Import Final Demand Forecast into DAT02 Module
I'm unable to understand why errors are coming though i think mapping is fine plz help
Enable Power BI Anaplan Connector with SSO
The majority of our customers have an SSO only policy. This means Power BI can not be used by them for additional analysis of Anaplan Data. As a Power BI end user with SSO enabled I want to be able to use the Power BI Anaplan Connector so that I can do additional analysis in Power BI.
Import data to read quantities per dimension instead of actual data
Hello, I am trying to create an inventory model for a bunch of server farms. i have one csv file with over 15000 machines. For each machine, it shows its location, its manufacturer, the model, how many cpu cores, and a cpu factor. I want to create a module that shows me the average of cpu cores x cpu factor per location.…
cURL fetching an export from API intermittently failing with 500 Internal Server Error
Hi All, We are trying to GET the exports from API but it is intermittently failing. At times when it is successful the response header will have content type returned as "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" and when it fails response header contains "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" FYR see below when it…
Date Formatted Line Item || Default Mapping during import
Hi, I have a date formatted line item in one of my modules where we are importing the data from a file upload. I want to understand that what is the default format anaplan would require 'Date' column in the file if I do not select a custom mapping? Regards, Aakash Sachdeva
Import Error
How to resolved this error.? I have attached screenshot.
Missing employee names in The import of lesson 7.2.3
I am not sure what I am doing. I have read some of the other folks issues. I have made some of the adjustments. I am very new and definitely lost. Any guidance would be helpful and appreciated. Katherine
Google Sheets Add-On
Is anyone else having issues with refreshing data in Google Sheets via the add-on recently? The load keeps freezing or telling me there are various errors.
Importing data level 1 lesson 7.2.1
I have mistakenly imported the data file more than once. How can I reverse the problem or do I have to delete the module and recreate it. Thank you for any help. Katherine
Create filter based on line item
Hello All, I have a requirement where we can create filter based on line item so that we can export them. There are five line items for example - Payroll tax, salary, overtime, incentive, and bonus. The user should be able to check (using the new UX) which of the line items they want to export. Based on the checks, we…
File upload Question
I am trying to upload the file with the data and headers below. But for some reason I am getting an error on the time setting. not sure what to do here or how I should be setting the dimensions of the module.
Ability to exclude time dimension from an export
A description of the enhancement requested: When you export a module, in the Labels tab you have the option to remove any labels for a list dimension on rows and therefore effectively remove it from the export. This cannot be done with time and the customer would like it to be. A story for why they want the enhancement…
Updating an import source file
Introduction The process to update the source file for an import action is not obvious—but it is simple. There are a number of reasons you may wish to update an import source file, and I have listed some below: * Adding or removing fields from your source file and target list or module * Changing the format of specific…
level 2 Activity 2.3.10 Growth Rate Formula error
I have applied right formula in Growth Rate% of DEM03 module.But the hierarchical aggregation is going on.Is it right or Can I make a change so that Hierarchical error will not take place. But when I changed summary setting of growth% from sum to none then only SKU products have entries and levels above it didn't .I think…
Level 1 lesson 7 import of numbered list
I have mapped as per rules define for mapping of numbered list still there is no update in the module after importing the data many times, kindly assist me what i am doing wrong
Filters on the "Actions" tab
It would be nice to have the ability to sort and filter imports by source/target type.
Mapping problem
I am not getting how to do mapping in SYS05 region details
Export with combined dimensions.
Hi all, I have a ask to run a export from anaplan module, currently the export looks like this, but it should look something like the image below: First question: is it even feasible Second question: if it is, what could be the possible workaround for it. Thanks and regars.
- Import Data & Add Formula
Trying to import the Product and Distribution Center data into the SYS12 SKU Details module. But the SKU file has Code SKU Distr Ctre and Product Code but not Product. Is there a step I am missing?
Level 1 MB, Lesson 7, Number formatting while import data
Hi, While importing data to the Module SYS08 Employee Details I ended up with Commission % 15 instead of 0.15 as in the source file The format of this Line Item below How can I fix this?
level 1 EXAM Activity 5
Hi Guys, I am stuck on Activity 5 for Hours now. I added the roles list and for top level gave it All ROLES. I kept this list under other lists. further more the FORMULA I wrote was IF Employed? THEN 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Phone Allowance[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee…
level 1 exam
Hi, In activity 4 it says to to import to emp03......and underneat as a note:the data file contains (Monthly) not yearly, does it mean once you have imported the file, you are suppose to change the time scale to monthly in EMP03 MODULE. when I do that it shows me Zeros and when i Dont it gives me some sort of numbers…
Import date enclosed in double quotation
Hi, I want to import csv file. But the data was enclosed by double quotation in text file. Are there any problems when I import this type of csv file?
Custom Preconfigured Messages in Notifications
Hi, Is there a possible way to add custom preconfigured message derived from a line item in Anaplan and what is the process for the same. Regards, Aakash Sachdeva
Error on activity
Hi Team, I keep getting error, Will like you to point me in the right direction. I have followed a few suggestions in the community as regards manually populating the list. yet no result. Kindly assist
Hi Team, Any idea why after importing, the code column is not populating even with the formular Or does it have to be manually inserted, I realized this activity is preventing me from completing activity
Set .xlsx as the default format when extracting data from Anaplan
It is great that now we are able to export data in xlsx format. Thanks Anaplan Team! It would be helpful to have xlsx as the default format when manually exporting data from the system. Current default format is .xls.
Automate current date import using Power Automate
As you all know, Anaplan cannot display the current time from a function, so it needs to be imported into a module by an import action. As described here it can be done via Python: Import and automate current date import to Anaplan. I would like to to show you an easier way of doing it when your organization has access to…
Loading data from another module: Data is ignored when loading to Version
I have one module called DAT01, which contains employee census data. There are two others modules called DAT02a and DAT02b, which are identical with the exception that DAT02b applies to all versions whereas DAT02a does not apply to any versions. DAT01 only has one dimension, which is a unique ID containing a combination of…
10.2.2 Activity: Import Data into Non Employee Expenses Module
le résultat n'est pas le même la première photo est la mienne la deuxième est le résultat du cours