Add Filter and Show/Hide to Hierarchy Filter Context Selectors in the NUX
Please can the Filter and Show/Hide options be added to context selectors that are included on pages from toggling hierarchy filters. It's a must have as the default list includes all child items, rendering the filter pointless and difficult to use. Especially so if there is a large ratio of child items to parent items.…
NUX Source Model Selection in Mobile App
Currently via the web version of an app in the NUX the source model can be selected. In the mobile app (iOS or Android) the source model selection is not available. It would be helpful to have this as an option. For our specific use case we have multiple source models (1 DEV and 2 PROD) using the same App and have been…
Hide the Model Tiles for End Users
In Classic dashboarding it was imperative that the users see the Model tiles because the dashboards were built within the model. Now in New UX since everything is outside the Model, Users should not see any of the model tiles on their screen. Instead they should see only Apps and My Pages. I know that Classic Dashboard is…
Application link check from Model
Hi Anaplan, It would be great if we can get a functionality to check from the model as to which all New UX applications the Model is linked to. As if we are working on a MSP model, it gets really difficult to track as the model is linked to which all New UX Apps. Thanks, Shivankur
Ability to disable commenting on a card/grid
As a Page Builder, I shoud have the ability to disable "COMMENT" feature on a card/grid so as to view all the comments for a context at once in Comment section.
Formatting time: Period instead of month
Would be great if a customer could choose how to format the months not just Jan 21 but P01 21 or P1 21 or P1 FY21. Now the period notation is only possible when selecting "13 4-week periods", but not if a customer selects any of the other option, like a month model or a week model with 4-4-5.
Send dynamic notification to multiple users
The dynamic notification is an excellent tool to increase collaboration between users. However, you can only send a dynamic notification to one user per action. To make the tool more powerful, you should be able to send a dynamic notification to an "user group" or to be able to bundle notifications, in order to notify all…
NUX Form - Ability to Edit Fields Name
On the NUX, you can use a form to add items to a list, along with list properties and line item values. Nonetheless, the ability to rename the fields Name and Code would provide a better experience for the end-users. Let's take the field "code" for example, it will not make much sense to an end-user, but if we could rename…
Add a "Duplicate Page" option on the page menu in the NUX
It would be helpful to have a "Duplicate Page" option on the page menu when a page is already open. Currently, it is not as easy to make a copy of a page and adjust it from there in the NUX as it is to make a copy in the classic UX. If this option was available, it would make it easier and more efficient to copy the page…
NUX Comments - Include comments when duplicating a page or duplicating an app
Currently when you duplicate a page or even the app, you do not bring with it any of the comments. This can be quite limiting when building, as then you cannot pivot the information of your page without losing the comments. Also, if that page is deleted, you will lose all of the comments permanently (as Anaplan cannot…
Ability to view comments on a card saved as template across pages for the same context
As a Model Builder, I should be able to save a card as a template and comment on it. If i use this card template across pages, i should be able to view comments made on that card across pages for a context irrespective of page comments were entered in.
Search / Type when "Select Module" for Filter
As a page-builder I want to be able to type the module name or keywords to limit the selection in the "Select a module" drop-down. Particularly when a list is used across many modules (like time) it is a nightmare to find the right filter module.
Defining Boundary for X-Axis and Y-Axis in Scatter/Bubble Chart
As a Model Builder I would like to have an options to Define a Boundary for my both X and Y Axis. The Problem statement is end user wants to see the plotting from the extreme left of the graph if the values for all the products is Zero. For Example, If I have single / multiple products in the list and initially the data is…
Image in a Grid Background Color to White
The new image in a grid functionality is terrific. To improve the professional looking nature of the images it would be great if the background color of the cell was white. This would allow most images to look like their blending into the grid. Right now the background color is a light gray, so the image borders appear and…
New UX Word Wrap | Wrap on Whole Words
The new word wrap in a grid/cell functionality is terrific. However, there is one super upgrade that would make the experience even better and that is if the wrapping occurred on whole words. Right now half the word is on one line and the last half is on the next line.
New UX Chart card conditional formatting
Hello, Had an idea with regards to Chart cards in NUX. Would like to suggest a color change in the chart that could be based on conditional formatting for the line item. For now this effect (see the picture below) can be made by making 2 line items corresponding opposites. As I have it in my example, there are two line…
New card type for videos
As a page builder I want I would like a new card type that I can use to display videos directly within a page so that users can interact with it without the need of having a separate window. I want to be able to drag and drop it into a page, resize it and ideally add a short description that users could show/hide. It would…
Add multiline comments
Having the ability to break a comment into multiple lines could help the function be more user friendly and aesthetically pleasing for users, as otherwise they would need to post multiple lines of comments.
Add Ability to 'Copy Page To' Another App (in Addition to 'Move To')
Please add the ability to copy a page to another app within the NUX. 'Move To' functionality exists, however this (as the name implies) removes the page from the source app and places the page in the target app. It would be helpful if page builders could keep the page in both apps. Currently page builders have to copy the…
Anaplan to support and be certified for IBCS
I would like Anaplan to be able to support IBCS (International Business Communication Standards) that is outlined here: https://www.ibcs.com/ Certified software is listed here: https://www.ibcs.com/software/ To be certified you need to be able to produce the following templates in the standard capability in the…