Importing into a Numbered List from a saved view
Hi All - I feel like I am missing something simple here. I have a saved view from my data hub model that I am using to import into a spoke model. I am setting up a numbered listed in the spoke model b/c of duplicate data. I have set up a display name and have successfully imported the data from the saved view. What I do…
Export Action to Power BI
Hello! I´ve created an export button to export a table from Anaplan to Power BI using Anaplan Connector. I can see the table in a list of export action in Anaplan, as shown below: However, I´m not able to find this export in Anaplan Conector in my Power BI. I search the right way to get to the table but this export name…
Level 1 Lesson 4.6.8
Hello, Any advice on how I can get the codes to show in the code column? I'm not getting any errors when importing the data.
10.2.4 Import Data Problem (Bonus Percentage)
I imported the information. but the bonus percentage section looks different from the original, how can I solve it.
Importing Hiearchies
Hi, I'm trying to import our company structure, the structure is made up of Department > Division > Cost Centre > Budget Some items in the Division list have the same name as their parent and are being rejected e.g. Marketing > Marketing > Brand > Brand Budget Does anyone know how to resolve this? Thanks
- Import data into DAT03 Historic Volumes module
Hi, I am following all steps and in Import data into DAT03 Historic Volumes module section. It says : * Run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub. However, Process 9 doesn't show in my Data Hub. Did I miss something? Could you help me ? Mark
Import takes time with filter view
Hi, I want to know filter function. I run Import Action from saved view which filtered by Lineitem. But It takes long time. The point was module pivot. View A and B was filtered by same Lineitem. But it takes shorter set source module as ViewB than ViewA. View A ProductLocationTimeAmountAX1/11AX1/22AX・・・3BX1/14BX1/25BX・・・6…
Impact of failure dump on import duration
Hi all, I remember reading a best practice somewhere (not quite sure where) that if possible an action should return "Success" by default rather than "Process complete but with failures", as failure dump generation lengthens the import duration. Just wondering if this is the case and if anyone's aware of any correlation…
More information about imports in transactional api
As an application and integration builder i need to have more information available through the api regarding imports : - The information data source id : currently seems to show up only on files and not on other sources - the source model id (workspace id / model id) - the target object id (list, module...) - the detailed…
I do not understand where I have gone wrong... But my module DEM03 Demand Forecast seems not have pulled the data even though I have given the formula in the Growth rate line item... Could anyone please help me with this? My module doesn't match with the 'Check your work' screenshot which is attached...
Importing fata
I'm unable to upload data for utilities and total line item plz help.
Impact of Exports
Hi, Hypothetically, if I have an export running for 2 hours, what all does that export block in the model? I reckon users can still navigate around in the model/app but they won’t be able to run any action or make any manual changes (user inputs). Is my understanding correct and are there other things the user can’t do?
Can't map account to existing model
Hi, I'm trying to map an Account to another Account in a different workspace but I can't seem to be able to map these as the Account field is greyed out. Does anyone have a suggestion on what to do here? Thanks, Tom
LV.1 Exam Question 4
I've been stuck on this exam for too long trying to figure out where I went wrong. I thought I had the correct formulas but it is not producing the correct values to this question. For the medical cost of the Finance team, I used 'EMP03 Employee Drivers By Role'.Medical Benefit[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department,…
Manage the saved view - Display by all modules
Hi all! It would be great if you could refine the "Manage Saved Views" feature and add the ability to view saved views of all modules at once, with the fields: Saved view, module, use in action, note. Saved viewModuleUse in actionNoteName of the saved viewThe module in which the view was createdProcesses in which the View…
- Import data into DAT03 Historic Volumes module
Hello Everybody, I get this error when i lunch the process, can you help me please ? Best Regards,
Error In Mapping Data
I'm trying to complete model building activity in Sprint 1 Level 2 and facing an error while importing data from the file. Do let me know what mistake I'm making.
Use multiple characters together as the delimiter when importing
Currently if more than 1 character is used as a delimiter in an import Anaplan treats it as an OR, and looks for either individual character and not both characters together. For instance if you want the delimiter to be "|~" then Anaplan will look for just "|" or "~" rather than them both together. It would be good for…
New Lists Changing Previously Created Lists: Potential Parent Hierarchy Issue
Hi All, We are encountering issues where lists which were previously created have been changed when a new list is created. The "New List" is has the "Previously created" lists as its parent hierarchy. For example List Named "Department D2" is correct. A subsequent list called "Department D3" is created which has Department…
Reduced number of items to map to
Hi, I am trying to map 30+ columns, similar to how one of my models is set up but in the new model I can only map 3 columns. The source data is the same for both. Does anyone know how to increase this? Thanks, Tom
7.2.1 Activity: Help needed
Hello, Having trouble with Activity 7.2.1, I keep getting this failure and I'm not understanding what's wrong. Please help, thank you. Below are screenshots of the failure and my mapping.
Action with multiple source models
Hi community, I have a page with 2 source models: Model A and Model B. I want to add an action card which runs a process from Model A. When I add the process to the action card, it automatically adds a process from Model B to the card. And the 2 processes don't have the same name. So, if the user selects Model B and runs…
need help for practice
Hi All I want to populate "text line item" which shows string between 1st and 2nd commas of the items in the module. How can i do it. which function should i use here Thank you & regards Yash
11.3.4 Actual and Forecast Values are the same
Hi there, My actual and forecast values are showing the same output. My forecast values should be different as seen in the example, but I can't figure out how to show the different output for the forecast values.
- Import data into DAT03 Historic Volumes Module
Hello, I have been having difficulty completing the activity. I utilized this forum to address my previous issues but I am still having trouble. The Historic Volumes aren't being populated. 9.2 and 9.3 seem to have populated appropriately. Please see the screenshots attached.
I am not able to import P3 SKU from the data hub saved view
Sales Planning Model: A2 List
Hi, I'm having trouble when trying to import into the Sales Planning Model: A2 List in the Sales Planning Model. I created the necessary System Module in the Data Hub in order to use to populate the A2 List. I also filtered the module so only the valid Account>Product combos show and saved as a view. I then imported this…
8.5.3 Activity: Import Data into Volume Inputs Module
Hi everyone, I'm getting this error message and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Failing to import Data In Region Flat -- Model Building activity Level 2 Sprint 1
Region Flat List in Tree View: Region Flat List in Grid View I'm getting this error while importing the data:
- Import data into DAT03 "Expected week number in date/period"
Hi Anaplan fam! Since I have read almost every post about importing into DAT03 and checked the instructions many times, it seems I have exhausted all possible options. The only way I can import from Datahub is by using Match names in the Time tab. When I add line item "Offset Volumes for 1st Forecast Year", the value is…