Limit on adding cards in Anaplan APPs
Hi Team, Good day! I just would like to check if it's possible to add up to 10 consecutive cards in Apps horizontally as currently, it only allow 6 cards. Any response will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Rachelle
Blank sections in Start Date and Time (UTC)
Why are there blank sections in the Start Date and Time (UTC) column in the actions tab and actions settings? Surely the first time the action was run would log a date and time stamp? If not, then what is the cut off period when this becomes blank? Chris Heathcote www.HeathcoteAndHerran.com
Why is my RANK function changing result when I perform Bulk Copy Action?
Hello, In short, when I perform a Bulk Copy, my RANK function is changing and giving different result than what it should be. Detail: I have a raw data source import file that is a listing containing all of our retail locations and their respective royalty rate that they pay us. The majority of the locations have one…
How does using a module as a filter works?
Lets see if i can explain my self, I am giving support to a Model which in the UX of the app has filters on top that come from a filter module, they requested me to add a new filter to filter by rep and there is already like 3 filters with that description, but when I add them to the card they don´t work. Filter Module:…
Automatically sum line items of a module
Is there a way to sum all the line items in a module? Let's say I have 20 line items in a module at the moment and I want to sum it all up in the 21st line item. (1) Is selecting 20 line items one by one to get the total the only way? (2) Is there a way to ensure that if a new line item is added somewhere between 1st and…
How to look up first instance of a numbered list
I have a module (Module A) that applies to a list. Job Title Salary Bob John Katie I have a different module (Module B) that uses a numbered list. The display names of the numbered list matches the names in the regular list. How do I look up the first instance of the "Job Title" in Module B so Module A shows Bob's Job…
Allocating 53rd week to previous 4 weeks of the same year?
I have a scenario where in a module I am getting 53 weeks of data but the client does not want the 53rd week to show instead client wants that the data for the 53rd week should be distributed to the previous 4 weeks. Could you guys please explain how can I achieve this. Thanks a lot in advance. @Misbah any inputs on this.
Sprint 3 Beginning Inventory Formula not working, getting an error
HELP! I'm currently doing Sprint 3 and I'm getting error with my Beginning Inventory formula. IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'NOT First Week of Timescale?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory I'm getting the error below. What can I do to fix this? Is my formula incorrect?
BREAKBACK - Is it possible to release one cell that have just been hold
Hello Anaplan, Using breakback we can hold cell by cell to keep an amount. We can then "release all" hold cells of the grid. But is there a way to release only one cell ? Exemple : Hold cell 1 Hold cell 2 Finally release cell 1 only
How can I maintain past data when changing formulas?
Hello, Anaplanners. I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to discuss a challenge I'm facing while working on an activity-based costing model in Anaplan for my end-of-study internship project. Unfortunately, my professor has expressed doubts about using Anaplan for this purpose. The main concern raised by my…
Sum function not working correctly
Hi, I have a data module with Dimension E3-Emp. This data module has following dimensions as List type Line items (Site, Tier, Rate, Tenure) When I try to create a module to group Emp HC by Site, Tier, Rate, Tenure and E1-Emp Class ( Super Parent for Emp). The result doenst look good. My formula 'DATA01 EMP Roster'.HC[SUM:…
Conditional Formatting on "No Data" Format Line Item
Hi all, can conditional formatting be added to a line item formatted as No Data. If possible, please kindly explain. Regards
Find occurrences of a Dimension code without hierarchy
Hello all, I'm stuck on something. I have a Job dimension that has Job code and Job name. (100 - Tech I) That Job flat list is not in a hierarchy. But I've created another list called JobL5 that has the Department as a Parent. Each dept will have several jobs listed underneath. And the same job can be in several depts. I…
DCA Logic on selection line item
Hi Anaplanners, I have a module where I want to apply DCA on "a" line item. The logic should be that if no region is checked, all regions should have write access, but if any region is checked, only that selected region should have write access, and the other regions should only have read access. The "Region" list used in…
target with more dimension than source
Hi I have source module by GEO and ORG, However, I have target module by GEO and Time dimension. In the source module there is a mapping between GEO and ORG, So the line item is list formatted. How do I get the mapping to the target module. For example, if GEO 1 is mapped to ORG 1, I should get that in the target…
Synchronized selection issue
Hi Anaplanners, So I have a Region List (R1) and project list (R2) rolling up to these Regions. Within R1, we identify special regions using a boolean line item in a separate module. I have a NUX page where all the attributes of only the 'special regions' that is R1 filtered with the above line item, dsiplayed for the end…
Entity or Country First
Hello, We're considering launching into a new country, how would be best to structure this in the organisational hierarchy? Country first, then entities; or entities, then countries. For reference both entities will be trading in both countries. e.g. Total Company > UK, Germany > Entity 1 - UK, Entity 2 - UK, Entity 1 -…
How to avoid counting multiple times when summarizing
Hello everyone ! I came to ask a question here with a case i'm sttrugling with, i hope i will be clear enough with my explanation, don't hesistate to tell me if it is not clear. To contextualize a bit : i'm working basically with two hierarchical lists that goes from : GP0 Zone, GP1 Region, GP2 Country, GP3 Store P1…
Get the values from one cell data to another cell
Hi Please go through the screen shot source: it is input by the user Target : we have period dimesion . now i bring down the data from p2 to p13 at what they inputed. for Dp1 conventional. they want take value from CV vol coff -conventional. for organic they want to take from og vol coff . in sys module i will add another…
Help me with a formula.
Hello Community, I´m trying to get in a module from a formula to know if an employee has for reporting only and distributor accounts here is my formula: Here is the module from where i want to pool the info: Not sure why but my formula on the Has report only or distributors accounts are not working as intended, not sure if…