Creating iterations in Anaplan
Hey Everyone, I'm trying to find a solution in an excel sheet that utilizes an iteration function that I need to replicate in Anaplan. Basically, we take the previous number multiply it by 90%, then take that new number and multiply it again by 90%. For example, FY2024 is 28,940 FY2025 is 26,046 FY2026 is 23,441 (etc etc…
Separate into Several models
Hi. We will start a new project. In previous project, we made 1 model in 1 workspace. Off course, we have several models like (sand, test, Production model). It means we had several information in 1 model like (HR, Marketing so on..). Then, we can make separate models like HR model and Marketing models ? And We can share…
Level 2 Sprint 3
I am confused about what they are asking for in this section. The instructions say to Add DCA to INV01, which I did. But then there is a formula hint. I went back to Sprint 2 and rewatched the video for DCA. There was a quick reference saying you could add a formula line to the Access module. Is that what the directions…
User Access Management: Part 3 - Practice makes perfect!
This is a detailed walk-through (and a downloadable link to a practice model!) that you can follow to get started on your UAM journey. Note that the examples here leverage the Bulk API for adding new users to models. If you have enabled the tenant-level option to Manage users in Administration only, then you will need to…
Driver Line Item for Action Button
I have condition in card where user can input negative value. But when the value is negative, the button will disable to click. I have data Product as Context Selector, Time Period Month in Column, and Line Item to input Order Quantity Review in Row. User will input number of order quantity review, but when the value is…
Lookup on Parent elements
ello anaplan Community, Hello anaplan Support, we stumbled upon a problem that seems to us like a functional error of anaplan. Example Setup: List "List_A": * A * B * C * D * E List "List_B" * a* aa * bb * b * c * d * e Module "Module_A" Lists: "List_A" Line-Items: * Value_B: Formula: B_Module.Value[LOOKUP: Lookup_B] *…
Referencing a list property
Hello fellow builders, I'm a bit hung up on this. I want the Display Name formula in the "Job Title by Cost Center" list to follow the same naming convention in the "Cost Center" list. For example, I want "BOBL-CAACPAY" to be "Accounts Payable (BOBL-CAACPAY)" The two lists are independent of each other, i.e. there is no…
IRR Function
I am attempting to calculate IRR on monthly loan cash flows, but my results are different to Excel and make no sense (e.g. Excel give 14.7% and Anaplan gives 418.80%) . All the examples I have seen (on Anapedia and in the Formulas and Functions app from App Hub) have annual cash flows, for which it seems to work. I have…
Function to Count Booleans
There are occasions in a model where I want to count the number of True or False boolean values. Currently the only way to achieve this is to have another line item with an IF THEN function to create a 1 or 0 and then sum the line item. It would be great to have a function to do this automatically.
Driver Line Item for UX Action Card - Not Working all of a sudden.
I've configured a series of UX action card with data write and Action runs driven by a driver line item . for approval workflows. All of a sudden the driver line items didnt seem to work and does not allow me to run the underlying process in the prod environment The Load invoice pricing card triggers an action run based on…
Optimiser for Minimising transport cost & transit Time:
Hi All, I've one situation where I need to build a optimizer which will minimise the transport cost & transit Time, Below are the details: Inputs : 1) Factory Supply Qty 2) Distribution center Capacity 3) Applicability of mode of transport from Factory to Distribution Center - Mode of Transport i.e by Air, By Road or water…
How to bring values in Length of Service line item?
