Level 2 Sprint 3 Safety Stock Exception DB
Hi Team, @Misbah @einas.ibrahim I am Struggling with the data not auto refreshed in Safety stock exception DB. eg. If I select FY21 page selector then it is not auto-refreshing the data and even when I refreshed it manually then also I am seeing FY20 data. I have made show selection in my INV02 module for months as in…
Level 2 Sprint 3 Check your System Module
Hi Team, @einas.ibrahim I was verifying my SYS01 module line item with what was given in training exercise I found discrepancies over theirs. IN my module line items like 1st Week of timescale? & Weeks only? line item are not present. For the 1st week timescale? line item I directly use OFFSET formula in Not 1st-week…
variance for different line items
LE Operational Plan Variance Capex Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE Expex Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE Feasex Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE Opex Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE TotalExp Lifecycle (OP-LE)/LE How to bring data from different module for all the line items, Please hel
Anaplan HyperModel
Hi All, If we have multiple workspaces which we want to put in HyperModel and want to allocate the space from some WS to others, then is this possible? - Is there any limit on increasing one WS in the Hypermodel? Thanks
Subsets or Hierarchy lists?
I have 2 master data (size category and size) to design. I think both Subsets and Hierarchy can meet the needs. But which one is better? Please tell if there are differences or impact in later use I haven't been aware of. I'll greatly appreciate your help! <data example> We have size of S, M, L which belong to size…
Commission calculation
Hi, Can anyone tell me whether the below calculation is correct or not? If yes, then can someone please clarify why the quarterly balances are different Thanks AB
Issue in creating Asymmetric view
I have 3 lists : 1 - L3 Project 2 - Project Name 3 - Project Manager. I want to create a module with Dimensions - L3 Project, Time and Lineitems (or Line item subset) to show project name and Project Manager along with L3 Project without time whereas the line items (Cost, Revenue, Invoice) are with time. Any suggestions ?…
INV01 Totals for Level 2 Sprint 3
Hi, I was just wondering whether I have gone wrong with my totals, or the example given is incorrect. Under the 'Review the INV01 Line Item Formulas and Summary Method Settings' on Sprint 3, the totals for 'All Products' in Feb are different to what I have. I have attached what Anaplan have and what I have. Please let me…
Changing the display view of Parent/child structure
Hi Please find the attached screenshot showing the display view of Parent/child structure in a Module. (PC3-12800 is the parent of 4GB/8GB/16GB/32GB PC3-12800). I want to display the parent at the top of the children instead of below the children. Anybody can suggest how to achieve this? Thanks Regards Prabakaran
Use Left Equation on Lineitem with Quarter Format
Hi, I am trying to take the first 2 characters from the "Quarter Code" lineitem so that I can identify the correct quarter for my week Time dimension. I tried using Left equation but it's not allowing me (tried using TEXT() on the quarter code but returned an error). Does anyone know a way that I can retrieve the first 2…
INV01 Inventory Ordering module - Shipping Method formula issue
Getting error when i am using below formal for Shipping Method in "INV01 Inventory Ordering" module , Tried so many ways but no luck can some one help me some thing is i am missed 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Shipping Time (Weeks)' [LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product, LOOKUP: 'SYS07 Distribution Center…
How to add badges for earned certifications?
I have completed all the training and earned the Anaplan Certified Model Builder certificate but there are no badges reflecting on my profile. Please advice.
Calculation Waves
Hi Team, I'm hoping to find further information regarding Calculation Waves in regards to best model performance & best practice I have some models whereby the performance is not optimal & I think this maybe partly due to excess calculation waves. Is there any information regarding what effects waves have on performance?…
MONTH Formula providing unexpected results with Fiscal Year beginning in February.
In the screenshots provided above you will notice the Month Value line item have a different value for the months in FY19 than in FY18 ***Formula is MONTH(ITEM(Time)). In FY19 you will also see the value of 9 be returned for September and October and 12 returned for December and January. Can someone help me better…
ANY for List WIthout Top Level
Hi Team, I have a list without a top level (Ramp-Up %'s which do not require to be aggregated) but I need to be able to determine if any of the intersections have a value for a Filter Boolean Is there a formula/method to return a Boolean if ANY item for a list has value in a module. This is calculated from a module without…
Level 3 Sprint 1 3.2 Model Build Specifications
Should I be creating a separate module for the Volume Growth rates by country and then using a lookup to pull in the requisite %'s into the TRA01 module?
Formula assistance! SUM?
Hi, Still relatively new to Anaplan, but need formula assistance. I have created an input module for users to input data for a region with list attributes of internal/external and discretionary/non discretionary. Then created a GBP conversion module: I'm now on an output module, but I can't seem to sum on the…
Creating Hierarchical in Datahub
Hi All, Recently i've started Level 2 Model Building and one of the topics in Datahub says -> it's best to create Hierarchical lists in Spoke model by taking data from views created by Flat lists in Data hub but what i feel is it's better to create Hierarchical list directly instead of creating Flat lists and then…
Level 2 Sprint 3 INV01 - Safety Stock Exception
Hello, Im currently in Sprint 3. When I was publishing the values to a dashboard, I noticed My Safety Stock Exception value was very high(Screenshot attached) On digging deeper, I found out my Ending Inventory values are negative for some months. Can this be the reason for high Safety Stock Exception value? I have checked…
Level 2 Sprint 3 Product Replenishment dashboard - Summary setting
Hi Team, I am facing a problem with the summary settings and their display on my DB. Problem Statement: Values not Displaying in my Month Column for line items like "Final Shipment amount" /"Shipping Cost"/"Final Shipment cost" 1) Course Example summary file - This is an example given in the course, the values need to be…