PowerPoint Add-in: Installation requires elevated privileges
This item has been identified as an outstanding known issue. A workaround is provided until the issue is officially fixed. Issue For versions 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 of the PowerPoint Add-in elevated privileges are required to install the add-in through command line and for the "all users" option. Workaround * Installing through…
New UX: Syncronise all cards on a page without having to hit the refresh button!
Hi I have a Page within the NUX which displays a specific week based selecting a date line item in a time filter module. When I change the date the correct Week is displayed based on the day selected and the Weekly Variances change to show the variances for that selected week, however the daily view of the selected week…
Level 2- Sprint 3- INV01 Question
Could anyone help me with the questions below? 1. My Beginning Inventory is not showing correctly with the effect of ending inventory, it shows the same number, please see the attached screenshot. My formula is IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning…
Anaplan Access (Beta). Build Guide for Page Builders.
Hi All, I got Anaplan Access (Beta) then downloaded New UX Training Model v2 (I found link at Build Guide for Page Builders). But I can't find create an app button on the app page, if I'm doing something wrong or beta access do not include page builder access? Thanks, Sergey.
Data Encoding & Feature Scaling
Was wondering if: * there are Data Encoding features (like one-hot encoding) available to process categorical data into ordinal/numeric values, so that they can be fed into forecasting/ML algorithms available in Anaplan. * there are Feature Scaling (min-max) methods available to bring columns within specified ranges. For…
Activity 4.6.4
When importing the excel file I keep getting an error message saying “import complete but with failures” and the failure is an invalid code. It says US is not the correct code. Anyone know how to help?
Issue : Possible New UX Bugs - Time Range
In the new ux, I've encountered a few issues when working with time ranges, am not sure if it has been raised before or fixed. 1) When a mixture of Anaplan time & time ranges are used on a board, the years does not sync up automatically to the page selector that is linked to Anaplan time - The workaround would be for the…
How to Detect Retail Sales Trends in Anaplan
Retail Knowledge | Detecting Trend INTRODUCTION Using machine learning to detect a sales trend is a science and an art. Obviously no computer program or set of calculations could ever know everything that’s going on with your business. The creative side of detecting a trend is built upon your familiarity with the way your…
Docusign integration
Hi , I have a requirement where i want to send document to employees in batches. E,g country managers want to send letter to their employees on specific dates . While going through docusign documentation it is mentioned that hierarchy is not supported . Please help to understand how it works .
Cloudworks Integration run vs Schedule
Now using the cloudworks integrations and have come across an annoying situation. Once I set a schedule for an integration the option to run it now disappears. Only way I can find to run it now is to cancel the schedule (deactivating not sufficient) and then rebuild the schedule after I have run it and made any changes.…
New UX - Mobile App
I have designed a simple new UX Page (Page:A) so it can be viewed on a regular laptop / monitor size screen. This Page (Page A) is also viewable on the Anapaln mobile App (with no loading issues), but involves lots of scrolling to see the whole Page content I have been trying to design a simple mobile App friendly size…
Latest Article: Importing with Varied Dimensions
Please read out my latest article on Imports featured under best practices. https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Importing-With-Varied-Dimensions/ta-p/89698 Misbah
Stacked Column Graph
I would like to reproduce the above stacked column graph in Anaplan, but can't get the labels on the bottom axis to appear in the same way. The best I have achieved is this (I have limited the data selection to make the issue more obvious). I have two columns for each month, but it doesn't show which is forecast and which…
Building a Cash Flow Model (Need Advice)
Hi, So I'm playing around with trying to build a Cash Flow Model in Anaplan that is on a Daily Time Scale [WeekDay Function I plan to use] and has Line Items of different Accounts in the company that must stay at a min/max balance daily. I want to try and make this an Model that will automatically allocate the money around…
Reorder flag
In module 2 sprint 3 it says keep the reorder flag referencing to Suggested order amount. WHile my formula for reorder flag is OFFSET(Ending Inventory, Shipping Time Weeks, 0) < 0 I cant get it Pls clarify
INV 01 inventory ordering final forecast figures
HI My final figures for Forecast Demand in Inventory ordering s not matching with the one shown in training module LEvel2 sprint 3 .Please find attached the screen shots training and mine.i know figures are being pulled from DEM03 final forecast hence pls find below the blueprint view for the same too and let me know what…
model building activity 6 add formulas to REP04 module line items
hello. is there anybody, who can help with the LEVEL 1 Model Building Exam? I do not know what formulas to write in the model building activity 6
Level2 sprint 3
My figures in Inv 01 ordering is not matching with one given in training module I have attached both figures and formulas used please guide whta I am doing wrong
Building a Cash Flow Model
Hi, I have started Building a Cash Flow Model for my Excel Spread Sheet and I need advice on how to decide the structure of my Model. So far I have made Module's made after the Yellow Tabs in my Excel Model and made the Line Items of my Modules the First Columns in my Excel Sheets (The things that I need to calculate and…
Domain and IP Allow Listing
This content is now available in Anaplan Support.
