Bulk Copy Action for Production Lists
This idea relates to the Bulk Copy action enhancement released in a platform update earlier this month (Nov 6 2021 release). (Thank you by the way for that enhancement!) We would like the ability to execute the Bulk Copy action for Production Lists. (Currently, the action is limited to only non-Production Lists.) Bulk Copy…
Add Change in Model Size to Comparison Reports
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Currently, the process for documenting model size must be done manually. While this is a simple enough task, it would be much easier…
Introduction of Dashboard in-cell formula calculations
Could you consider introduction of Front-End Dashboard in-cell formulas for calculations like in excel
Today() Function
I'm wondering why in Anaplan we can only have to input current period in Time. As we're using Anaplan as Supply Chain planification tools and we work really at planning on days level. So it's necessary for us to determine "today"'s date. The solution we use now is to launch an automatic import and update the "Today" item.…
REQUEST: Allow a Line Item to have a new, UX-only, name when using it in a Graph.
It would be lovely to be able to give a Line Item a new, UX-only, name when using it in a Graph. The same way we can rename a Line Item on a Field Card. I could see this rename ability either in the ‘Series’ section where you can recolor the column OR in ‘View Designer’ under ‘Reorder’
Rename Line items - NUX
We need the ability to rename the line items within the New UX pages. At the present time the only way to rename the line items through the source module.
Use Generative AI to summarise commentary from bottom of hierarchy upwards to top of hierarchy
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Different roles enter and consume "contextual" data (commentary) at different levels of a product / customer hierarchy. It is the…
Introduce scrollbar arrows
Can you please introduce scroll Arrows at the ends of the vertical and horizontal scrollbars for easier navigation across the dashboards (in similar to excel style).
Number Formatting Precision / Stop dividing by 1000
I would like to propose a feature to instead of dividing by 1,000 to show items in thousands or 1,000,000 to show numbers in millions, that this is handled by the number formatting. This is a little used feature in excel where you can apply a format to a cell with the value $32,500 to display as $32.5. In this case the…
Customizable Default Time zone
Whenever I create a new user account the Time zone is set to GMT, which is the Default time zone. I'd like to be able to configure the Default time zone for my environment to Mountain Time. This would result in new users being automatically configured to Mountain time.
Analogue of SELECT CASE function
This would allow to exclude nested IF-THEN-ELSE constructions.
Need a way to identify line Items being used as Filters.
There needs to be a way to identify line items that are being used as Filter in same module or any other module, This would be totally helpful while deleting line items that are no longer required.
Sort Module Overview in Settings by Cell Count
I was wondering if it is possible to sort the modules by their cell count in the settings. At the moment there is only the possibility to export the model overview and then sort it in Excel for example. This extra step would be saved by having a built-in sorting function. For me it is important to sort the modules by their…
Enhancement to existing Bulk API for Import Metadata
There is an existing bulk API endpoint that allows workspace admins to retrieve the full list of Import actions from a given model. This endpoint is in the format: https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/models/{{mdlID}}/imports/ where {{mdlID}} is the model GUID. This returns a JSON response, which contains an object called "imports"…
Setup Number summary to none by default
Today, when we create a new line item, the number format is the only to be with summary "Sum" by default. We like to have none by default as for all other formats.
Source Models mapping Vs Import Data Sources/Imports
Hi Team, When we rename the model and remapped to the same model with a new name in Model Settings-->Source Models, it is not reflecting dynamically in Import Data Sources/Imports. To see the new model name, we have to manually re-map the Import actions. It would be great if we have this feature in Anaplan- As soon as the…
Subset Formula in General Lists
Hi Team, Can we have an option to have "Formula" in the General Lists --> 'Subsets' section. It would be easy to control Subsets using formulae. Thanks Sathya
Ability to select multiple models to change the mode
Hi Anaplan, It would be great if we have a feature to select multiple models in the Manage Models page to change the mode at one go. For instance, if I want to archive 20 test models created by my team mates, then it would be easy if I have an option to click a Boolean to select the models and change the mode from Standard…
Quick way to open referenced Line Item or List Property
It would be great to have a quick way to open a referenced Line Item or List Property from an existing formula. It can be very tedious & time consuming to hunt through the modules & lists, then again through the line items & properties to locate the reference, especially when there are multiple levels of references to…
Conditional Formatting for Field Cards in UX
I would like to propose adding the ability to apply conditional formatting to field cards in the UX. Many customers prefer the look of the field cards to a grid, especially for filling out a form, but we often have to use a grid instead to be able to apply CF for invalid entries.
Search bar to look for line items in the filter dialog
Insert a search bar right under “Choose Line item” when adding a new filter rule.
Add a Parent to a Line Item Subset
It would be nice to be able to add a Parent list/hierarchy to a Line Item Subset.
To have search option in the beta version of Module
Hello Everyone, I see that in the beta version of new module inventory, there are two issues: The Search icon is missing, which was there in the earlier version. When we use the find option (Ctrl +F), it only searches the module names present in the current screen and not from the entire list of modules. Attached the pic…
Ability to sort models in model management
A description of the enhancement requested Sort models by size and name in "model management A story for why they want the enhancement (specifically how would it help their business process) To easier sort models
Round Function
It would be great when using the Number of Decimal Places in the Round function if Anaplan rounded to the number of decimal places asked and it stayed rounded when going up the hierarchy. The summary is set to "SUM". For example, I have five children members with a formula ROUND(Value $ * value %, 2) function. Each of the…
Publish AnaplanXL grid to Anaplan UX (with new UX screen type?)
It seems sensible that it should be possible to publish Anaplan(Fluence)XL grids direct to the Anaplan UX. This might best be enabled alongside a new type of UX screen.
Add the Ability to Set Line Item Format Defaults
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Oftentimes my clients or I as a model builder have line item format preferences that are different than the existing default. For…
Description of the page in the main menu
Hello having the possibility to add more info about a page, in addition of its title, would be very useful for the users: they could know rapidly what's behind, or to what the report corresponsds to. thank you
Export data source as a new tab
Unless the model builder names the saved views appropriately, it's often difficult to trace the source object of an export action. It currently indicates only the list name or the module name, but if we can have a tab for 'Exports' similar to 'Imports', to indicate if the source of export action is a module default view or…
ability to add sub categories in apps
Currently the NUX allows to create a category to sort pages It would be helpful to build a tree with categories, sub categories and then pages. Preferably multiple levels of categories (3,4 ,5 , ...) but at least 1 extra would be already be helpful. Thanks,