More Detailed Filters on Anaplan Model History
Currently, History page only allows us to filter based on date range. I think the search functionalities should be expanded further. It should be categorized at least as metadata (structural) and data changes. This will enable us to review model structural changes apart from comparing revision tags. For example, after…
Hide Server Name from responses in API
Hi, For security purposes of our company , and I guess for some rest customers/companies as well, through the API request Server Name should be hidden. Information of server type can be potentially used by attackers to accurately identify the specific version of the software in use Kindly ask to hide Server Name from API…
Number of periods for a model should not be part of ALM
There has been numerous occasions where by my clients have asked me to reduce time duration for DEV and UAT Models . For eg. i might have 20 Yrs forecast in prod but only 5 yrs in DEV and UAT . With number of periods being part of ALM it cannot be achieved . It will be great if we can take it out of ALM structural change…
Automated Email Notification Capability
I currently have timetables built out in Anaplan with designated users to each deliverable with due-date. I would like to have the functionality to send automated rmeinder emails to users when the due date is getting closr and teh deliverabl has not been completed
Sort User List / Group Users by Model Role
Would be great to have the option to sort the User List in Anaplan. We have multiple models in the same workspace, and therefore, each model has a long list of users who aren't relevant - they are assigned the "No Access" role designation. Would be great to be able to visually manage this in Anaplan, rather than have to…
Schedule "Copy & Archive" - Backup Model
As a customer, we would like to schedule "Copy & Archive" action to records Back-up of models. Preferably with a direct and easy way : for example in the manage model menu. This is relevant for customers with more than 5 models to improve security and avoid manual actions (Manuel Copy & Archive). The Archive Name could…
Subset - have a notification when deleting subset items
Actually, subset are extremely structurant in a model and need more security. In order to prevent to delete data by unfortunately unchecked item within a subset, We would like to have more notification by windows displaying (or other feature) first to remind the consequence of such action and also have the related modules…
'Notes' field within Users list
It would be useful to have a Notes section within the Users list (similar to the Notes section in the module blueprint). This could be used to make suitable notes, such as who requested their access and when it was given, question whether a user can be removed, or in my case, we have many colleagues in China who use a…
Bulk Data Change Details in History Log
As a model builder and administrator, it would be a huge improvement if the history log could provide details into Bulk Data Changes. Our company utilizes user imports, and it is very difficult to track down changes when everything is grouped into one line of history. One option is to run history on individual cells of…
Display the Latest Revision Tag for a Model in the Manage Models Dialogue
When you have multiple versions of a development model it is not easy to see whether the model is up to date without either opening it or trying to run a Compare and Synchronise. It would be helpful to display the last revision tag of any deployed model on the Models dialogue so as to avoid this.
List Formatted Line Item Selective Access
I am requesting the ability to control if a user can copy/paste into a list formatted line item cell with selective access enabled. Currently, model builders can restrict a list formatted line item drop-down to only show list members for which a user has selective access. However, this restriction is easily violated by…
Copy Model also copies Audit Log History
When you copy a model, it would be nice if the model's full history log was also copied instead of being reset in the new model. A couple times in the past year we have needed to copy and deploy production models from existing production models in order to handle high-risk updates being pushed from our development model.…
Add 'module' column to master line item view
There is currently no 'module' column in the master line item view. We use this view to search for specific references in the model when changes are needed. However, if there are a large amount of line items and modules it can be difficult to easily track down everywhere the change needs to be made.
Create Technical Names for an Application
When you create an application it is often the case that you create a User Friendly name which is fine however when you then create any imports using this as a source the description will include this name and I always find myself having to edit the name by abbreviating the name of the application so for instance Data Hub…
Make size of active models available in Administration
For situations where a user may wish to move models around for sizing reasons, it would be really helpful to see the size of all active models in the administration space. This would help anyone looking to rearrange models to ensure they can fit a model they'd like to move into the new workspace, or so they may find a…
Warning message before, not after Synchronisation [Lack of Space]
Hello everyone, I think it would be good to have some sort of warning message appearing before you decide to push Synchronise in the Compare/Sync windows. Many times (and not just myself, but my colleagues as well) when the synchronisation starts we need to wait for Anaplan to push all the required changes - or at least…
Folders in Archive
It would be great to create folders to group archived models, and to have a more organized view of all archived models.
Admin: Ability to disable users in mass
As an admin I would like the ability to disable users in mass. Currently it is very time consuming as this needs to be done one at a time. The disable button is also not visible when scrolling which results in the admin having to scroll back to the top of the page in order to disable a user from the list. This could be…
Change Workspace Notification Email
Recommend removing Support email address for workspace addition notifications. End users who get added to workspaces receive a notification from no-reply@anaplan.com, but there is a link to support@anaplan.com. When users have issues with access to models, they send emails to support@anaplan.com rather than to their…
DCA, Filtering and Export Referencing
Few things make me happier than tidying up a model. It's good to delete out redundant content to remove clutter and reduce model size. The first place to look when doing this is list, module and line item 'references'. If it's used by another module or on a dashboard then you know it's in use. However, there are scenarios…