How to get Formula to display the time it is pulling
Hi, Need to know how to get a date to show for a line item that is dimensioned by time, but the module is not dimensioned by time. The formula is working correctly, but can only see the result in a subsidiary view. Need to know if possible how to get the result to show when the LI is not in subsidiary view. If this is not…
Polaris Engine and Calculation Memory Consumption
Exciting news on the new calculation engine. I saw the memory consumption on data https://help.anaplan.com/616ee341-8a5f-4718-8c90-c82e34eca86c-Understand-sparsity-and-density , however how do calculations compare in consumption of memory? There is a 3x usage for data, but if I increase my number of cells, how does this…
Multi-Dimensional Scatter Plot Alternatives?
Hi all, Bit of a complex one here. The application use case is calculating the Minimum Variance Efficient Portfolio for those familiar with Finance / Portfolio Management. The Anaplan question to be solved in simple terms, is how can I combine these two charts to display as two different "lines" within the same chart (in…
Manage List Subset in Module
Hi, I want to use List Subset. We can import Boolean item to List Subset. But we can not input the formula in List Subset and can not make a refference in module. How can I manage it in module and List? And Can we filter original List by List Subset?
Using Boolean Field to Filter
Hi. Currently the Retention (B8) field is returning the sum of all values. I've introduced a boolean field but i'm unsure how to update the formula so that it only returns the value we want (which is always the most recently added). There maybe a smarter way to achieve this?
Formula Help
Hi, Currently I'm trying to make it so if a end user puts in a number from a inputs model I created, then it will override whatever is there in the current month. The formula below is what I created so far but need help getting the input to override whatever was there for that current month. Formula IF End User…
when we should use select function . can anybody tell me with an example or scenario .
Decimal control for multi currency
Gurus, In some line item, currency will be different and depends on company to be selected. For example, if subsidiary is Japanese company, currency will be JPY which is no decimal point, And if subsidiary is US companym currency will be USD with 2 decimal points. So, how these are managed in Anaplan? In case of…
Nithyashree_ Level 2 sprint 3 exams attempts
Nithyashree nithyashree@matasma.com. Hi, I have taken two attempts in the level 2 sprint 3 exams. And all the other attempts are loaded with the same score as in the second attempt. Suggest me any ideas please and also suggest to me is there any possibility for another attempt. Thanks and Regards Nithyashree.
time formula to show the first 1 -5 weeks of the beginning of a time period in SYS01
Hi! Is there a boolean line item to add to SYS01 so it only shows the first 1-5 weeks in the SYS01 module? it's annoying to see 100 weeks when all I need to see is 10 or so
Idea Exchange item that deserves some attention! Please support!
Hello fellow Anaplanners! I have a scenario that is captured exactly in the following Idea Exchange and I'm certain you all have or will need this in the future!! The scenario is essentially to have a line item summary method that is a formula and is DIFFERENT than the formula of the line item. Add a custom formula for…
L2 3.3.5 Wrong result INV 01 for begining inventory and shiping time weeks
Hello, can you help me for find mistakes: 1. Begining inventory 2. And wrong result for shipping time weeks = 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Shipping Time (Week)'[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product] Here is my results: I can't find misstakes. Everything seems correct. Thank you.
Formula Help
Hi - Please could you help me tidy this forumla so that its accepted by Anaplan? IF Type = Supplier Type.Purchase Order (IF 'Forecasted total Value £ (E)' - 'Supplier PO Value (B4)' > 0 THEN 0 ELSE 'Forecasted total Value £ (E)' - 'Supplier PO Value (B4)') OR Type = Supplier Type.Subcontractor (IF 'Forecasted total Value £…
How to hide parent items in a child hierarchy pulldown?
hi! How do I hide parent items in a child hierarchy pulldown? Can i do it using dependency? Please help me.
Model Size Related Issue
Hi All, We have been trying to add a dimension of users to a module in Anaplan. However, it gives the below mentioned error. We have tried to reduce the model size and have made to ~20gb but are still receiving the error. Can we somehow convert the model size and workspace size in the below image attached to gb, to…
Module's view freezes
Hi, Every now and then I have an issue with default view when I work with a module. I do pivoting, filtering etc, but when I try to go back to the default view, system doesn't give it. It shows the view I just created, which I haven't saved. I am able to select a saved view successfully if there is one, but default view…
Can't figure out my multiple errors in
Can you someone help me figure out why my picture (inventory) doesn't match. Corrected my beginning inventory formula error and now info isn't matching or close.
Text Name in Parent Hierarchy
Hi Everyone! I have a parent hierarchy similar to the table below. ListTop LevelParent HierarchyH2H1 H3 H2H4 H3 What I am trying to achieve is a text formatted line item that will show the name of each individual list member (I am struggling with multiple parent members). I need the output similar to the table below. Even…
Parent - selected item from the parent list
Hello, Is it possible to set up/select of the displayed parent in Anaplan? I have a list of materials (A) whose parent is list (B). List A - MATERIALList B - PARENTMaterial A1_2021Material A2_2021Material A4_2021 When I apply the formulas for Parent: PARENT(MATERIAL) then for Material A I get the result: 1_2021 I would…
Keep getting errors for Beginning Inventory
Hello, Can someone advise me? I can't get the Beginning Inventory formula to take. Maybe, I have an error on SYS01? I don't know. I've tried multiple times and can't figure out what's wrong. I completed the rest of the formulas, but can't get the first one to work.
Ranking Week Number per Month
Hi Everyone! I have gotten a little stuck using the Rank Function and was wondering if someone would help me out. Background: I have a week dimensioned model. I am trying to rank the dimensioned weeks to produce a resulting module that provides the week number within a calendar month. I would like the rank to reset every…
How to get moving standard deviation
Is there any ways to calculate moving standard deviation? I want to calculate standard deviation in each time period based on moving period. *not fixed period, period is determined by user's input. In Anaplan there is no function to calculate standard deviation like Excel's "=STEDEV.P()", so I try to calculate it using…
Level 2 Conclusion - Assign Currencies to Countries
Hi, I'm facing issue in this activity while mapping. Please help. Attaching the screenshot. Thanks in advance.
L2 Conclusion Import Currency
I am struggling with importing the currency by country into the Country Currency LIS. I continue to get errors on Euros in that it won't import due to repeats. I am starting here: Then: I have tried Code Only, Combination of Properties (as shown), and Adjust Duplicate Names to Form Unique Names. I cannot get this list to…
I've entered the formula for the beginning inventory but it doesn't seem to work completely.
Can anybody please help with what is wrong in the formula? IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'NOT First Week of Timescale?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory
Input Modules
Hi, How can we identify the number of manual input forms that can be built in Anaplan? Is there any way by which we can reach to a ball park number for a client on the number of input forms to be created in Anaplan. Thanks in advance!
data tags
what is the use of data tags in anaplan
Help in tracing an error message when removing parent hierarchy from a list
Due to a change in functionality, I have to de-connect one list (Sub-Regions L5) from its current parent list (Org L4 - Region). I have gone through every module that has this list in its "applied to" and removed any references to its current parent list. When I try to remove the current parent list I get an error message…
DAT03 Historic Volumes module
I'm working on the Level2 modeling and I'm stuck with this step: Import data into DAT03 Historic Volumes module * Run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub. * This will pull the data into the Supply Chain model from the Data Hub model. * Make adjustments in order to avoid errors in the import process. When I run the…
Unable to download copy of Level 1 Model Building 2.0 (New UX)
Hi Sir/Mdm, I am not able to download a copy of the Level 1 Model Building 2.0 (New UX) model as part of the model builder training. Could anyone kindly assist.