Forecast an amount every 'x' periods
Hi, I need to take a committed contract amount and forecast it going forward as if the contracts will be renewed for exactly the same amount once the contract expires. Contracts can be month to month, quarterly, annual, or bi-annual. The image below shows a mock-up of committed contracts in green text and how I would need…
Line Item Filter based on Page slector
Hi All, Can I filter my line items on a module based on my dimension page selector. Say on Total Org Level I want to view different line item and when below levels are selected I want to see different line items. Thanks Madhu
Cross referencing List values in module through Lookup?
Hello, I have list C_L4 costing materials containing material under multiple org- profit centers Ex: Material: 136699 Profit Center: 100050: Sales Org: 2020- C_L4 Code: 136699_100050_2020 Material: 136699 Profit Center: 200050: Sales Org: 3030- C_L4 Code: 136699_200050_3030. (Cost attributes are being calculated from…
Issue in fetching data from one module to another
Hey Everyone, I am facing a problem while taking datas from one module to another module. I have to Fetch data from detailed level to aggregated level. My Source File is containing more detailed data and my Target module is supposed to have the aggregated data from source. As my target and source file is containing almost…
Option to Tie Time Range to Current Period
In an effort to reduce sparsity and improve in every aspect of "PLANS" from the planual, having the ability to attach time ranges to the model's current period would help in so many ways. As an example, in a model set as a "Calendar Months/Quaters/Years" Calendar Type, adding time Ranges that are Current Year, Current Year…
lookup not working
Hi, Can anyone please explain why the below formula is not pulling any data? I wanted to fetch the details into LoS from SYS13 using LoS(numbers) as driver LoS >> Line Item List(Length of service) I tried converting the LoS(Numbers) into Text & tried vlookup again but it didn't fetch any details Thanks
Level 2 Sprint 3 - 'Inventory Ordering Modules'
Hi, I believe I have completed the Inventory Ordering Modules section, but I'm not 100% confident with all my formulas. Below is an example of what my outcome is when I do an override suggested order amount in week 1, along with a shipping method override. Does my outcome look correct? If you need to see the thinking…
Level 2 Sprint 2 DEM03 Growth Rate % line Item
Hey there, Anaplanners! I am on Level 2, Sprint 2 and am having difficulty with the Growth % line item in DEM03. Growth Rate % line item With this line item, build a formula to pull the Volume Growth Rate % from the DEM02 Volume Growth Rate by Weeks module. I understand that I need to look up the SKU to get the Parent…
How to sum checbox checked?
Hi All, I have maybe a simple doubt, how do it sum the checked options ? I need to have one line item showing : 3 Regards, Julio Baudino
Last Occurrence Type question
Hi there, I am looking to get the latest product code based on two identifiers, one is called BVFSKU and the other is Vintage: Module one is called Latest FERT - module to pull the data in to and based on the BVFSKU list Module two is called Masterdata - module containing all of the data needed and based on a list called…
is anaplan hosted in saudi arabia ?
hello I wanted to know if Anaplan is cloud is hosted in Saudi arabia ? and also is Anaplan integrate easily with SAP S4 Hana ERP ?
Level 2 Model builder Sprint 1- SYS05 Region Details module:
Hi, while creating this I found out that we have to use PARENT formula to reference the data. I have been trying it but no success. Can anyone help me? Thank You, Sweta
Fetching information from module in Anaplan
Hi All, I have a contract master module dimensioned by Contract. Each contract based on Vendor, Customer, Brand. I do not want make these 3 as dimensions as it would be a big sized module. In the target module, which is dimensioned by Customer --> the user should select Org 2, Brand details and End Date for the contract…
Calculation Waves
Hi Team, I'm hoping to find further information regarding Calculation Waves in regards to best model performance & best practice I have some models whereby the performance is not optimal & I think this maybe partly due to excess calculation waves. Is there any information regarding what effects waves have on performance?…
How to get data from source module using time range dimension
Hi, Question please. How can I get data from source module using time range dimension to target module with model calendar time dimension? Scenario: I need to get the beginning balance of FY18 from the module to be able to transfer it to the target module which calendar year starts with FY19. Please ss. SYS Time Source…
YTD Average
Looking to create a YTD average on a module line item. Could someone please help? Thanks
Customer Potential Assumptions
Currently we are prorating the stretch goal based on the customer's PY actual % share/ Overriding accounts where needed, is there any other factor which we need to put in our assumptions to determine the growth potential of the customer within the model or would it be out of model and used through hold and/ or overrides?
