Excel Add-in: Clone Workbook button
Currently on the Excel Add-in I am able to clone worksheets. I would like to have the ability to clone an entire workbook or multiple copies of a single sheet rather than doing this 1 sheet at a time. Why? * Currently the Excel Add-in does not allow for copied workbooks to be opened simultaneously * This will facilitate…
True ALM for Anaplan Data Orchestrator
Currently ADO only has a single tenant level environment to all store source data, transformations, and links. This can make managing ALM challenging. Being able to have separate (and sync-able) ADO Dev/Test/Prod environment(s) would be more manageable than housing everything in a single tenant wide space. Having true ALM…
Model Migration from Anaplan Cloud workspace to Google Cloud workspace
Hi Anaplan, Does anyone know if it is possible to migrate a model from the Anaplan Cloud to the Google Cloud and vice versa? If a model has been constructed in a customer's Anaplan Cloud workspace can it still be migrated to a different customer's Google Cloud workspace using a Model ID and Workspace ID? Any information…
CloudWorks Integration with BigQuery: Understanding the Error Message Table
Hi Team, In the official documentation under "Google BigQuery Permissions" I found details about creating an optional error message table with the following structure: integration_id run_id run_date error_code error_message failed_row While the documentation outlines the table structure, it lacks details on how records are…
CloudWorks—This is how we use it, Part 3: The CloudWorks API
In Part 3 of our CloudWorks - This is how we use it series, we will introduce you to the CloudWorks API. This is typically for an audience comfortable with REST APIs concepts and programming. If you need a refresher on What CloudWorks is, see Part 1 or, for how to set it up, see Part 2. CloudWorks API will allow you to…
Error in Uploading Screenshot for Anaplan ADO Maps.
Hi All, Facing an issue while uploading the screenshot as it is showing "error while uploading the file". Is it only for me or is anyone else facing the same. Can anyone help in resolving this at earliest? Attaching the screenshot of the error below. Thanks,
Issue: Informatica Cloud Connection to Anaplan Success but 0 rows processed.
Hi Anaplanners, I am trying to use IICS to establish a connection between my oracle db to Anaplan module. But everytime I test my IICS process, it's giving me a success status but showing 0 rows processed, and when I check the module, nothing was imported in. I also tested my action manually and it worked fine. I also…
Make Integration admin role available for visitors & partners
It's currently not possible to assign an integration admin role to visitors and respectively also not to Anaplan Partners. This makes it a challenge when helping customers with Cloudworks or when just setting up a scheduled model-to-model import. It requires always someone at the customer capable to set-up the connections.…
Error : Evaluating the forecast in Hold Periods ~ Statistic forecast
I'm trying to evaluate the statistical forecast by using Apply Hold Periods. But when I set them, the almost of product's best-fit forecast is set to New Item Forecast. How can I correctly evaluate the forecast?
Import 2 number list with identic Parent and Code
Hello, In Model 1: I have 2 Number List: Payer Sold to, with parent Payer Every line in organization, also exist in Sold to list. As example: Name: Parent: Code: Aushan _______ 12 - Payer Aushan Aushan 12 - Sold to Aushan Aushan 15 - Sold to In Model 2: I have 2 Number List, as well: Payer Sold to, with parent Payer I copy…
Can a parent numbered list and child numbered list have the same code?
Hi All, I have a parent hierarchy in numbered list.Both are uniquely identified by code. Parent List : Program Child List : Project So When I am importing into child list(Project), it is ignoring some of the records. After the analysis, I found that the records that are being ignored have their codes already present in…
Stop a process in CloudWorks
I kindly ask to add a "stop" option in CloudWorks Integrations Menu, because I have a process which is stuck and I need to spent a lot of time to delete and re-create it every time a process doesn't work. Thanks in advance!
BULK COPY - How to choose the SOURCE member and the TARGET member from a page in the app?
