REQUEST: Allow Notifications to direct to a page in another App (same Model, same WS).
REQUEST: Allow Notifications to direct to a page in another App (same Model, same WS).
Ability to change the structure of the UX landing page
Customer wishes to modify the format of the UX landing page to push users toward only going to Page or Apps and ignoring Models section - or hiding this section from end users.
Merged: REQUEST: expand/collapse all UX landing page categories
This discussion has been merged.
Apps or pages don't disappear when the underlying model isn't found
Essentially what the title says
Show / Hide Categories in NUX App based on user role
In my experience most Anaplan implementations focus around a main app where the most users do their work, and most roles are likely only focused on a handful of pages. But as-is they will be faced with the full list of categories of in their dropdown, even if they can't go there or do anything. I think it would be a major…
Sync only the clicked members in the insight grid in Worksheet Page NUX
Hi Everyone, I am facing a problem in NUX worksheet page. When I click a member in the worksheet, the insight grids syncs to the immediate parent level hierarchy and shows all the siblings of the clicked member but I only want to see the clicked member only or differentiate it from its sibling after clicking (like…
Using Icons?
Let's talk about images, are you using icons in your pages? I'm interested in your feedback on the topics below: * What's your favorite source for finding images or icons? * How are you hosting your images? Do you leverage internal systems like Box or SharePoint, or do you use free websites like Imgur? If you leverage…
Add "Save and Close" option when changing Page settings
As a page builder, I want to be able to Save and Close the page settings dialog in a single click, so that I can save time and be more efficient with my work. As of today, I find that the majority of the time I press the Save button on the Page settings dialog, I immediately want to close the window. A common example is…
How to add a create form action (new UX) to a process?
Hello Anaplanners! I have a numbered list that I'm using it as a staging list. I have a module dimensioned by this numbered list only. I added a line item to generate automatically code for this numbered list. CODE = MID(NAME(ITEM(# Numbered_List)), 2, LENGTH(NAME(ITEM(# Numbered_List))) - 1) I have another two line items:…
How to create this chart view in UX Pages
Hi, I'm having trouble creating a Column View like this in the new UX Pages. I'm able to create this view as two separate Pie Charts easily, yet not as a Column Bar Chart. Please advise. The Pie Chart Created in Anaplan UX Pages is below Thank you
On charts: Allow labels to draw values from separate line items
On charts: Allow labels to draw values from separate line items instead of just the ones used to create the chart. A frequent use case is to create a column/bar chart where the bar length should represent a number but the label should represent % of base.
Show 12 months by default when the page is opened for the first time instead of the 3 months
Hello, How to show 12 months by default when the page is opened for the first time instead of the 3 months of the quarters? I have published muliple modules on a dashboard which has time dimension. In Model calendar I have some of the totals selected On the page selectors I have Time with filters to show only year 2022 and…
Hello All, As i try to create a dashboard from the module, could see it is providing different figures as compared to what is reflecting in the module. Attaching herewith the screenshot. Thanking in advance
NUX Column Indentation and Width for Hierarchies
Hello! I have been trying to find a solution to fix this display issue when using the lowest part of a tall hierarchy as a dimension: We have an 8 level COA hierarchy and when using the bottom level in the NUX all line items are tabbed out so far. I can make the column smaller, but the indentation remains the same and my…
Create form in Dashboard with Instructions
It would be nice to have an option to provide a message when creating a form from Dashboard in order to create an item in a list. That way the end user could follow the instructions and understand the requirements in the pop-up window.
REQUEST: Allow for PB to 'Configure Actions' for a Page.
It would be nice if Actions could be added to a Page not just Cards. There are times where the user might need to run an action/process that is more Global/doesn't go with a particular card.
Auto-sum, average, min, max etc. on a Board's card when you expand
It is necessary to see the same auto metrics you get on a board when you highlight cells after you expand a card. ^On a board before expanding ^On a board after expanding
Display an action's Start Date and Time (UTC) on a page for the end user to view
Are there plans to allow the Start Date and Time (UTC) of an action to be forward facing to end users? This could potentially be shown as a tooltip where actions are published on to the page.
MR: User to select columns for variance
Hi fellows, New variance feature is a long awaited one. And finally we have it! But this feature is almost a hardcode and it does not allow an end user to select which of the two columns to be compared. Would be great if a user could decide it while presenting something like he can do with page selectors. Or any similar…
- Create Saved View for DAT03 Module
I want this desired view in the module: Below are the facts which i have applied and worked into,please have a look into the below images and words: The summary selection for time in the module is set to none : And i have got almost whatever is the desired view,but when i apply filter all the data vanishes, although i hope…
Display Customer Number Formats in Management Reporting
Hi! As far as I know this does not exist but I would really like to display variances in management reporting using the added calculation columns in customer formats. One particular format I would like is to display the variances in pts and bps not just as a %. If the capability does exist or if someone has a cool trick…
Management Reporting - Advanced Variance Calculations for Percentages
A current pain point I am experiencing is displaying variances in the calculations column within Management Reporting. While the addition of this feature solves some downfalls in the model for building complex variance columns with different formats, the downfall is the ability to produce an accurate variance on…
Full access to hierarchy list (selective access) and WSA access but occasionally will get No Access
I am supporting a model that has selective access to a hierarchy list called Department Hierarchy and Top level called ALL Department. For Model Role, I have full access and for the Department Hierarchy Write access, it is All Departments. I am also a WPA. Occasionally, I will get a message that says Department Hierarchy:…
Calls Anaplanners France S3E1 - Sept 2022 - Part 1
Dihya et Richard ont lancé la saison 3 brillamment. Ils nous ont emmené à la découverte (redécouverte pour certains) des différents lieux où se cachent les trésors d’innovation mis en circulation sur ces douze derniers mois. Nous nous sommes ainsi enrichis de nouvelles connaissances nous permettant d’adapter et/ou…
New UX: Restrict Editing on Field Cards
Can't find this as an existing idea! It appears that Field cards are always editable. I find that Field cards sometime make more sense when added in a bunch (compared to KPIs) and also look better to show some System Mapping fields. However, it is not ideal that the users are able to change these mappings. Can we have the…
Management Reporting Table Variance - Not available
Hello! Can anyone help shed some light on why I am not capable of adding a variance column to a table in management reporting? I am trying to add this to a table that includes a list, line items, time and versions. Are there additional requirements or pivots required to make this functionality available? Currently…
Filter on 2 levels of hierarchy
I'm trying to display on a dashboard a table of company employees (dimension = employee ID, line items are employee characteristics). Each employee is assigned to a SLT member (identified in one of the line items), and each SLT member rolls up to a ELT member in the hierarchy. That hierarchy looks like * ELT1* SLT1 * SLT2…
Add Subsidiary View to a Dashboard
Hi, Would like to know how to add a Subsidiary view on a UX Dashboard? Thank you
Synchronize on a cell level rather the clicking all individual dimensions
If you show a module with multiple dimensions as row and/or columns and you display more details on the same page/dashboard it would be great if the system synchronize by clicking on a cell. This is intuitive behavior of end users. E.g: Jan 21Feb 21Mar 21Customer AProduct 1 Product 2 15 Customer BProduct 120 Product 2…
L2.3 3.3.12 Activity: Create Product Replenishment UX Page
Hi, I need some help here with creating the 'Product Replenishment' UX page. My underlying model works in that selected months filter the filter the INV01 model, however the INV01 model doesn't present on the UX page, I can figure why this is the case - I've included some screen shots. I think the final screen shoot…