Unicorn Candy Company - Territory assignment to account
Hi Chris, Pertaining to the territory assignment, currently we have weight based on 2 factors, could you provide some additional description of these factors: 1. Revenue (Potential/ Actual based on final target value): Is this based on the Sales reps present in each territory and their previous experience and capacity in…
Formula for different levels
Hi, I have a list which is a Flat list but has different levels(Note- we cannot make it as a hierarchy, it has to be a Flat list). List has list items like below.(Column A). And Line items Column B,C,D. Here, Asia and Europe are at top most level(level 1). They have child items like 1.1 China,2.1 France etc. Similarly…
Data Cleaning
Hi, Is there a way to clean all data from different modules at one go? Is there a script or command which needs to be followed? Thanks AB
How to synch user on the page with items of list displayed on the page
Hello, So I've been trying something I thought easy but encountered some problems, what I've been doing wrong, here is the situation : => User going on a page to enter some info about themselves in a board (grid). They open the page. They have to select their user name, as "Name", because their name in the database is…
Formula related issues
Hi, I have two issues as descried below. Please can you help me on it. Problem 1: I have a line item A having some data and Time scale for 4 years (in months). I want a formula on the line item B which can check if all time periods for line item A have only the value 0 and no other data. Please can you let me know if there…
Prior Year data Pull with diffrent time range
Hi All, Need a function help here, I have 2 modules Module 1 and Module 2 both uses time dimension and different time range. In my Lineitem A for Module 1 in (FY20) ,I want to Pull in previous year data value from module 2 lineitemB i,e (FY19) data. Line Item A = Module 2.Line item B( but this should pick my prior year…
Ratio Format
Hi, How can I present the ratio in the following format? D/E RATIO 0.00:1 NET D/E RATIO 0.00:1 INTEREST COVER 8x Thank you.
Subsidiary views
Hi, Can anyone advise me how subsidiary views works? I have 2 modules & both of them have different dimensions Module 1 - Has a composite list as a dimension (Account>Product) Module 2 - Standard list as a dimension (Account)* has country details I want to pull Country details from module 2 to module 1, but I'm unable to…
INV01 Totals for Level 2 Sprint 3
Hi, I was just wondering whether I have gone wrong with my totals, or the example given is incorrect. Under the 'Review the INV01 Line Item Formulas and Summary Method Settings' on Sprint 3, the totals for 'All Products' in Feb are different to what I have. I have attached what Anaplan have and what I have. Please let me…
Summary in a hierarchical list
Hi all, I have a module that returns the number of people per project, with a hierarchical list in the dimension. In the "summary" I have the sum of the people who worked per iteration each time : For example: Iteration 1 = 1 person Iteration 2 = 1 person Sum of project 1 = 2 people while it's the same person. I can't fix…
variance for different line items
LE Operational Plan Variance Capex Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE Expex Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE Feasex Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE Opex Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE TotalExp Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE How to bring data from different module for all the line items, Please hel
Level 2 Sprint 2 - Off Set Volumes for first forecast year
Hi I'm currently working through Sprint 2 on Anaplan's Lvl 2 training course and I'm having an issue with my OFFSET formula. The formula itself is correct (as the course later confirms) though it doesn't seem to pull through any data from the Volume line item? (See attached) Line item formula: IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By…