How Do You Upload Future Fiscal Year Calendar?
Hi - Our fiscal year is ending 12/31/22 and I need to upload our 2023 calendar into Anaplan but do not know how to do so - does anyone have documentation or a manual on how to do this? Thank you!
whether Anaplan provides JOB BASED ID or ANY ID or JOB BASED QUERY or JOB ID
Hi all Wanted to know whether Anaplan provides what kind of JOB BASED ID or ANY ID or JOB BASED QUERY or JOB ID. Whether Anaplan supports Google BigQuery? If yes what is the process. (Any API Support for this)
How to export result as .csv file through Anaplan Connect script?
Hi Experts, I'm trying to explore on Transactional APIs scripting. When I execute below script is working fine and extracting all the List items. But I want to export this data as .csv file, how to achieve this? set Operation=-debug -service %ServiceUrl% -auth %AuthUrl% -workspace %WorkspaceId% -model %ModelId% -L I tried…
Data Load through One Cloud problems
Hi, I'm having a problem with a Data Load that comes in from One Cloud. The Process works fine when the Flat Files are loaded in manually, but when we try to do the same Process through One Cloud not all the data is coming through, (all my List Items are not pulling in the data). I need help trying to figure out what the…
Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View
Hello Community!! I am stuck at the above activity, can anybody please guide me what the mistake is?
Data Load Time Setting help
Hi, Having trouble loading in the attached data set. I'm getting a error with my time settings. Please advise. The Flat File is attached. Thank you Error Time Setting for the mapping Blue Print of module
Import Question
Hi, I currently have a Process that uses the same flat file to load data into my List and than my Module. I do not know if I need to upload the same file twice for both the List & Module like in the pic below? please advise.
Clarification on Anaplan API / REST API
Hi Experts, One of our customers would like to integrate through API / REST API to pull and push Anaplan data. Can Anaplan API's do push? meaning can Anaplan call the Client APIs to push data to client’s database? Thanks for your attention. I'm looking forward to your reply. Thanks & Regards, Anil
Is there anyway to omit weekly summary when export or hide weekly summary
Hello, Is there anyway to hide the weekly summary level when export. when i check omit summary it also omit monthly levels Select levels to sow is also disabled
Populate Currency module using Currency Rates.csv
Hi I am trying to do import but there is no 'column header' option to select for time why? how to resolve? Roya
Create Demand Export Module and Create a Saved View - DEM04
Hi, I am trying to do this activity: Here is what I did for DEM04: And this is my export view: There are two problem comparing with the expected result 1. The SKU Code and Location Codes does not appear in my saved view.( I put all line items as column) 2.The Demand amounts are not correct, here is the expected view: I…
Level 1 Lesson 4.6.9 File Mapping Guide
Hi Everyone My import was successful however it doesn't match the guide Here's the result of my mapping Here's the guide Hope to hear from everyone soon!
Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View
Hi All, Can someone help? I am currently Working on INV05 Shipping exports Module. I have set the Formulae As attached screenshots Below. But the shipping cost In inv05 is mostly zeros. Attached screenshot is form Inv01 module Thanks.
level2- Import Shipping Expenses into OTH01 Module
Hi, I am trying to import to OTH01 module from this saved view: Ans this is my import setting: I got this error message: Could you help me to find the issue please? Thanks Roya
Duplicate Process feature
Need a way to duplicate the Process instead of manually creating new process and adding actions again
Restrict Users who can Run Action
Hi, I want to restrict users who can run import Action. There is Role function in Anaplan, and it can restrict users. But I think the master management of Role function is too difficult, because Role function has another Modules and Lists roles. It is set None as default. So I should set modules and Lists Roles. I want to…
Trying to filter by a Yearvalue with a nested Lookup to pull list parent
I have a module that we export data from using two system type modules that allow a user to filter their export by version and by year (time) using boolean selection boxes (checkboxes). I want to add the ability to filter by a third category, Division. The way the module is currently filtering the data in the export action…
Historic Volumes data
Hi Can anyone reply to the below I am also facing same issue with time scale the Hint says NOTE: The Historic Volumes data includes the ACTUAL sales volume of product SKU from FY19. The Supply Chain model's Model Calendar begins in 2020 and does not include any previous years. If you run the Import Process as-is, you will…
Date Format Issue when exporting from Anaplan to BigQuery with CloudWorks
Anaplan is using an unique date format “1 Jan 22” and “Jan 22” as opposed to “2022-01-01” and “2022-01”, which are common in data science. Therefore, when exporting data from Anaplan to BigQuery through CloudWorks, the date column needs to be formatted as string, because BigQuery can’t read “1 Jan 22” as a date. There are…
Maxmise compatibility for exports containing dates and periods
Anaplan is using a unique date format “1 Jan 22” and “Jan 22” as opposed to “2022-01-01” and “2022-01”, which are more common in data science. When Anaplan data containing dates and periods (e.g. the daily traffic per shop) is exported to another system (in this example I use Google BigQuery with the CloudWorks Connector),…
Importing Data issue
Hi, After importing data, it says 'Success!' However, I can not see any data in my module. Please check the attached screenshots and guide me! Mark
Process Failure with CloudWorks
Hi, I am trying to automate a model to model import with cloudworks, the process fails and I am observing some strange behaviour 1. The same process runs for dev model but fails for prod model. Both models are in sync. While running the process manually, it completes successfully in both models. 2. My process has 4 actions…
export data (create export action) with data separator as pipe delimited
Hi Experts, I got a requirement to export data as .csv with data separator as pipe (|) delimited. Please help me how to create an export action in Anaplan as data separator as pipe delimited. Thanks in advance. Regards, Anil
Clarity with Anaplan API
Hi, We are trying to make a custom API call for running an Import in Anaplan using a connector that calls the custom API. When we try to look at the URL used for the API call , it starts as ''https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/' -> I could conclude that 2/0 here means version 2.0, but this keep running into…
[HELP] The most efficient way to create a numbered list and import parameters
Good afternoon, I have the following question. From a stagging module I have to create a numbered list. In the stagging module I have several parameters of the target list that should be imported to a system module. What would be more efficient? a) A single view that includes code, display name and parent of the target…
Conditional Boolean: True if an item in Source Module belongs to an intersection in another module
Hi Community! I would like to create a boolean that is TRUE when an item with List format in the source module A currently has an "active intersection" in another module B. So for example, I have a list of Accounts. These accounts have a correspondent Activity related to it (specified in the module B) . I also have a…
Will the Action work fine after renaming the list involved?
Has anyone faced this issues? Scenario: I have a list named "List A" and Source module "X" and "Y". Process followed: 1. I created an action "AC01" to import data from "X" to "Y" in Dev model. 2. Synced this action to test model. 3. If I run "AC01", it works fine. 4. Later remaned "List A" to "List B" in Dev model and…
7.2.3 Activity: Import Data into Employee Details Module
I could not do the mapping correctly. I can not see all the required columns. Could you please help me to understand what I did wrong? Thank you!
Ability to attach an export to email notification and send it to non-Anaplan users
Hi there, It would be good to have an option to send a notification to non-Anaplan users and add an export file to the email notification. So, this will give a flexibility to the end user to inform non-Anaplan user while staying in Anaplan. Thanks, Humay Kh.