Hi All, I am really struggling to bring values in the Length of Service line item. Since the module is not big I had first tried to manually select items from drop down for all Reps but I realized that it is not the best way. Can anybody please suggest something? Here are my model Normal View and Blueprint view
How I Built It: YTD values using a fake calendar
Author: Jared Dolich is a Certified Master Anaplanner with 8 years architecting Anaplan models. Anaplan Champions! A colleague asked me recently how I might obtain a YTD value using a fake calendar. Yeah, I know — I should have asked why they couldn’t use the normal time hierarchy, but there are occasions where you are…
Many to one text merge
Hi, In my FP&A model end-users can add comments(in text format) to a variance module that is dimensioned by the user list(among other dimensions). How can I consolidate the comments so we can see comments from all users combined? I'm thinking we would have a secondary module not dimensioned by end user. The main challenge…
New UX Idea - Hide empty categories for end users
Currently any user can see empty category either when there are some pages restricted for user's role or no pages at all. This can be irritating and I propose to hide those categories which are empty for users who do not have Page Builder role. In the example below there is a user with Supply Manager role who is not…
Today's Date
Hi, How can i refer Today's Date in a formula so as the values would change every day based on that days date. For e.g. if its 09th june then the formula should give result as 09th june . The next day i.e. 10th june the value should get updated to 10th june. Is there any such functionality or formula available inside…
Import error (parent item has a child item that is in a different list)
Hi all, I'm getting the following error in one of my import: Import into Hub_0_Product_Group Marketing L8 # list failed: Parent item has a child item that is in a different list: You can only add a child to a parent item, if any existing children of that parent item belong to the same list. Do you have any tip/advice to…
Calculate once and reference | Model Optimization Team series
Hey! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
Select Functionality with flat lists?
I have data hub model that is comprised of flat lists and modules that build the hierarchy like in L2MB training. I have Module A dimensioned by 4 flat lists (all with hierarchy module builds) including PR3 Product Name. Previously when I had hierarchal lists, I could have a line item in Module B that references a specific…
Cmd + K/Ctrl + K Hotkey to open model search
Most modern websites use Cmd+K/Ctrl+K to open spotlight with quick actions or search. Anaplan uses Cmd+Shift+F/Ctrl+Shift+F. I believe that in future this window will be more than just a search so it needs to move from "search" hotkey to "spotlight" hotkey. It will greatly improve model building workflow and increase…
Excluding Ticked Booleans
Within a list, is it possible to create a list subset based out of formula to exclude ticked booleans from other list subset of the same list?
How I optimize model calculation with MAPS reporting
Author: Jessie Zhao is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Sr. Data & Insights Architect at Anaplan. Please note: MAPS reports are dependent on a few key qualifications and may not be available to all customers. Please check with your BP if you have questions. As a CoE member, model building — either for new user stories or…
Order list action not working.
For example, Module A has SKU list and line item POS which has certain data in it. Need to reorder the SKU list with respect to POS line item data in descending order (Highest to lowest). Used Order list action to sort the SKU list. The hierarchy of list goes by Organization > Model > SKU. Order list action. Module A…
Is it possible to prevent Copy / Paste into a line item with a dependent dropdown?
Recently during testing, we learned that despite the dependent dropdown setting, users are still able to copy / paste data into the line item as long as it is a member of the list. Is there a way to prevent users from doing this? Risk is that we are using the input as the basis for mapping and we do not want data to be…
September 2022 releases and October sneak peek - View Modules Used In Pages
The release this month is helpful but I think it missed expectations. What would be more helpful is to be able to see what UX pages a module is published on in the exact same way the "Used in Dashboards" column is in the Modules. The update would more or less be "View Pages Used in Modules". I used the column in the…
L3 Model Building Sprint 2 - User Story 3.3
Hi Community, I was able to match my Target with the screenshot provided in the training. But after applying the commission and attainment % to Quarterly Target and then using Quarter Apportionment to divide quater values into monthly interval. My screenshot doesnt match the check your build. Commission% for Janell is 10%…
Testing in Anaplan
Hi Friends, How do we do Unit Testing and System Integration Testing in Anaplan?
Can't apply a filter to time in Worksheet
I am trying to apply a filter on the time dimension in a worksheet, and am unable to do this like I can in classic…either as an end-user or page builder. Is this an issue? On purpose? I'm trying to filter out zero value (across all time) line items: …but when I select the FY24 column and the filter funnel there are no…
Product Demand Allocation on Basis of Rank
Hi All, I've one scenario where volume needs to allocate by Rank. E. g. We have demand at Parent level i.e Product family level. Now in each product family we have different SKU's & demand should be get allocated by using SKU necessity in that product Family. Suppose , Product Family Level Demand = 100 and below is demand…
Model will not populate certain cells
Hi all, Ran into an issue when I opened up a future year in my model. For some reason the the module in the picture below will not populate data for the new year (2025). I've racked my brain quite a bit but can't figure it out, any chance anyone here could help me through this problem? I'm sure it's a silly step I missed…