Hello Anaplan Community! Does anyone know how to choose the SOURCE member and the TARGET member from a page in the app? Thanks in advance. #NewFeature #UX #Dashboards #BulkCopy #Data #AnaplanRelease
Cloudworks Integration Flows in UX
At the moment, we are able to add Cloudworks Processes to the dashboards and the addition is great. Could we do the same with the Integration Flows? I see multiple benefits from this for several customers and I do not think that the implementation would be too different from what is currently in there. Is this currently in…
I used the mapping column 3 family code to P2 product family column headers to parent column 1 product code to code I get the error another row has already been processed with this key and invalid name 53 failed
Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View
In Level 2 Model Building : Conclusion, there's an 'Activity: Prepare Data Exports' that tell us to Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View. I've made the formula and choose the format and summary method but I'm not sure if it was right. Here is the blueprint of my INV05 And here is the screenshot of the…
What is Managed By functionality?
- Import into DEM01 Module
Hello, I'm attempting to import Volume Growth Rates.csv. When mapping the time (column headers) on the file, I select Periods, but there is no Y-M or M-Y option. I assume something is messed up that I'm unaware of. Any feedback would be appreciated. Sean O
Stale Module Data in Power BI
I've successfully built out a Power BI semantic model that appears to connect to Anaplan just fine. When I created the model, I logged into the Anaplan Connector using my company SSO. Once the credentials were validated, I selected the Export Action that I had previously created and loaded the data. Initially, all data…
- Import into P3 SKU list
I am having trouble importing the data from the Build SKU saved view. When selecting my sources for the data, I don't have many options to link the properties to the sources. Is there something I am missing?
Why does ADO Map show undefined under each chart?
Hi All, I am testing ADO functionalities and noticed in my map that it shows undefined for the charts although all my data flow and links are connected and working as expected? Is there anything that needs to be done further to remove this?
Data Export Options in Anaplan Data Orchestrator ?
Hi Anaplan Community, I'm new to Anaplan and exploring integration options for moving data between Anaplan and cloud services. I successfully exported model data to Google Cloud BigQuery using the CloudWorks integration. However, I couldn't find an option within Anaplan Data Orchestrator (ADO) to directly link model data…
Integration via Amazon S3
Hi, I created a connection via Amazon S3 without any problem, the status is "Connected", but I don't manage to select a file when I try to create the integration : Thank you in advance for your help. Best Regards Alex
Which of the conditions require the use of a numbered list
This seems to be a tricked question, I can not figured how this is not correct [Image Removed by Moderator] This is the reference from Planual: [Image removed by Moderator]
Error in key for this row; refers to invalid list item
Hi everyone, " Error in key for this row; refers to invalid list item : Headcount " I get the above error when I tried to import data into Numbered List, which is uniquely identified by combination of properties. Actually, the list item which is formatted by some "xyz" list has list item ' Headcount' Even after that, I am…
JSON as Import File Format
With the JSON format being the pervasive format for API data interchange it would be excellent if Data Import actions could use this format of file as a data source.
Does having multiple models in a single workspace (standard or hypermodel) affects performance?
Hi All, I have a query where currently we have 3 models in 3 different workspaces(standard). In all the 3 models we have intergrations running at different times(5-6 times a day for each model) to update Actuals/Forecast from other sources. We are looking into getting a hypermodel workspace for future enhancements &…
Enhancement to existing Bulk API for Import Metadata
There is an existing bulk API endpoint that allows workspace admins to retrieve the full list of Import actions from a given model. This endpoint is in the format: https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/models/{{mdlID}}/imports/ where {{mdlID}} is the model GUID. This returns a JSON response, which contains an object called "imports"…
Import Shipping Expenses into OTH01 Module
Import Shipping Expenses into OTH01 Module In the Financial Planning & Analysis model: Import the data from the Supply Chain model into the OTH01 Non Employee Expenses module, Shipping Cost line item. * For department, import into the Sales department. * Run the import. * Results should have none ignored and 0 errors .…
Level 3 Sprint 1 Import
Its regarding Level 3: Sprint 1 : User Story says " Import the Financial Forecast data from the Level 1 FP&A model" I have used the "Baseline+Financial+Forecast.csv" file. I am struggling with the import mapping "Time" and "Baseline Financial Forecast" portion. I keep getting failed errors regarding date format…