Anaplan Optimizer across time
Hello everyone, Want to use the Anaplan Optimizer across time, and have found out that I can not use a line item running on the native time scale in Anaplan. Hence I am on the quest to create a list of the months and have been following this…
level 2 sprint 1
Hi, i have completed Level 2 sprint 1 exam first attempt score : 60% second attempt score is 90% , but the score is not updated and i am not able to access sprint 2 can anyone help me
Anaplan Level 2 Conclusion - Create Demand Export Module and Create a Saved View
Can someone help me why I am getting different demand number pulled up? Instruction: My Anaplan Blueprint Mode: My data Check your Work:
Calculating the Average Per Cash Curve
Hi, I'm trying to Calculate what my average would be in a certain month using a rate curve. My rate curves are inputs that are located in a inputs module and I believe I would need to multiply them by my average to see what the average would be over time. The only issue I'm having is that my input modules with the rate…
Need Calc Help
Hi Community, I am working on this use case. Wondering if this is possible. DAT01 Emp Details Emp | Start Rate EmpA 15 EmpB 16 EmpC 17 SYS02 Zone Module Zone| Lower Range | Upper Range ZoneA 14 15 Zone B 15 16 Zone C 17 100 How can I identify which Zone does an employee falls in. Final result needed Emp | Zone EmpA Zone A…
Calculate headcount by time
I'm having issues counting the current headcount by month. I have employee hire date, leave date, and projected leave date. I've attached snap shots of my modules. I haven't figured out how to include "projected leave date" into my formula yet. I'm stuck on trying to get the current employees based on historical leave date…
Level 2 Sprint 1 List Import Errors
When I imported flat files for Sprint 1 1.3 I did not include a parent as instructed, so my country list has only a code, and my location list likewise (see image). However, when I then import this list into G2 Country, it now has no parent listed under region. When I try to write a PARENT(ITEM(___)) formula, I receive…
Import is not working with saved view contains 6 dimensions or Lists
Hi, I am trying to copy the one line item data to another line item within same module by using an import action from saved view(Source) to module(Target) and it is not working in expected way.. Module and saved view have 6 dimensions or lists, due to this i could not bring all these lists into Rows section of pivot option…
Our Anaplan is SSO based Signon, I would like to know how we can identify Non SSO Roles
Hello, Our Anaplan is SSO based Single Sign on and I would like to know how I can identify roles that support non sso sign on. Thanks Madhu
Versions in a Module
Hi, I have a quick question: in a function, is it possible to refer to a different version on the same module? I had to create versions for each month of data, because I want to import monthly. So, with this i mean, I want the values to remain the unchanged up until the current period and from that period on I want other…
Summary method to only include the items visible after filtering
Hi, Please can anyone show me how can I use a summary method but include only items that are visible after using a filter. Thanks in advance
Formula Evaluation option in Anaplan
Would be great if Anaplan has a Formula Evaluating Functionality similar to Excel. We build a lot of multi step complex logic in Anaplan and only the final result is shown. Excel spreadsheets allow users to step in to a formula and evaluate it step by step viewing the result at each level. This becomes particularly useful…
Setting Planning year based on date
Hi, I have system module for time settings, and based on Today's date line item I'm trying to set Planning year which is current year + 1, when I'm selecting date between jan to dec 2022 it is showing me plan year as FY23 which is correct, but when I'm selecting date from JAN 2023 to Dec 2023 "Planning year" line item is…
Value Restrictions on Number Formatted Line Items
Is anyone aware of community posts regarding the ability to add value restrictions on number formatted line items? Examples: Limit user entry to positive values for a user input line item on sales targets. Or limit users to only entering values from 1-100. I think the positive/negative/sign issue comes up a lot when…
Sum values without activating the Sum in blueprint
Hi, Is there a way i can get the total value in a list without activating the SUM in the line item blueprint? I want to save the space so i want to use None in Summary but i need to get the total in another module where i don't have the list. Thanks, Tom
Level 3: Sales Planning model to the Japanese Sales Representative details
Hello Can anyone help me on this one, The example on the check build 6.4 are not **** on my end my result:
Help getting the Average of a LI in accordance to List
Hi, I'm trying to get the Average of the LI "Principle Balance" by two list Items names "Turn" and "Vintage". I'm not sure if I would use the AVERAGE function in Anaplan or a TIMESUM function. This LI is in a module that is not dimensioned by time. Below is the Blue Print and pic of the module. List Items List Item Blue…
Archiving Models in Workspace
I have a PROD model that I needed to make a copy of and archive to a new archival workspace. However, I made the mistake of copying the PROD model in the same workspace that the PROD model exists in. How can I take the copied model and update the workspace without causing any issues in any of the models? If possible, I'll…
Revision Tags
I have a question on revision tag and just need some extra clarity. If I make changes in DEV and want to push those changes to DEBUG or PROD model, would the revision tag be created in the DEV model or the other models where I'm pushing those changes to? I've read documentation and videos, but just want to make sure I…
Ability to automatic change a specific value in a table based on changing a value on other table
Hi everyone, While building a model I came across a question. I would like to know if it is possible to update a value of a table after filling another table. In this specific case I wanted that when I changed the "desired average" of the second table the Total Sum FY19 of the first table updated with the new value of the…