Image storing for sales
Imagine if we could share pictures through Anaplan. And upload pics not just from a URL but from our phone. As a sales person working in distribution, you can take photos of the shelf space of your products by point of sales. As a quality manager working in retail, you can take pictures of the retail space to check…
NUX Comment Box
For the message on the NUX comment box, it would be better if this would also be indicated on the email notification. Suggesting also to keep the history for deleted messages on the comment box for future Audit reference.
Option to prohibit adding child elements belonging to the same list
What is the purpose of a specification that allows a list with no parent hierarchy to not only have children of the top-level element, but also to add to each child itself further children belonging to the same list? It would be nice to be able to prohibit the addition of children belonging to the same list to the children…
Toggle the Aggregation (e.g. SUM:) part of Formulas Off to Make for Easier Reading!
Hi Anaplan, One of the things customers love about Anaplan is the easy-to-read formulas/ references that are visible through drill down or when modelling. However, the aggregation part of the formula (while important) can sometimes make the formulas look more intimidating than they really are and much harder to read. It…
Management Reporting: Context Selectors Synchronization for Subsets
Have context selectors synchronized for list subsets when they are made from the same list. Let's say that I have a page that contains both a chart and a grid. Both are dimensioned by two different subsets created from the same list. Therefore, I have two context selectors. Those context selectors do not synchronize when…
New UX - Pages Visibility Layer (by Roles and NewUX Pages)
Hi team, Currently, we have a few global programs in different business areas that unit numerous groups of users from different regions and countries. Mainly we use a global approach for each of county but still need minor customizations for them, so for end-users convenience we have to create customized pages based on the…
Ability to apply filter on page selector in management reporting
It would be beneficial to have filter on context /page selector in management reporting slides
Management Reporting: Remember/Store Custom Colors: preferably pre-defined palette
This was raised by 2 customer page/model builders (who were guest presenters in yesterday's Nordic Anaplan Group workshop) - I submit to Idea Exchange on their behalf: It is very good that Anaplan Management Reporting allows builders to select any colors so that they can use the customer official color palette, thank you.…
Pull data from multiple models into one report in New UX
Hi, It would be very useful to pull data from multiple models into the different slides of a report in the new UX. For example we have separate models for daily sales/product performance, Finance (P&L etc) and HR (Headcount). Being able to produce a single report that contains data from each of these models would be great…
New UX - Color formatting Hierarchies by level
it would be useful to have formattable levels in hierarchies in the new UX, to obtain more readable views
New UX: Pivot user setup persistent after refresh worksheet
Hi team, I would be great if the pivot setup available on worksheet for end users was keeped in memory after refreshing the page like it is already for filter, sort and show/hide features. It was fix for show/hide function recently (Idea 68473), would be good to have the same for pivot as well. Thank you!
New UX - Ability to apply complex filter to the page selector
Hi team, It would be great to have the ability to apply not only one dimension filter to the page selectors. Currently, if I have two lists (dymentions) in the page selector I cannot do the selection for one of them dependent on the other. See an example: I want to have 'UoM' selection based on 'P6 x Customer L5' list…
Insert into a table of Dashboard
When any user try to insert a record into a table of dashboard, we will see "Child of" first as an option, though this is not expected behavior, as structure of production list will be broken. The clients will be satisfied if they see "Before" or "After" for options because they can easily imagin where to insert a record.…
Link to a page of another app
Hello, we have built several apps and it is becoming essential to facilitate the user experience by allowing to create links to a page of another app. For example, we could have a new selector "choose an app", then we would choose the target page as currently.
Management Reporting: Ability to show/hide slides
Having the ability to hide slides to cater a presentation to your audience and deliver your message. You may want to have the information available but may not want to show it based on the audience.
Search Read/Write Access
Assigning read/write access to lists is very cumbersome when there are hundreds of items within that list. There should be a search bar within the read/write access when granting users so what that user needs access to is easier to find.
Adjusting the width of a sheet list column in Reporting Page
Good Day! Please consider adjusting the width of the sheet list column in Reporting Designer
Transferring cards between sheets in Reporting Disigner
Good day! Please consider transferring cards between sheets in Report Disigner.
NUX additional insights resizing options
Hi all, It would be great if it would be possible to resize the additional insights card on a worksheet in the NUX. Currently it is possible to change the width, but not the height.
Switch to enable/disable Search within grids in NUX
For each Grid in the NUX, it is possible to apply switches to Allow Editing and/or Allow Pivot. I would like to see an additional switch to Allow Search. Reasons why this would be helpful: Sometimes there are NUX pages with several grids, but searching is only valid for one of the grids (i.e. a Table of parts to search…