LOOKUP on Time | Model Optimization Team series
Hello Anaplan Community! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is our last post in an eight-part series, on the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month,…
How to use notifications effectively
Author: Vinay Varadaraj Mirajkar is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Solution Architect at Anaplan. When you think about creating simple workflows or enabling collaboration between/within the planning teams, some of the features which can help achieve this are: sharing pages, card comments, notifications, and last…
[UPDATED] Summary Calculations with the User List
Author: Rob Marshall, Director of Architecture and Performance at Anaplan, Operational Excellence Group (OEG). Prior to the February 2024, users were not allowed to use aggregation functions (SUM, ALL, ANY, AVERAGE, FIRSTNONBLANK, LASTNONBLANK, MAX, MIN, RANK) when having the Users list in a module because the system could…
Get to know the model experience as an end-user
Welcome to the Anaplan modeling experience (MX)! The Anaplan functionality you know and love, with a modern look and feel and simplified, intuitive navigation. In February 2023, the updated model experience became the default for all users. In April 2024 the ability to toggle back to the old classic experience will be…
[Start here] Modeling Experience
If you are an experienced model builder, you are already familiar with the power and flexibility that the Anaplan platform provides when solving your teams' planning needs. In February 2023, we made the enhanced Modeling Experience (MX) the default experience for our users, and from April 2024, the old classic interface…
Setup your ADO Demo using an AWS S3 Connection
Author: Noel Rocher, Partner Success Manager at Anaplan The problem statement "I would like to Demo the ADO S3 Connector with a CSV file hosted on AWS S3 as an ADO Data Source." The solution Use a free AWS Account to host the example CSV file. Steps to take We will walk through how to setup an AWS environment using a free…
Displaying your data as a Calendar view
Problem Statement Ever wonder how to display your data in a calendar format in Anaplan or simply just want to have a color-coded display based on a specific alert/indicator in a calendar form? Step-by-step guide We just need 2 simple lists Day of Week and Week Number to start with. Then we need 2 modules Day of Week…
ADO DB Connectors Preview
I had the opportunity to test a preview of the new database connectors developed by the Anaplan Data Orchestrator (ADO) Team, and I wanted to share my experience with you. To set up the testing environment, I used my AWS account and the RDS service to launch four types of databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server,…
How to roll back a production model to recover lost data
Author: Jessie Zhao is a Solution Architect and Certified Master Anaplanner at Anaplan. Working with a model in ALM has a lot of benefits. These include building new features in a development model anytime without affecting production users, securely managing production lists by identifying structural data that needs to…
Copy Branch Workaround for the User Experience
The ‘Copy Branch’ action hasn’t currently made its way onto the UX, so I was recently challenged to create a workaround. This is my relatively simple solution, which could be amended for “Assign” by deleting the items in the ‘copy from’ list once copied. It should be noted that it is not a best practice for users to run…
Convert CUMULATE functions to PREVIOUS | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
Multi-select filters and their extension
If you are asked to name a few features which you use very often in Anaplan, there is a high chance that FILTERS will find its way to that list. There are so many places where they are used: saved views for imports/exports, report creation, calculations, and the list goes on. They are basically ubiquitous! Premise: Ability…
Text Concatenation | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
[Start Here] Anaplan Connect 2.0 and JDBC Connectivity
* What is Anaplan Connect? * What is covered in this article? * What is NOT covered in this article? * What pre-requisites do I need? * Deep Dive on Integration * Integrating with SAP HANA Cloud * Integrating with Snowflake * Integrating with Azure SQL Database * Integrating with Google Cloud (GCP) BigQuery * Integrating…
Organizing templates for data imports
Author: Vinay Varadaraj Mirajkar is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Solution Architect at Anaplan. I am sure many of us have seen the below message many times in our experience, and at times it may be very time consuming to retrieve the file which was used to create the import action. And there are also chances…
Easily Get Current Date Using CloudWorks
Almost any model builder has had to come up with a solution to get the current date in Anaplan. We used to build integrations and use API for that. @JaredDolich posted a great article about using python for getting today's date. But this approach has some cons: * You must learn to code or involve someone who can do it.…
How to test the ADO Salesforce connector with a Salesforce Developer Account
Author: Noel Rocher, Partner Success Manager at Anaplan Step 1: Register for a Salesforce Developer Account Go to Fill out the form Validate your email account by clicking on the provided link inside the email your received Enter your Password You will land on your home page Step 2: Configure your Connected App On the top…
