dimensionalised by Clone Region & Budget Owner I have mapping…
Inserting a formula
New to anaplan platform, i want to insert the formula in my system module and i know we can search it in anaplan anapedia under all functions tab to see which function to apply. But it's not easy to search for a particular line item. Eg i want to insert formula for years only? boolean formatted line item, so how to find…
Calculation on Months to Quarters
Hi , I have 2 lists. Months(1,2,3,45-...etc) and Qtr(1,2,3,4...etc). We need to create module to map months to Qtrs. That is for 3 months in one Qtr. That is for month values 1,2,3 The Qtr value should be 1, For month values 4,5,6, the Qtr value should be 2 and so on. Please let me know if there is detailed method how to…
Find the minimum 'Month' across multiple Line Items within the same module
Hi, Apologies if this doesn't make much sense but I am fairly new to Anaplan. I have a module with multiple line items, each retrieving a month from other modules (Formatted to Time Period: Month). I would now like another Line Item (within the same module) to calculate the 'MIN' of those line items. Is this possible? I…
How to create formula for YTD and YTG run rate (Moving average)
Hi I would like to create formula to calculate moving average for YTD and YTG. Here's the formula i input MOVINGSUM(Actual, -11, 0, AVERAGE) to calcuate YTD run rate, MOVINGSUM(Remaining, -11, 0, AVERAGE) to calculate YTG run rate but the it doesn't seem correct to calculate the moving average. Kindly see example from file…
Compare Amount
Hi, I have line item (status interco) where if amount blue and red not same it will be give text "Unbalance" but i dont know how to compare every item Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks,
How do I calculate total training costs per department?
Hi there, Suppose I want to calculate total training costs per department. E.g. say I have: Department Training Cost ($) Finance A 50 Finance B 60 Marketing A 50 Marketing D 100 HR & 50 Finance # 30 Training rolls-up to a training group (e.g A, B are in alphabet group, and & # are in Sign group) I have my input module…
Declining balance depreciation method
Hi, I want to calculate depreciation of assets using declining balance depreciation method on Anaplan. I went through Anapedia's financial function pages to find function like Excel's VDB, but couldn't find any function applicable for the method. Is there any function that is available for declining balance depreciation…
Getting the maximum line number entered for each user
Hi everyone. I would like to change the number of lines displayed for each user. In this case, I would like to display the 3rd to 10th lines to user A and display the 12th to 20th lines to user B. So I exclude the number of entered lines... I was thinking of using the RANK function, but it seems that I cannot use it if…
Filter by formula
I have a particular existing module. Now I want to create a new module which will only have the filter records. Please assist.
Delete record without saved view or filter
Hi Friends, I have a Module from which I want to delete the highlighted records. But without using filter or saved view. I can use any formula to do so. Is is possible by any chance? Kindly help me, if you had worked in a similar restriction.
Finditem() with Numbered List
Hey, How can we use finditem() to search elements of a numbered list (Display Name)??
How to reduce the cell capacity
Hi,everyone. I would like to reduce the cell capacity by reducing the module "Applies To". "List A", "List B", and "Item List" are set in "Applies To" of "Module A". Time Scale is Month. "List B-Flg1 Actual" is set to the value of "Actual" if the flag of "List B" is TRUE. (The same applies to "List B-Flg2 Actual" and "List…
Custom Period - Anaplan time mapping
Hi Community, There is a use case we were provided, so data was loaded against 2 dimensions with a custom period list also in a separate module the start and end date of each period is provided the start date of period 1 and end date of period 13 is aligned with the time calendar FY20(1-Jan to 31 Dec) the task is to get…
Current Date in Anaplan
Is there a function to get everyday's date(current date) updated in Anaplan? Something equivalent to Excel's Now function.
Calculation on top level selection in line item subsets and list item subsets
Hi Anaplan Community, Currently it is not possible to use a summary top level of a list subset or line item subset in a calculation without using a workaround using a boolean and using the complete list or line item list. If anaplan had the capability to allow modellers to use the top level in a line item subset or list…
Compare line item month data to time dimension month data
Hi, In my module I have a line item that holds the value for Period when the Actuals should have the data. I have time dimension in columns by months Is there a way I can write a formula and compare for example if the Period has April 20 then the formula would look at the column data for April 20 and check if Actuals line…
Get Unique Values Using Source[TEXTLIST: Mapping]
"Textlist" is one of my favorite formulas when trying to reduce sparsity in calculations. However, Source[TEXTLIST: Mapping] becomes ineffective because there isn't the option to rollup unique values. For anyone who ran into the same challenge before, hope this post can be helpful. Workaround: * Use rank function to stage…
maximum value
How can I get maximum value for any line item. Dimensions are, days in a year ( 1, 2, 3....) and Item numbers 123456789101112131415Item 1023456700000000Item 20000567891011121300Item 30004567890000015
Days() Function
Hello everyone, The below screenshot is from one of the mini videos of Anaplan. How can one adjust the "Summary Settings" to get the number of days in a quarter or a year? I know of 2 ways to return the number of days in a quarter or a year when using the Days() function: * To change the time scale for either a quarter or…