Better Formula Editor for Anaplan; A new Chrome/Firefox/Edge Extension
Hello all! I have made a Google Chrome and Firefox extension that enhances Anaplan formula editing by using the Monaco editor. This is the editor used by Anaplan's new modelling experience. My extension works with this new experience adding enhancements over and above what Anaplan have done. It also works with the…
Urgent: Can we copy a module into another model within the same workspace?
Can we copy a module into another model within the same workspace?
L2 Sprint 1 - Import Data into G2 Country List
Hi @JaredDolich trust you can provide guidance here. What am I doing incorrectly here? Please share. Task request: Import Data into G2 Country List In the Data Hub model, import data from the source saved view into the target list: Source: SYS06 Country Details module, Build Country saved view Target: G2 Country…
Error in Activity 5 EMP02 Module
Hi, I am facing an error in EMP02 Module when I am updating the formula and show values incorrect. Can u please help me to resolve this issue.
Is it possible for Anaplan to import data as "date" the format of which is like "28-May-13"?
Hello, Is it possible for Anaplan to import data as "date" the format of which is like "28-May-13"? * year: 2013 * month: 5 (May) * day: 28th I have already tried the following custom formatting: "dd-mm-yy." But this did not work out. Thank you very much in advance.
Level2 Conclusion- Currency Conversion
Given Activity : .csv file to be imported : When I am trying to import the above .csv file into the Country Currency list the data is getting imported as below: What mistake I am doing here I am not getting exactly. I need to get the import as below format as I have seen in the Anaplan community Anyone please guide me on…
Level 2 Run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub
Hi, I am stuck at the Level 2 Run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub. Can anyone help me on this.
7.2.4 help needed
I cant seem to remove the entry (sales) in the department row so that it can reflect exactly what was given in the example. Please how can I resolve this?
Mapping Issues due to dates
Hi, I'm currently having mapping issues with the current Flat File I'm trying to load into Anaplan. It is saying it can not match up the dates, but I'm hoping I will not have to manually change the dates on my flat file verses getting a way for Anaplan to read the dates to map the data. Please advise. Thank you
8.5.2 Activity: Import Data into Price Book Module issue?
Hi everybody. I import the Pricebook.csv file to REV01 Price Book module. Everything seems in order until the importing process is completed. As you see on the screenshots after importing the file the prices don't represent the correct value as in the .csv file. Where have I done wrong?
SYS08 Employee Details module (Importing Name issue)
Hello Everyone, I am unable to get 'Names' in the following module but the rest of the items seem fine. Anyone can help Please? Thank you in advance
Importing Data - Parent Error
Please view the screenshots attached. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong at this point. I know that it should be mapped Location Name, Country, and Location Code. But I keep getting an invalid parent error. I've toggled between items uniquely identified by options and continue to get an error message..
Automate Notification Feature
Hi Team, I have currently published the "Notification" button on New UX page which shares the URL for the respective page with defined "Recipient". Anaplan has introduced the "ANAPLAN Cloudworks" which automates the defined Actions(Import/Export) but how can I automate the notification feature through ANAPLAN Cloudworks…
Using Anaplan as Source in SSIS
I need to Get data from Anaplan and import them into a SQL Server using Microsoft Integration Services (SSIS). Does Anaplan support it? (e.g. WebService)? If yes, who can provide me the WSDL File?
parent-child hierarchy
Hi I am having two lists(A & B) , where list A is parent of list B. In list A there is a list item "Miscellaneous" which code is "MISC" In list B there is a list item "Miscellaneous" where parent is "Miscellaneous" in list A and code is "Miscellaneous" While importing the list items into list B with code, the item…
Warning while loading data into list
Hello, I was trying to load the data into a list from a saved view that has multiple duplicate values. The file has been loaded successfully but with a warning "Another row has already been processed with this key" I want this warning to be removed how can I remove that please help me with this? PFA the screenshot.
List import error : Top level of item
Hi, I want to import List from module. I have this type of List(▲test) , has top level of item. I want to import from this module. But when I tried this, I received error message. This message says that List_All has failed. I tried restrict the level of items and hide top level of item, But I cannot solve it. Do you have…
7.2.3 Help
How do I get the codes to not show up in this exercise? I know that from the example, commission % should be the last row.
Entrust CA Certificate - Error outputting keys and certificates
Hi there guys, anyone using Entrust CA Certificates for Anaplan Data Integration? Following the recommendations from Anaplan's list of Supported Root CA Certificates, I have purchased a S/MIME certificate from Entrust and got a ".p12" certificate downloaded to my computer. When trying to export the Public Certificate…
Excel Add-in (Submit data from multi spreadsheets to Anaplan)
Hello, We are using Anaplan Excel Add-in to upload data. We create a write connection with a one module which have Country dimension. Each Country is presented in separate sheet, can we upload data to Anaplan from all these sheets by clicking only one button - Submit? Thank you in advance for help. Best regards, Dominika