Data Quality Orchestration : a simple example with ADO & Workflow - Part 1/2
In this article, you'll find a simple but hopefully inspiring illustration of the power of Anaplan Data Orchestrator (ADO) combined with Workflow. This is a 2 parts article. This Part 1 focuses on the Workflow and the steps to achieve Data Quality tasks. The Part 2 is a deep dive on some details. Summary For illustration,…
Cutover activities: Things to do before UAT and before go-live
Author: Nikitha Kumar is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Sr. Principal Solution Architect at Anaplan. Cutover activities are the tasks that are performed to transition from DEV environment to UAT or PROD environment. In the delivery lifecycle, cutover activities are done twice: UAT cutover activities are done…
OEG Best Practice: Line item subsets demystified
Line item subsets are one of the most powerful and efficient features in Anaplan, yet one of the least understood. The COLLECT() function is probably the only “black box” function within Anaplan as is it not immediately apparent what it is doing or where the source values are coming from. In the following article, I will…
Anaplan Connect: Wake-Up Script
Preface: Utilizing CA Certificates is the best practice for Anaplan Data Integrations. The wake-up script is best leveraged with CA Certificate authentication in the individual scripts for security purposes. If you would like to learn more about CA Certificates, click on this guide. Note: Basic Authentication used for demo…
Data Quality Orchestration : a simple example with ADO & Workflow - Part 2/2
In this article, you'll find a simple but hopefully inspiring illustration of the power of Anaplan Data Orchestrator (ADO) combined with Workflow. This is a 2 parts article. The Part 1 focuses on the Workflow and the steps to achieve Data Quality tasks. This Part 2 is a deep dive on some details. Above is the final Object…
Convert Values from a 445 Calendar to a Normal, Monthly Gregorian Calendar
Summary As a supply chain Anaplan modeler, you might be asked by finance to convert your 445-monthly forecasts into a normal, Gregorian calendar since their general ledger accounts are usually set up that way. This user-story will provide a solution using a one-year model that uses a 445-monthly calendar. This solution was…
Calculate with the fewest cell | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
OEG Best Practice: Data Hubs: Purpose and peak performance
You may have heard about a model called a Data Hub, but perhaps you aren’t confident that you understand the fundamentals, primary functions, or considerations when architecting one. There are three main advantages to incorporating a Data Hub: Single source of truth : Stores all transactional data from the source system.…
How to test the ADO Snowflake connector
Author: Noel Rocher, Partner Success Manager at Anaplan Step 1: Snowflake trial environment Go to developers.snowflake.com and select the START FREE button at the top right of the page. To check if the trial account conditions meet your needs, look at the Trial Account overview. Choose the software edition and cloud…
SUM and LOOKUP | Model Optimization Team series
Hi! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
OEG Best Practice: Statistical forecasting
Overview The following is a guide for the Statistical Forecasting Calculation Engine Models (monthly and weekly). It includes enablement videos, practice data import exercise, model documentation, and specific steps when using the model for implementations. 1. Enablement videos and practice exercise…
PlanIQ algorithm properties
Review the table below for information on each algorithm and its specific properties. Question? Leave a comment!
Introducing the Anaplan Integration Script Generator: Simplifying Anaplan Connect Scripting
Introduction Anaplan, a leading platform for enterprise planning, has revolutionized the way organizations manage their data and streamline processes. However, leveraging Anaplan's powerful features often requires scripting with Anaplan Connect—a command-line utility for interacting with the platform. To simplify this…
Dynamic renaming of line items
Consider the following situation: As part of a planning process, a planning user requires the following items to be presented in the module: * Current year revenue actuals - year to date, needed to plan for the next year around the third-quarter quarter mark of the year * Current year revenue projection, based on the run…
RANK | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
How to Configure Salesforce for Integration with Anaplan CloudWorks
The integration between Anaplan CloudWorks and Salesforce will no longer be offered as a part of CloudWorks. We are focusing our efforts on Salesforce integration in the Data Management System (DMS) due to be released later this year. Please check back with further updates.
OEG Best Practice: Filter best practice
Filters can be very useful in model building and are widely used, but they can come at the expense of performance—often very visible to users through their use on dashboards. Performance can also hit imports and exports, which in turn may lead to the blocking of other activity, causing a poor perception of the model. There…
Nested Ifs | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…