Anaplan Live!—Your Opinion Matters
We're getting ready for our next Anaplan Live! event. As active Community members and model builders, your input is extremely valuable. Our mission is to bring you content to boost your model-building skills, no matter what level you're at today. Take this brief survey, and let us know what you want to learn more about.
Job Aids During Discovery Phase?
Hi Everyone, Are there any documents/job aids that summarize the key questions to ask clients during the Discovery Phase? I'm referring to more specific questions than the broad overview in the Anaplan Way. For example, there are great posts here with questions you could ask a client when figuring out what dashboards they…
Clear the Target for a Module Import
Hello everyone: Anaplan provides a lot of flexibility in regards to clearing data prior to imports. You can read about all the available options here. In particular, I am referring to: * Clearing the Target for Time * Clearing the Target for Dimensions other than Time I have always used the default settings such as Clear…
Anaplan Connect Install 1.4.4
I am installing Anaplan Connect for the first time. When I try to run the import script, I get the below error message. I do have the WorkspaceID in there. I also want to runt the script on a shared drive in Unix if possible. Can anyone help? Thank you. ======================================================================…
Anaplan Connect Migration v1.4. SQL Server Connection (check sql server driver for jdbc)
When migrating some Anaplan connect scripts from v1.3. to v1.4. I encountered an error with my sql connection. The error I received when running my script was something like 'check sql server driver for jdbc'. I wanted to share the solution for reference as it was not that obvious. In my original script (v1.3) my…
What protocol and port(s) does MuleSoft Connector use?
Hi, My current client has selected MuleSoft Connector to orchestrate the integrations between Anaplan and their legacy systems and they are asking what is the protocol and port(s) it uses to connect to Anaplan. I've searched through Anapedia and the Community and I was not able to find the answer, however I assume it uses…
Hi, question please. Would like to ask on why I cannot see the numbers when I open the phone app view while in web I can see the values? I publish KPI and used line item view. PHONE APP VIEW: WEB VIEW:
Cleared the exam but was not able to get one answer in Activity related to calculating expenses by region and role Can anyone let me know what was the correct answer or whom to contact for the same
New UX: Can Context Selectors Drive Parent Choices in Form Created List Members
Hi everyone, I have a very specific new UX question around context selectors and their impacts on the UX. I've created a list hierarchy with a numbered list at the bottom. This numbered list represents something not unlike transactions. I've created a form in the new UX to allow for creation of these new transactions, with…
Academy: Model Building Level2, sprint 3, Lesson 3.5.5 question
I have a question for Model Building Level2, sprint 3, Lesson 3.5.5 and the product SKU by Distribution Center panel on the Distribution Center Summary UX page (in My Pages). I got it working, but I want to know if there is a better solution as my screen layouts are slightly different to the prototype. I used a grid and…